Part 7

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tae looks at the birth certificate intensely, he can't believe his eyes because as he remember Marsha said she doesn't want to try to get pregnant anymore and decides to ask for divorce.

They were married because of their parents, arranged marriage, just like a cliché drama. They were married but they had their own lives, they hate each other, sleeps with others, Tae can't even remember properly when he slept with his ex wife. He always unconscious but Marsha claimed they had sex.

Mika can be his son and maybe not too, because Marsha slept with tons men beside him.

"I don't care if you don't want him as your son, I want him. If he is legally yours, I want you to give the right to me. I'm willing to be his father. I just hope you can give fully right to me so that, there will be no problem in the future" explain Tee more.

Earth looks at Tae, he knows his friend so much. Right now, Tae is glad that someone is looking after his kid but he is not happy how Tee treat him.

"We can make DNA test and after the result come out, we can discuss some more" said Tae as calm as he can.

"Look Mr. Kreepolrek, I really appreciate if you let me take care of Mika. You still can visit him and act as his other father. I just want to make sure he is mine legally, I don't want to lose him" states Tee pleading.

"Earth, give him my contact number. I hope both of you are free tomorrow, we will take test" Tae decides without giving the second thought.

"Just give me the address and I will meet you there. I'm going first" Tee takes his stuff and left.

His heart feels heavy and he can't help but think Mika has his father. They kinda look alike, Mika's brown eyes are same with Tae, Tee can see their resemblance.

"Mika, papa loves you" mutters Tee and walk away sadly.

San, Earth and Tae sit quietly in the room, no one mutters a word. Everything still in daze.

"what if Mika is really your son?" ask Earth, he really wants to know what Tae will do.

"I don't know. You know how much she slept around. That boy might just has my name in his certificate because we were married." said Tae.

"That boy just now, he loves Mika so much, he hopes Mika is not your son" said San and Tae sighs.

"but he is too arrogant, how dare he talks like that when he is the one who wants something from me." Tae face change to anger, he really dislike Tee's attitude just now. It's like Tee hates his gut too.

Earth and San laugh a bit, Tae has his ego as high as his building.

The day to take the test come, Tee prepares Mika. Mika asked where they will be going because Tee said they are not going to kindergarten today.

"Papa, no school today? No Danny?" ask Mika when Tee combing his hair.

Tee smiles and kiss Mika's forehead. He doesn't know how to tell Mika about Tae. He can't say that Tae is the father because they didn't have the test yet.

"we need to go somewhere today. Then we will go and eat ice cream"

"really?" ask Mika excited.

"Yes" Tee chuckles when Mika dance a silly dance he learn from Danny.

They get ready and take a bus to go to the lab. He take Mika into his arm and they walk together into the building. He waits a few minutes before Tae, Earth and San arrives.

"Hi, good morning" greets Earth. Tee smiles thinly as a greeting. Mika turns his head and smiles broadly to the men.

"papa, your friends?" ask Mika excited, Tee just nods his head lazily.

Tae eyes follows Mika's figure, he can't take off his eyes from the kid. Deep inside something tick in him, telling that kid share the same blood with him.

Tee pulls Mika closer to him, he knows that face, it's already clear without the test. What should he do?

"sorry sir, we can't introduced ourselves yesterday, I still don't know your name. This is Tae, San and me is Earth" Tee just stares at the hand held out to him. He didn't shake it and keep staring at Tae. Tae is still watching Mika.

"sir" calls San and Tee turns to San.

"I'm Tee, and this is Mika, my son" Tee press the word my son.

Tae smirks and take a seat. Both of them already has the hunch whose son Mika is but Tae lets Tee keep the dream for a while.

"Who are going to do the test?" ask an assistant.

"Me and that kid" Tae shows Mika.

"Please follow me" Tee, Tae and Mika walk to the test room.

Earth and San look at three of them with confused stare.

"babe, don't you think three of them look alike? I mean, Mika kind of looks like Tae and Tee at the same time. Besides, what is the almost same name?" ask Earth to San.

"yes,three of them look like a family. Tae as father, Tee as mother. Three of them look alike" agrees San. Both of them laugh a bit.

"This is weird but epic. Tae is straight as ruler. What if they are fated to be together. Who knows right?" ask Earth excited, he really loves to match people.

San just shakes his head with his husband fantasy. He can't say Tae will be bend or something, he knows how much Tae loves having girls as his company. But who knows? Heart wants what it want.

Tee hugs the crying Mika tight, the little guy cry so much after he see a needle. Tee consoles the crying Mika but Mika still cry like the needle already pierce into him. They change to hair sample after Mika cried, not blood.

"Come here" Tae takes Mika into his arms, Tee wants to protest but when he see Mika hugs Tae's neck tightly he stops himself. Half of him feels like he will lose Mika.

"if you stop crying, I will treat you ice cream" offers Tae and Mika sniffs softly.

"many many?" ask Mika sad, Tae smiles a bit and say yes.

"Mika, we need to go home now. Grandma and grandpa will be worried" Tee takes Mika from Tae and leaves fast. He will never give the chance easily to Tae. Tae decided to left Mika few years ago, he doesn't deserve to has Mika now. No!

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