Part 11

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tee stares at the table blankly, he knows why Tae wants to see him. Tae wants to take Mika away from him

"Sir, I hope you will accept a few conditions from my side" Tee tries to negotiate.

Tae looks at Tee and asked what the conditions are.

"first, I want Mika still study at the same kindergarten and I hope you don't stop me seeing him. Please" begs Tee and Tae nods his head.

"Fine. I'm okay with that, I just want Mika to stay at my house. I will fetch him today at your house." with that Tae pays for their drinks and left.

Tee keep staring at the table, the moment he afraid the most is happening, Mika will leave him. At this moment he wants to fight for Mika's guardianship, maybe he can win if he hire the best lawyer in Thailand.

Tae gets in his car and told San to drive away, Earth looks at Tae, he thinks everything is okay. Both of the couple don't know what side to take because they know how much Tee loves Mika and at the same time they know how Tae needs a heir.

"so, do you talk nicely with him?" ask Earth, he is worried about Tee, Tae sometimes do whatever he wants without thinking about others.

"yes. We agree with a few conditions."

"when Mika will come and live with you?"

"today" answer Tae firmly.

San takes Earth's hand in his, he knows Earth feels pity to Tee and he also feels the same.

Evening come early than Tee wants, Tae is here to take Mika away. Mika already crying and doesn't want to let go of Tee's side, Tee is holding inside his tears. He can't cry now right?

"Baby Mika, I will see you tomorrow in the kindergarten, okay?"

"Papa come with Mika. Daddy, let papa come! Papa!" whines Mika loudly. Tee sighs and hugs the boy tightly, he hopes he can do that but he can't.

"Mika, be a good boy for papa okay? Don't trouble daddy so much. I love you baby" Tee drops a kiss on Mika's head and gives Mika to Tae.

Tae takes the boy and enter his car fast, Mika is wailing for Tee. Tee wipes his tears and look away, when the car is moving, Tee runs barefoot following the car before he stops. He fells on his knee and crying hard.

Tae can see everything from the side mirror, he pulls Mika tightly into his arms. Mika keep calling for Tee.

"Stop it boy, you can see him tomorrow if you behave" states Tee and Mika tries to stop his tears, he is scared if he can't see Tee anymore.

Earth shakes his head, Tae is really bad as a parent. Tae never likes kids before but now he has one as his own, it will take a long time to teach Tae how to be a good father.

When they reach Tae's house, Tae put Mika in his own room, Mika is not staying with him. Earth protest about it but Tae said Mika is big enough to sleep alone. San just keep quiet.

The night come, Tae makes Mika eat his dinner and Mika eat it without complaint , Mika is keeping Tee's advice in his heart to be a good boy. Mika's eyes are still red from crying.

Tae ignores Mika and eat his food, for him Mika need to be tough because he is a man, just like him. His father taught him that way, that what build him now.

"after dinner, brush your teeth and go to sleep" said Tae and Mika nods his head with glassy eyes, almost in tears. Tae ignore the boy and clean their table.

Mika never do anything alone, Tee always guide him how to do stuff. Mika is lost but he is scared of Tae that he decides to do everything alone.

Tae comes and put Mika in his bed.

"sleep" orders Tae and Mika close his eyes tight.

Mika already likes Tae, Earth and Sun before but after watching how serious
Tae is he feels scared. Its like Tae is a different person now and his child heart dislike Tae. Tae separates him with his papa after all.

Tae left the room with a dimmer light in the room, he stands at the door watching silently. Mika is calling for Tee while crying. Then he hums himself to sleep.

Morning come, Tae take a look at Mika who is already awake, he makes sure Mika is ready to go to kindergarten before they left. No breakfast as usual, Tae always eat at his office. He had no maid to prepare anything.

When the car arrives at the kindergarten, Tee already standing and waiting at the gate for Mika. Mika looks excited and smile wide when he see Tee. That's the first smile Tae see from Mika since yesterday.

"Papa!" yells Mika and come running to Tee, ignoring Tae at all cost.

Tee smiles and catch Mika into his arms. He kissed Mika and almost cry seeing his son.

"Papa, Mika wants to stay with papa" mutters Mika sadly, Tee's heart tighten at that but he just rubs Mika's back softly. He carries the boy inside. Even he doesn't care about Tae, for him, how dare Tae take his son away from him!

Mika is the happiest at the school, he plays with his friends, eat a lot, being on Tee's side most of time. Tee just happy and hope the day never end because at six, Mika will be separated from him.

"Tee, is that true Mika found his real father?" ask Peach.

"Yeah. Now, he is staying there" answer Tee sadly.

"can Mika get used to it? End year break will start tomorrow. Is it okay for him not seeing you?" ask Star and Tee looks terrified, he forgot about that.

"oh my, I forgot about that." Tee looks at Mika who is playing with other kids.

"maybe you can arrange other meetings. Maybe he can sleepover sometime" Star try to make Tee calmer but she fails. Tee can't focus anymore, his mind is occupied with Mika. He needs to do something.

The time Mika to go home, Earth come to fetch Mika. Tee is disappointed because he thought he can talk with Tae about letting Mika stay with him during his breaks.

"Phi Earth, Mika starts his holiday tomorrow till next year. How he will stay at house, is there a maid or something?" ask Tee worry.

"I'm not sure Tee. I will tell Tae to do something about it, maybe I will stay there a few days too. Tee, I know how much you love Mika but I think you should give some times to Tae and Mika. Maybe a week, for them to know each other. Can you do that?" ask Earth, Tee wants to protest but he knows he can't do that so he just nod his head.

"Phi, this is my number. No matter what happened, please call me." begs Tee and Earth take the contact card.

Mika is crying again when he needs to leave, that make Tee cry too. Can Tee wait a week to see Mika? Will Mika be fine alone together with Tae for a week?

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