Part 12

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

A week passed, Tae is still busy with his work and doesn't spend much time with Mika. He left Mika to a maid.

Tae was home from work and sit on the sofa, today is hectic, he has meeting from morning to evening.

"Sir, Mika already sleep. I think he is unwell because his body is a bit warm" the maid come to talk to Tae. Tae sighs and just nods his head. He will check on Mika later. He is too tired right now.

"erm sir, Mika always called Papa in his sleep. I think he miss you. He didn't eat much and all he do is sitting in front of tv. He looks sad and lonely"

Tae sighs again and smiles a bit to the maid, he really has nothing to say because he is not home so much.

"I'm going first sir" the maid excuse herself and go home. Tae just nods his head again.

Tae gets up from the sofa and go to Mika's room. At least he can take a look at his son. He kind of forgot that he has Mika at his house sometimes because Mika is a smart boy, never ask anything from Tae, just accept whatever Tae told him to do.

"Papa, Mika wants papa" Mika is crying in his sleep, asking for Tee. Tae comes closer to bed and see his son is crying, tears pouring out from his close eyes.

Tae puts his palm on Mika's forehead, it's hot like the maid said. Tae rubs his face, go to his room to freshen up before he brings Mika to clinic. He is tired but seeing the kid like that, he can't just ignore it.

After Mika got treated, Mika just have a slight fever. The doctor said Mika is stressed, and for a kid to stress is not good for their mental health and development. The doctor advice Tae to do something about it.

Tae calls Earth to get some help, he really don't know what to do with sick person.

"what else Tae? I'm tired too" Earth gets up from his sleep, he is tired too.

"Mika has a fever. Doctor said he is stressed. I don't know even kid can be stressed." said Tae ignoring Earth's whining just now.

Earth is full awake after heard Mika is unwell. He makes San get up too.

"I will be there soon." Earth hung up and told San what happened.

Earth reach Tae's house and running inside to take a look at Mika. Tae is standing at the living room waiting for the couple.

"I've tried to call his papa but I can't reach it. I mean, he said he wants to keep seeing Mika but not once he call. Is he just playing around or what?" ask Tae a bit frustrated, Tee said he loves Mika so much but since the day holidays start, not once Tee calls to make appointment to meet Mika, Mika keep calling Tee in his sleep too.

San sighs and look at Earth, he already told Earth that leaving Mika with Tae alone is wrong. Mika needs Tee.

"erm Tae, actually, I told him to give you and Mika some times alone, to make you guys adapt with each other. I don't know I've made a wrong move" mutters Earth softly, he feels guilty for doing something by his own.

Tae sighs too, no wonder Tee never contact him, not even once.

"I thought he forgot about Mika already. Now what?" ask Tae to both of them.

San looks at Earth that look guilty to even look up, Earth keep staring at the floor. Nothing interesting there.

"How about a surprise visit to Tee's house?" ask San.

"what if he spend the night at his parent?" ask Earth then.

"no one knows. Let's try going there, maybe Mika will feel better" suggest San.

"can't wait tomorrow?" ask Tae, he feels his fatigue is coming back now.

San and Earth shakes their head, Earth picks Mika into his arm and walk out, Tae just sighs and follow the couple. What else he can do?


Tee can't sleep because he is missing Mika, he keeps looking at Mika's photos in his phone. He got no work since holiday and he can't see Mika, his life feels empty.

The knock from the door make him startle. He is scared, who comes to your house late at night? The knocks keep happening.

Tee take a broom and walks to the door carefully, what if a criminal is behind the door.

"Tee, this is Phi Earth na" said the voice and Tee feels calm a bit. He opens the door and surprised looking at the guest.

"Mika" Tee takes Mika from Earth, he almost burst in tears, he missed that boy so much.

Earth feels guilty for suggesting stupid stuff. All of them enter the house after Earth told Tee everything about what had happened. Tee is worried sick, he can't even take off his eyes from Mika.

"I'm sorry Tee" said Earth and Tee smiles. He never feels mad at Earth.

"it's okay phi. So, how about you guys spend the night here? I have a spare room, my parent always use it. Mr. Kreepolrek can share my bed with Mika. I can sleep on the floor, I have extra futon." suggest Tee and moves to prepare the room for his uninvited guest.

Three of them just obey because they are tired and in need of rest. After Earth and San settle in, Tee brings Tae who is picking Mika to Tee's room.

"I can sleep on the floor" said Tae but Tee rejects it. Even though he kind of dislike Tae, he will never treats him badly.

"please use my bed. I'm okay sleeping on the futon" Tee makes Mika's bed and Tae lays at the side of the bed. He bought new bed since he has Mika because single bed can't fit both of them.

Tae takes a look around the room, so many pictures of Mika, some toys too.

"He keeps calling your name in his sleep" mutters Tae after Tee lays on the floor beside him. Tee looks up to see Tae is looking at him.

"I dream about him a lot too" reply Tee back.

"hmm" with that hum, Tae moves to dreamland.

Tee smiles a bit and gets up to take a look at Mika. He is actually waiting for Tae to go to sleep, he wants to stare at Mika's face to redeem his miss. He caress Mika's hair softly and keep kissing Mika's on the forehead.

"Papa" calls Mika softly. Mika's eyes flutters open and Tee smiles softly.

"Papa!" yells Mika happy, Tee covers Mika's mouth and pulls the boy into his hug.

"papa, Mika miss you many many"

"Papa miss you a lot too" Tee keep kissing Mika's head.

"Papa, sleep with Mika. Please" begs Mika. Tee can't take Mika to sleep with him on the floor, so he take a look at Tae, to make sure the man is sleeping.

Tee climbs the bed and sleep beside Mika, he hugs the boy tightly.

"Goodnight baby boy" wish Tee happy.

"Genite too papa" with that wishes, both of them starts to doze off and end up in their happy dreams.

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