Part 6

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Three months passed, Tee stunned watching television with the news on, the name and the man on the news is Mika's father. The real father is exist and back to Thailand.

Tee knows if they fight for right to has Mika, he will lose. Tae is an influential man with money, he will never ever win against the powerful man.

"Tee, what happened?" ask Han when his son looks so pale while watching tv.

"Por, this man is Mika's father" mutters Tee and his tears fall.

Sina and Han are surprised too, they keep staring at the man on news before it moves to another news.

"are you sure?" ask Sina.

"I don't know. If Godt know this man, then it's true. Mae, what should I do?" Asks Tee while crying.

"Tee, you need to meet this man and ask him to give Mika to you. I mean, I'm sure he doesn't want Mika, that's why he left his wife alone with his son. Or, maybe it's not even his son. You can make DNA test, if he is not the father, it's better." suggest Sina and Tee can see the hope. Maybe it's true, maybe Tae Kreepolrek is not Mika's father.

Godt said he never knows Tae get married and has a family. Maybe Mika's mother just confused and fake the birth certificate. He doesn't know anymore but he can see hope. Maybe Tae Darvid Kreepolrek is not the father.

Tee calls Godt to make sure it's the same Tae they are talking about and that's true. Tee takes note the address of the office. He will meet the man and make sure he got nothing to do with Mika. Then, Mika will be full his.

Tee go to work but he can't focus, he has a lot in his mind that need to be settled. Star looks at Tee and ask the man.

"Tee, are you okay?" ask Star concerns.

"No. I need to go somewhere, can you take care of class?"

"sure. Peach and I can handle it. Just, be careful" said Star and Tee smiles. He nods his head and take his bag.

He takes buses to go to the big building, he is in awe, the building is really high and big.

Tee wears his white cap and enter the building nervously. He keeps chanting calming word to himself.

"Hi, may I help you sir?" ask the receptionist politely, Tee smiles a bit and take a look around.

"I want to meet Mr. Kreepolrek" answer Tee and the receptionist look at Tee. What Tee is wearing right now shows that Tee was there not for business matter.

"Do you have appointment with him?" ask the receptionist politely.

"No. But I need to see him, it's important" rush Tee.

"I'm sorry sir, you should make..."

"Please, can you at least ask him if he wants to see me? Please" begs Tee pleading. The receptionist can't reject that face, so she makes a call.

"okay, sir, what is that important matter?"

"It's about his son, I have his son" the receptionist frown a bit but answer it to the call.

"please have a sit first" Tee go and sit on the sofa, his feets taps nervously. He keeps glancing to the receptionist until a girl walk to him.

"Please leave sir, don't make trouble here" The girl gives Tee a cheque that cost a lot. Tee frowns and shakes his head, he doesn't need money, he wants to see Tae.

"I need to meet him. Please!" begs Tee and the girl looks at the elevator. She told Tee to wait and left.

Sara walks to Tae's room. She is confused too, she thought it's a girl, like usual. A few girls come and state that Tae make they pregnant but they left after Tae gives them money. Tae knows it not his kid but he hopes the girls will not kill the innocent kid.

"Sir, this guy reject your money and ask to meet you" said Sara.

Earth and San look surprised, same goes to Tae.

"wait, Tae, you sleep with man too? Since when man can get pregnant?" ask Earth and Tae frowns. He never play with man and he knows man can't get pregnant.

"wow, people nowadays is really shameless, throwing themselves like that for money" comments San.

"ask him how much he want?" said Tae but before Sara can go, the door slams open. A man enter the room with red face.

"I don't need your money! I have your son!" yells Tee and everyone is stunned.

"Sara, you can go" said Tae and Tee takes a look at the girl before huffs. He take a look and his eyes focus on Tae. They stare at each other for a few seconds. Tee already hates the man to the bone. How dare he offers him money like a cheap and shameless human being. He is not rich but he doesn't need the money!

"I'm really surprised that I can make a man pregnant" state Tae while smirking evilly. San grins, Tae is not a nice man when he is mad.

Earth pity Tee, but if Tee is here to make trouble then he can't help the man.

"I'm not pregnant with your son, I don't even want a man like you to touch me, not that I'm gay!" retorts Tee back, San can't believe he can see someone brave enough to answer Tae back. Earth already amuse.

"so what are you doing here, mr?" ask Tae gritting his teeth, his ego is hurt.

"I have your son, maybe he is your son but I hope he is not. I'm here to make sure of it, don't worry, even though you don't want Mika, I will take care of him. I just want to make sure that no one can take him from me. I want to have him legally, with right" explains Tee as calm as he can.

Three of them are surprised again. They never thought this brave man is here about that. Tae nods his head and take a sit. He will listens to what he has too.

"this is the birth certificate. Your wife or maybe your ex wife left all of this with Mika. She said that you are the father" Tee gives the documents and Earth take a look at it. Tae looks at Earth, asking for answer.

"Marsha" said Earth and Tae rubs his face. He knows that name, he knows that person.

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