Part 15

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tae is waiting for Mika, he will take Mika home after spending days at Tee's house. He also has some plan in his mind to make Tee stay with him at his house.

When he arrived, Mika already crying because he doesn't want to leave Tee's house.

"Earth, take care of Mika for a moment" Tae pulls Tee's hand into a room, they need to talk about this matter, not much like talking more to forcing.

"You love Mika?" ask Tae dead serious. Tee frowns feels weird with the questions. Of course he loves Mika so much.

"Of course!"

"you want him to be happy?" ask Tae again.

"Yes! I want him to be happy, why? You want to let me have Mika?" Tee's face lit up with that new news, he will be forever ready for Mika. He doesn't even care if Tae doesn't want to support Mika financially, he can manage to take care of Mika without money from Tae.

Tae tsk irritated with how happy Tee look right now, seems like Tee really detest him so much.

"No" answer Tae short.

"Why?" whines Tee unhappy with the answer, he thought Tae want to let he and Mika stay together.

"If you want what is the best for Mika, stay with me" said Tae and waiting for Tee's reaction.

"No way! I don't want to live under the same roof with you" Tee rejects it fast, he can't imagine looking at Tae's face everyday. It will be a nightmare for him.

"Listen, if you still want to see Mika and be his papa, listen to me. Stay at my house or else you can forget about Mika forever" Tae threatens Tee seriously. Tee feels his body boil with anger, how could Tae do that?!

"You!" Tee grabs Tae's collar, he even need to tiptoe because of their height difference.

Tae smirk watching the angry kitten, Tee looks cute being shorter and smaller than him.

Tae takes Tee's hand away from his collar and swing Tee's body fast, Tee is holding tight on Tae's hand because he almost fall, Tae is the only thing he can hold.

"Yes or no?" ask Tae again, smirking like he already win this matter. Tee take a glances on the floor, he doesn't want to fall on it, it will hurt his back.

"Sure! Okay! Yes! I will!" yells Tee desperate, Tae is really a devil. Tee mutters hatred words in his mind for Tae.

"Good" Tae raise his brow arrogantly.

Tae pulls Tee back into his feet, Tee breathe heavily, he almost lost his heart just now. Tae is really too much.

"jerk!" mutters Tee angrily but Tae just laugh it off, he is happy able to make the angry kitten obey him.

"You can come together with me" suggest Tae to Tee but Tee is not going to let Tae win anymore so he rejects it hardly.

"No! I have my own ride" respond Tee fast.

"whatever you want" Tae walks away after giving the satisfying smirk to Tee.

"Stupid, idiot, jerk, snobbish ostrich"  grumbles Tee softly but able to catch on Tae's ears.

Tae make a u turn and grabs Tee's hand, unfortunately he lost his balance and both of them fall on the bed, Tae hovering on top of Tee's body. Both of them startled.

"oh, sorry. Please continue your talk?" San grins when they saw both of the men look suspicious lying together on the bed.

Tee push Tae away and walk out from the room, he is really embarrassed that he wants to fly to the universe and being one with atom.

"stupid Tee!" Tee scolds himself and walk to Mika. San and Earth are grinning from ears to ears.

"Nothing happened phi!" scold Tee but the husbands not having it, they keep grinning like an idiot.

"Mika, please go home with daddy first. Papa will stay with you from now on" Tee sits on his knee to talk to Mika.

"really?!" ask Mika excited, he is really happy for the good news.

"Yes baby, really! You go first because papa need to pack some stuff and informs grandpa about this. Okay?"

"Okay papa! Mika will wait" Mika holds Tee's body tightly.

"Just give me a location, I will go there by myself phi" Tee told Earth. Earth nods his head understand.

"So, what happened in the room just now? I don't know you guys are that close already" tease San happily. Tee glares at him with the best glare he has.

"Nothing much. Just a few touching here and there, right Tee? Let's go home" Tae left after leaving with success smirk to Tee. Tee hopes he has gun in his hand right now that he can shoot Tae right into his mouth. Tae is talking nonsense right now!

Tee grumbles and pack his clothes into a bag, he will bring more later on. For today he will just bring a few sets of clothes, he has nothing else to bring too.

"I hate Tae Kreepolrek!" Tee chants when he wants to start his bike angrily. The engine roars loud showing how angry he is with Tae right now.

Tee follows the direction given to him, he is riding his bike while enjoying the scenery at the same time to calm down his boiling heart.

"Mika is an angel, why his daddy is a devil in human disguise?" Tee is still not satisfied that he keep muttering and talking badly about Tae. He will not stop until he is satisfied.

"Is this the house?" Tee stops at a beautiful building, he enters it and push the elevator buttons on the top floor.

He arrived in front of the house, it is really beautiful.

"Can't believe a devil is living in a heaven" mutters Tee before pressing the bell.

He waits for a few seconds before Earth and Mika open the door for him.

"Papa!" yells Mika happily while jumping on Tee.

Tee catch and hold Mika, they enter the house together. It feels like home, the house is really beautiful.

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