Part 22

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tae, Tee and Mika are spending their time together with Tee's family. Tee feels a bit weird and uncomfortable but watching his parent look so happy having another son makes him push away an unnecessary thought.

"I hope you can come here more often" said Sina seriously hoping Tae should come to their house regularly.

"Yes, mae is right. Spend the night too" agree Han while patting Tae's back.

"Mae, por, you know Phi Tae is a busy man, don't make him feels uncomfortable" Tee stops his parent, he can't imagine seeing Tae act like casual in his parent's house too. So much Tae is not good for him.

Tae smirks evilly when he heard Tee said that, he knows Tee doesn't like him much.

"I want to spend time here more but if  I cause any discomfort I don't want it" Tae act like he is reasonable and responsible human being. Tee grits his teeth angrily, Tae sure knows how to be an actor.

"Oh, we are happy you are here. Ignore Tee, he is always like that" Tee can't believe what he heard, his mother is on Tae's side, not his.

Tae smiles triumphantly at that comment, he just want to mess with Tee. He watch how Tee grips his own hand tight.

"Ouch!" hiss Tae suddenly, Tee gives him a super kick under the table for being smug.

Han laughs knowing what actually happened, he is happy to see Tae and Tee react to each other.

"Daddy ouchie ouchie?" ask Mika worried, Mika looks at Tee hoping Tee to help his daddy.

"Daddy is okay Mika. Daddy just being spoilt" Tee smiles sweetly to Mika, he is satisfied that he able to kick Tae.he really wants to teach that old man for so long already.

They enjoy their dinner together and chatting happily about their life. Han has a lot to talk to Tae because both of them enjoy doing business. Han is not able to build his own business but he is happy to talk about  that matter.

Sina, Tee and Mika are baking cookies and cake at the kitchen. No one wants to let their ears heard something about business. They don't like it.

"grandma, can Mika bring home?" Mika ask Sina if he can bring back the cookies that he is putting into the beaker.

"Of course baby, grandma bake this for you"

"Yay! Mika like cookies. Grandma cookies is super good" Mika cheers happily at that making Sina and Tee smile watching how happy Mika is.

"Tee, how is your relationship with Tae?" Tee frowns at the question. They have no relationship whatsoever.

They know each other because of Mika and they stay together because of Mika, nothing more nothing less.

"nothing. We are basically a stranger that share a son together" answer Tee after thinking hard how to answer it.

Sina smiles knowingly, she doesn't trust her son at all. Tee try to answer again to make his mae stop thinking something unreal and ridiculous but Sina already out to living room with Mika.

"What is wrong with mae?" Tee asks himself, he really never thought to have any relationship with Tae.

"I want coffee" Tae walks inside the kitchen and sit beside Tee while demanding a cup of coffee.

Tee glances to Tae that orders him like he is a maid to be ordered around. He huffs and decides to leave the older man alone, he has no time to spend for Tae.

Tae grabs Tee's wrist and pull Tee closer to him, Tee squirms to let himself out. It will be dangerous if anyone saw them like that. It can cause misunderstanding.

"Coffee" demands Tae while looking at Tee like how a boss look at his employee.

"Make it yourself" answer Tee back and still trying to let himself out of Tae's grasp.

'why this man is so strong?!' Tee feels angry inside, he can't shake off Tae's hand on his.

"coffee" orders Tae again, Tee wants to reject it again but after he heard steps toward the kitchen he nods his head fast, the fastest nod that he ever done.

"Less sugar" Tae add while smiling smugly, Tee really want to smack that face.

Tee takes his hand away and move to take a set of cup. He can make it for his parent too, maybe two glass of warm milk for him and Mika.

"making coffee son?" ask Han when he enters the kitchen, he feels thirsty too.

"Yeah. I will serve it at living room together with the cookies" answer Tee smiling to his father.

Han nods his head and left after having a glass of water. Han smiles to Tae before he go out.

"go with por" orders Tee but Tae ignore it and stay on his chair. Tee just huff and continue making the coffee.

"the smell is different" Tae comes closer behind Tee after he smell the nice smell. The smell of coffee that he never smell it before.

"Of course. This is the coffee that planted by my por's friend. They really know how to prepare it. It is delicious too" answer Tee, he still remember the day he and his parent went there. He enjoyed watching the process of making coffee beans.

"can't wait to taste it. Can we bring back home some?"

"ask por."

"here, bring it to living room" Tee gives the tray to Tae and he makes two glasses of milk for him and Mika.

Tee take a seat beside Tae, Mika runs to him and climbs on his lap. They both enjoy eating cookies dipped in the milk.

"we have two kids today" tease Tae with his famous monotone voice, Sina and Han laugh but Tee just ignore it. So difficult to react on something that lame.

"daddy, eat" Mika offers his cookies to Tae, Tae opens his mouth and let his son to feed him.

He munch slowly, it taste delicious but too sweet for him.

"so delicious!" praise Tae, Mika seems excited with the praise.

"Mika try daddy too?" now Mika ask to eat the cookies dip into the coffee. It will taste bitter, Tee wants to stop them but Tae is faster to feed Mika.

He laughs when his son frown so hard because of the bitterness. Really? Who is the kid here?

"bitter papa" whines Mika with tears in his eyes. Han and Sina just laugh at them.

"So childish Phi" Tee scolds Tae and hit Tae's arm for bullying their son.

"drink this" Tee gives the milk to Mika, after Mika drink it he feels better but he seems to be sad with the teasing.

Mika hugs Tee close and keep quiet, he is sad and right now he is sulking.

Tee pats Mika's back softly, his son has soft heart after all. Tae look at both of them, he feels guilty for doing that to his son.

Tae gets up and take Mika from Tee's hold. He brings Mika outside to console the sulking kid. Tee just let Tae and Mika.

"it's okay if you don't want to have a wife, you can be one" tease Sina laughing happily. Tee wants to retort back but he can't when Han also agree with Sina. His parent really love to tease him so much.

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