Part 44

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tee stops at the side of the road, he can't do it anymore, he is hurting everywhere. He stops, get off from the bike and go to the near bench. He is crying loudly, releasing what he has in his heart.

"How could you phi!"

Tee continue crying, his brain starts showing his past with Tae, every moment of it that makes him sadder as the time past.

'She drugged me'

'she drugged me'

'she drugged me'

Tee stops crying when the sentence keep repeating in his mind, Tae once told him about Marsha drugged him in order to make her pregnant with Tae's kid.

"really? She drugged you this time too phi?" Tee ask himself, he wants to believe it because he can't accept that Tae cheats on him.

"You love me right?"

Tee wipes his tears and get on his bike back, he will demands answer from Tae, no matter what the answer is Tee will take it. If that's true Tae cheats on him, he will punch Tae and leaves Tae forever. He will bring Mika with him too.

Tee starts going back to the house, once again driving like a mad man. Fate is not on his side when at the half of the road his bike do not have enough gas to keep going.

Tee is not really far from the house so he decides to run there, he starts running, after a few minutes running rain start to pour from the cloud, what a cliché sad story his moment is.

He keeps running ignoring the bad weather, it takes almost 30 minutes to reach the house. He can't feel his legs, he is cold but never once he regrets his action when he is already in front of the door.

"I'm scared phi" Tee wipes his face and open the door. He will accept whatever happened today, in the house.

"Tee!" Earth runs to get Tee who is wet all over, Tee's eyes wandering around to look for Tae and Marsha but both of them are not in the living room.

"Sun, towel" orders Earth and Sun obeys.

"Phi, Phi Tae and Marsha. Is it real?"

Sun returns and wrap Tee with two towels. The question left unanswered. Earth brings Tee to the bathroom to take a warm bath and change into dry clothes.

"take a bath, get some food in your tummy and I will tell you what happened. Okay?" Earth rubs Tee's head softly, Tee nods his head and do what Earth told him to do.

He can take the time for himself to think and be calm, he will open his heart and mind with what Earth gonna told him.

After 20 minutes, Tee is done. His eyes were red because of crying. Sun and Earth pity Tee for what happened. Before any of them can talk, the door opened, Godt and Kim enter the house.

Godt go to Tee and hug Tee close to him, he heard everything from Sun when he is on the way here.

"Everything is okay Tee, trust me"


Five of them enter the room, Godt brings his doctor's equipment. Tae is sleeping on the bed, this time wearing clothes.

Tee turns to look at Earth, what happened? He is really confused at the moment.

"Let Godt do his job"

Godt go on Tae's side, checking the pulse and everything else. After that, Godt gives Tae an IV drips before all of them leave the room.

Tee doesn't want to leave when he is not clear what is happening right now but Earth pulls him outside to the living room.

"Tae is clearly overdose, not really dangerous but he is drugged. I can't confirm what type of drug because I need his urine to make a test. For now, he will just sleep till the drug wear off. " explains Godt, everyone is not happy but glads, Tae is on the right side. Marsha is being on the wrong side.

" tomorrow, early in the morning bring Tae to the hospital to do the test, we need it if we want to take a legal action." advices Godt.

Four of them keep talking when Tee excuses himself to be on Tae's side. He lays beside Tae and look at unconscious Tae.

"Phi, I'm sorry for doubting you, I'm sorry" Tee hugs Tae tight.

"I can't live if you leave me phi, makes me realise how much I love you. It's hurt so much phi, I love you" Tee wipes his tears.

Tee finally fall asleep while hugging Tae. Earth, Sun and Kim keep discussing about this matter after Godt leaves the house.

"We need to keep Marsha for a few days, I don't know what Tae will do this time." said Kim.

"Yeah, she is a witch, she recorded what happened in the room. Thankfully we are faster than her" Sun is really angry with Marsha's doing.

"Did you watch the video?" ask Kim curious, Sun and Earth shakes their head. Of course no! They will let Tae watch it alone, none of them want to see what's going on in there.

"I don't know how far Marsha's move, but I think we stop her before something big happened. She is crazy" said Sun and Earth nods his head agree.

"I pity both of them, why it's so hard for them to be happy together, especially Tee. Tee is the kindest human I know in this world" Earth can't relate why all bad things happened to Tee when Tee is always kind to others.

"You know, the god will test his people because he loves them, the end of the hardship will be the best present. I'm sure, Tee will receives lot of happiness in the future" said Kim calmly.

They look at the clock, it's almost morning and they decided to hit the sack.

"Mika is with Copt right?" ask Earth when they walk Kim to the door.

"Yeah. I think we will adopt a son too" Kim chuckles at that, Copt really loves kid and they are ready to be parent.

"That's good. Copt loves kid"

"That's right. I'm going first" Kim leaves the house, Earth and Sun close the door and lock it.

"Baby, you want a kid too?" ask Earth to Sun, Sun loves kids too.

"If you want one, I don't mind" answer Sun back, he never thinks about it before because he is happy enough with what he has now.

"Not soon but maybe one day?" ask Earth back, it's not the right time for him too.

"Sure, whenever you are ready"

"Maybe, when Tae and Tee decide to has another kid?" suggest Earth and Sun nods his head.

Mika keeps asking for a brother from Tae and Tee and the couple is considering it, maybe their family will increase soon.

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