Part 42

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tee is anxious because of the bruise, he afraid Tae will make a fuss about it. He wants to keep it hidden but he can't cover his bruise with anything, his side of lips is bleeding because of the nail scratch it.

"Am I look okay?" ask Tee to his coworkers, he doesn't want to Tae and Mika see it.

"Of course not! Just tell Mr Tae everything, he will make that woman know her place" Peach still angry with what happened.

Tee sighs, having two women fuming with anger will not settle his problem.

"Daddy!!!" that voice clearly announced that Tae is here to fetch both of them to go home.

Peach and Star want to leave the office and tell Tae everything but Tee stop them. Tee wear a mask, it was the best option he has now.

"Don't say a word" warns Tee and be the one to leave the room first.

Tae smiles when he see Tee's figure, he walks to Tee with Mika in his arms and drop a kiss on top of Tee's head.

"what's with the mask? Unwell?" ask Tae concerns, Tee is fine this morning.

"a bit" answer Tee short, Tee glances at his friends and warns them to stay quiet.

"should we stop at clinic?" ask Tae more, he touch Tee's forehead and it's normal.

"No. I'm fine, want to sleep and rest" Tee leans on Tae's body, he wants Tae to stop asking and they go home.

"okay, let's go home" Tae takes Tee's hand and three of them go to the car.

Earth and Sun just follow three of them to the car. Peach told something to Earth because Earth ask them. Tee just hopes Earth will keep quiet about it.

At home Tee take shower alone unlike his usual days, he take one with Mika. Tee don't even bother to have dinner because he wants to keep the bruise hidden.

"Tee, you need to eat" Tae enters the room with a tray of foods. porridge, water and med.

Tee has to fake a cough as a cover that he is wearing a mask, he glances at Tae who is worried about him. He feels guilty for lying to his fiancé.

"Phi, I think I need to sleep at different bed for tonight. I don't want any of you catch my cold"

"okay. Use the bed, Mika will use his and I will sleep on the sofa" answer Tae.

"I can sleep on the sofa, you can use the bed"

"It's okay Tee, you are unwell. Eat and then you can rest" Tee nods his head and carefully uncover his mask so that Tae can't see his left side of his cheek.

Tae wants to touch Tee but Tee avoid it.

"No phi, one meter away. I don't want you to catch it" said Tee. Tae sighs, he will obey Tee's orders today.

Tae leaves to the bathroom to brush his teeth. When Tae left, Tee eat the porridge as fast as he can, he is not unwell and he is hungry, he finished a bowl of porridge and a glass of water. He take the pill and throw it in the dustbin.

When Tae returns, Tee already done. Tae blinks when he see Tee finished everything on the tray, for a sick person Tee sure can eat.

"You finished it?"

"it's delicious. Thank you phi"

"okay, Copt make it for you. Go to sleep now" Tae takes the tray to the kitchen.

He is still amazes with Tee's appetite aside being sick. Is it that delicious?

"wow, Tee finished it?" ask Copt curious, he cooks the porridge for the first time, it is not that good but it's not bad either.

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