Part 13

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tee opens his eyes feeling warm, he has a good sleep after a while, his son is home after all. He tries to stretch but can't, his body is being hug by something, like a polar bear. He blinks fast when he remember who else is sleeping on the same bed. Tae!

Mika is sleeping beside him, how come he is at the center, he thought Mika is the one who is sleeping at the center. He rush to get out from bed and go to the bathroom.

"Mr Kreepolerk and I? We hugged each other last night?! What?!" Tee face turn super red, almost explode.

He calms himself and take a fast shower, he should prepare breakfast for his guest and forget about just now event.

When he go out from his room, he is surprised to see his parent are here, in his house.

"Mae, por" calls Tee and sit in front of both of them.

"Tee, is that the reason you don't want to marry any girls?" ask his father, Tee seems confuse at first but when he thought the possibility his parent saw what happened in his room just now, he can relate.

"No por. Nothing like that. He is Mika's father" explains Tee, he hopes his parent trust him.

"why he needs to use the same room as you, why he didn't use extra room?" ask his mother back.

Tee opens his mouth to answer it when the door of the room opens, Earth and San get out from the room, San is shirtless, Earth his hugging San, still in daze, not fully awake yet.

Tee's parent jaw drops, Tee wants to hit his own forehead. Do they need to be lovey dovey so early in the morning? At someone else house too.

"Mae, por, they are married and Mr. Kreepolrek's friends. They stay over the night" Tee doesn't know how to cover it so he just tell the truth.

He thinks his parent don't discriminate or hate people like them, or maybe they never show it before, Tee can't tell.

"oh, uncle, aunty. Sawatdee" both San and Earth wai at the couple after they are fully awake.

Sina and Han wai back, they ask for their name and talk a bit, even though it's awkward but they manage to get to know each other.

Tee go to the kitchen, he will prepare breakfast first before Mika is awake.

Sina left his husband at the living room and enter the kitchen to help Tee. They will need to cook a lot for seven of them

"Tee, if you find a man as your lover, we don't mind. We are happy as long as you are happy" said Sina and Tee just sighs. He has no intention to get married or find a partner. He is content with what he has.

"Nothing like that mae. I'm happy now" reply Tee back, Sina sighs. She really can't say anything to change his son's heart.

Tae and Mika awake at the same time. Mika comes running to his grandparent happily, he miss them so much. Tae get out after washing his face, he wants to take a bath but he has nothing to wear after that.

"morning, my name is Tae. I'm Mika's father" Tae politely introduce himself.

"I'm Sina, this is Han. We are Tee's parent" Sina greets the man back. They enjoy the breakfast in silence, only Mika keep asking questions. Tae can see how much Mika miss his family here.

"We need to go now" said Tae after he realise they have over stayed their stay at the house.

Mika's face change to sad, Tee hugs his son and say something to make Mika feels better, but Mika is already on tears.

"I need you to help me take care of him for a few days if you don't mind. I need to be oversea for a few days." Tae looks at Tee, Tee's eyes sparkles with the news, Tae can't help be offended at that, it's like Tee is happy he needs to be away.

"really? I can stay with papa?" ask Mika excited too.

"Yes" answer Tae short.

"yay!!!" yells Mika happily and hugs Tae.

Tae just smiles and nod his head.

They excused themselves and left. Mika is waving excitedly to them.

When three of them move from the house, Earth looks at Tae.

"I don't know you have an outstation" said Earth with a smirk. He knows Tae doing all of that because he care about Mika. He wants his son to be happy too.

"well, Mika is waving as chasing us away" Tae chuckles remembering how happy Mika looked like just now.

Earth and San laugh too, they can't retort that.

"Tae, if Mika needs Tee in his life, then you need Tee too" said Earth.

"what do you mean?" ask Tae can't understand, he doesn't need Tee.

"I mean, Mika needs Tee, you need Mika. Ask Tee to live with both of you." suggest San and Tae look at both of them.

Tae gives a thought about that, it's true, if he needs to make Mika stay at his house happy and healthy, then he needs Tee too.

"I will think about it" answer Tae back.

"Oh, you ask me to investigate your wife's whereabouts right?" ask San to Tae.

"ex wife" state Tae firmly and San grins. He just want to tease Tae.

"Yeah, I forgot. She is in Paris. She married a rich man there, seems happy and content. Maybe her husband can provide a lot of money for her" San gives the report he got. He never thought Tae is interested to know about his ex wife anymore because Tae never care.

"how could she leaves Mika just like that" Tae grits his teeth. Marsha hide she is pregnant with his son, because she doesn't want to give a heir to Tae. She hates Tae. Marsha is a difficult woman, at first she wants to has kid so that she can get the wealth but after that she hide about it, so confusing.

"You want me to bring her to your feet?" ask San, he can know Tae is angry right now.

"No. Never bring her near me, Mika and Tee. Make sure she is at least 10 km away from us" orders Tae serious. He really doesn't want to have anything with his ex wife anymore.

"oh, why Tee is included?" tease Earth lightly.

"Because, if Mika affected by it, it's bad. It's better if she doesn't know I found Mika already. She is crazy"

San and Earth agree at that, Marsha  is not a normal girl, she has a problem but she never admit it.

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