Part 17

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

While waiting for bus, a car stop in front of them and Tee knows that car so much. He wants to run away at first but after saw that Sun who is driving he stops.

"Wanna go home?" ask Sun while opening the car's door to Tee and Mika.

"Yes phi, but Mika will riding alone. His car seat still in here right?" ask Tee.

Sun frowns, weird why Tee doesn't want to ride along. Hates Tae that much?

"Just ride along Tee. Don't have to use bus" said Sun but Tee shakes his head smiling.

Sun gets the car seat and put it at the back. Tee slowly put Mika and make sure Mika is safe before get out.

"see you at home phi" said Tee and walk away, the bus is here too.

Sun stands there for two minutes thinking why Tee doesn't want to use the car.

"send Mika first" Sun get into the car, he will think about that later on.

Sun reach home first and he already put Mika in his room, now he is waiting for Tee to be home. It takes a while before he saw Tee waking into the house.

"Tee, may we talk?" ask Sun and Tee can guess about what, about why he avoid riding a car.

Tee sighs and take a seat, he will have to tell them eventually, not today maybe in the future.

"It's about why I use public transport right?" ask Tee directly and Sun nods his head. He needs to know about this because in the future they can avoid any problems that may come from it.

"If you want to, of course. But, it's better for us to know, you understand right?" Sun tries to be considerate.

Tee sighs and nods his head agree. It's not like he can take Mika anywhere using bus and his bike. It can be dangerous too.

"I've had an accident before, car accident. A drunk man hit my car and I hurt badly. It was five years ago but everything is still fresh in my head. I can't use car since then" explains Tee as simple as he can, he doesn't want to remember every second of it, the lights, the turns, the sounds, the smash, the pain and the trauma. It's really difficult for him.

Sun sympathy with Tee but he doesn't show it because he knows Tee don't want to be sympathised.

"I'm glad you are okay now. It's okay, everyone has something that they can't do. For example Tae can't watch horror movie or else he can't sleep at night" Sun laughs a bit to ease the tension and Tee laughs too, can't believe Tae has something he scared too.

"I may look strong and tough but I'm afraid of butterfly, or any insect that fly" admits Sun and Tee laughs louder, it's really funny to imagine it.

"Why?" ask Tee curious.

"Because once, something like that enter my mouth and stuck at my throat." Sun grimaces remembering the bad moment. He really hates bug and flying insect.

"Oh, Earth afraid of horse. He can't even come near it, once, he rode a horse and the horse got startled of snake, it jumped, Earth falls from the horse and almost get paralysed. I'm really glad I was there to bring him to hospital in time" this time Sun looks really sad, Tee understand it so much. He is one of the victims of accident.

"How is he now? No after effects?" ask Tee concerns.

"thank god he is okay. But doctor advice to avoid extreme activities for two years."

"how is he holding up?" ask Tee more. Sun smiles and look at Tee.

"He said, he glad that was him, not me riding the horse. He is okay as long as we are together" Sun answer makes Tee almost burst into tears. They really love each other. Their names are perfect too, The Earth needs The Sun.

"I'm glad both of you are happy now" wishes Tee sincerely.

Sun smiles wide and thanks Tee. He can't believe he can tell the story again without crying. He hopes his story can be the strength for Tee.

"You should find someone too, be with our loved one is a blessing and happiness"

Tee shakes his head, it's not that easy. Life is not easy.

"I don't deserve to have a wife phi" mutters Tee, slow but enough to reach Sun's ears.

"huh?" ask Sun but Tee just laughs and excuse himself to look at Mika. Tee leaves the curious Sun alone. Some things need to be kept for himself.

Sun leaves too, he needs to fetch Tae and Earth. He can't stop thinking about their conversation and if he wants, he can investigate what happened to Tee but he respect Tee. There must be reasons why Tee keep it as secret.

Tae turn off his PC and get ready to go home. He wants to hit a bar today and maybe a few girls too. Tee makes him lose his mind and he needs to fill the needs.

When Tae enter his car, Sun and Earth stop talking suddenly. Tae is curious why they stop talking.

"why stop talking?" ask Tae weird.

"Because we know you don't want to hear it" answer Earth.

"Oh, about what?" ask Tae more curious.

"About our sex life" answer Sun and Tae groans in disgust.

Earth and Sun laugh so hard at the respond. Tae really hate it when they act lovey dovey in front of him.

"wanna hit a bar with me tonight?" invites Tae.

"Nope, today is our movie night. Just bring your single bone alone" mocks Sun and Tae smacks Sun's head.

They bicker for a few minutes before the car start moving. They may look like a normal adult but when they fight, it worse than kids.

Tae hopes when he is home Tee is nowhere on his sight, he still feels irritated with how Tee think of him, but not everything he wants he will get.

Tee is laying on the sofa with Mika in his arms, sleeping. Tae just wants to walk away without greeting Tee but Tee said something to him.

"I'm sorry about this morning. I use the card, thank you" that's what Tee said, short and simple.

Tae smirks, not facing Tee at all. He starts to walk to his room back, kind of ignoring Tee.

"How dare that old man ignore me?!" hiss Tee when Tae just left like that.

"I will never ever apologise to him anymore. Ungrateful old man!" hiss Tee some more before turning off the tv.

He takes Mika into his arms and walks to switch off the lamp. He enters their room and put Mika slowly on the bed.

"You are so cute and nice, are you sure he is your daddy?" ask Tee to no one. Tee sighs heavily and close his eyes. He needs the sleep.

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