Part 3

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tee got a call from his mother when he still not coming for dinner like usual. Tee still waiting for someone to take Mika home, he called every numbers but none of it connected.

"I don't know mae, my student is still here. What should I do? Tomorrow is weekend?" Tee is confused, he doesn't know what to do right now.

"Tee, it's late already. Bring him home first. We will do something later"

"Okay mae. Mae, can you ask Por come take him? He is sleeping, I can't bring him with my bike"

"sure. Wait there"

Tee waits for 10 minutes until his father's car reach there. Tee parent come out and look at sleeping Mika, their heart melt with the little angle.

"He is so cute, why his parent left him here?" ask Sina and takes Mika into her embrace. Tee just shrugs his shoulder.

Tee follows his parent with his bike, when they reach home, Tee takes Mika to his room at that house. He changes Mika's clothes and wipes Mika's body clean before wearing him a pajama to sleep. The kids always bring their clothes extra.

Tee went to living room, he needs to talk to his parent about Mika.

"what happened Tee?" ask Sina

"I don't know mae, this never happened before. I can't contact his maid and his mother. I will try again tomorrow. For today, let him sleep here. I will spend the night too" said Tee and they just agree. It's late to discuss about the matter right now.

Tee sleeps beside Mika, he pats Mika's body softly, how much he hopes he can has a son of his own. He smiles when Mika pulls his finger and put it in his small mouth. Mika sucks his finger.

Tee chuckles and take his finger back. He kiss Mika's cheek and cover both of them with thick blanket before going to sleep. He will think about Mika tomorrow. Maybe he will get a call from his mother.

Morning comes, Mika is already awake and crying because he is at the place that he doesn't know. Tee hugs the boy and tell him the truth. Mika calms down after a while, after eating breakfast together.

"Mika, this is granny and grandpa" Tee introduced his parent and Mika claps his hand happily. He never has grandparents before.


"grandma!" yells Mika happily. Tee laughs together with Mika.

"have his mother call yet?" ask Han and Tee shakes his head, he is ready with his phone all the time.

"ajarn, bag?" Mika asks for his bag and Tee gives it to the boy. Tee watches Mika take out something from the bag and give it to Tee.

Tee frowns and looks at his parent, they told him to open the envelope. It seems like a letter.

Tee opens the letter and he is really surprised, the content of the letter is shocking.

- Hi, whoever read this letter must have the kid, I don't care anymore about him because he is not my child alone. If you are wondering where am I right now, don't bother because I'm far far away from here. You will never found me again.

This kid has a father, his name is Tae Kreepolrek. Go and give the kid to this man or whoever you want. I don't care anymore. It's not my responsibility to raise a boy that I don't even want to begin with. I thought he can bring me happiness but all I got is bad luck. He is a bad luck!

All of the documents already prepared, I'm not his mom anymore.


Tee's hand shakes after he read the letter, he looks at Mika, poor boy he was left alone. Tee takes Mika in his embrace and hug the boy. He is willing to make Mika as his son, Mika will be his son.

Han and Sina read the letter and they are surprised too, they can't believe there are parent who doesn't love their kid.

"Tee, what should we do?" ask Sina.

"I will find his dad mae, if his dad doesn't want him then I will adopt him. I love him already mae" Tee kisses Mika's cheek.

Han agrees with Tee because they also want a grandchildren and Mika already close to them.

"Mika, do you want me to be your papa?" ask Tee softly.

Even though Mika is a child but he seems understand the question because he got teary eyes.

"really? Ajarn want to be Mika's papa? " ask Mika softly, like he is scared that was just a dream.

" If Mika want me too" answer Tee back.

Mika blinks his tears and become silent a few minutes before jumps into Tee and crying so hard, his small lips keep calling papa. It's really heartbreaking.

Sina wipes her tears and come to hugs  Tee and Mika. Han joins them later on. Four of them are hugging tightly, they are the new family.

Mika fall asleep after crying so much, Tee can't take off his eyes from the kid. He is in love with Mika, since day one he saw Mika. Tee loves all the kids in his Kindergarten but Mika always has a special place in Tee's heart and he never understand why.

Maybe it's their fate together, maybe God is giving him a chance to be a father once.

"Tee, it's funny" said Sina while looking at photo album.

"why?" ask Tee curious.

"he looks like you, he resembles you a bit when you are small. It's like he is your son" Sina shows Tee's photos and he can't argue, they kind of looks alike  except a few features, Mika is a bit thinner and taller than him.

"maybe he is your son in previous life" said Han. Tee smiles widely, maybe that's true.

"but Tee, you still need to find his real father too, if he doesn't want Mika, then you can adopt him properly, legally"

"okay por. I will try, but for now let he comfortable with us first. I'm afraid he will feel the lost of his mother. We need to plan properly" said Tee more.

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