Part 36

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tee is thinking about what Tae told him, he can be Mika's real papa and legal guardian. He can has Mika in his life.

Tee is confuse with his heart too, he doesn't like Tae because of lots of things that happened, not like he hate Tae but his heart still not sure what he feels to Tae.

"Thinking of me?" Tae whispers to Tee ears making Tee flinch. Tee wants to get away but Tae traps him with both hands on the veranda.

Smirking, Tae leans closer to Tee, Tee always smell nice, he likes Tee's smell since day one they saw each other.

"I'm curious about your smell" Tae leaves Tee's neck and move to see Tee's eyes.

Tee brows frown so hard, Tae is always ridiculous for him.

"I smell bad?" ask Tee while trying to run away, but fail.

"No. It's special and I like it"

Tee ignores the comment because he never think like that. He smell like how normal human are.

"Why are you trapping me here?" ask Tee to Tae directly, what this old man want with him now?

"So that you can't get away from me. Forever" Tae smirks.

"How sure are you about this?"

"about what?" ask Tae back, can't understand what Tee meant.

"About me, about your feelings for me" explains Tee seriously.

"1000% sure Tee. I've never want someone in my life before but now I can't live without you" Tae holds Tee's face in his hands. He wants Tee to see how sincere and serious he is.

"Huh, you throw me away before..." Tae kissed Tee on the lips, stopping Tee from mentioning what Tae had done. Tae hates himself for hurting Tee that day, he always regret what he said.

Tee wants to push Tae away but Tae keep pushing him into a kiss. It's been so long he kissed someone after his last girlfriend a few years ago.

Tee sways with the mood and enjoy the moment without anything in his mind. He likes it and he still don't know why.

Tae pulls away first, Tee's closed eyes fluttering open.

"I love you Tee" mutters Tae and go to another kiss which Tee accept it openly.

They keep kissing for a few more minutes before Mika stops their moment. Mika runs to his father's legs and hug it tightly.

"Daddy and papa marry?" ask Mika innocently.

Tee of course embarrassed with what he had done, how can he kiss someone when he is still not clear about his feelings.

"If papa want it. Daddy will marry papa whenever papa is ready" Tae lift Mika into his arms.

"Really daddy?! Yay?!" yells Mika excitedly, his dreams will come true if Tae and Tee getting married.

Tee looks at happy's Mika, staring at how happy Mika is just now. Tee turns to look at Tae, Tae looks happy too.

'is this the best for all of us?' Tee ask his heart, he wants all the best for them.

Almost all the times, Tae stay with Mika as a parent and that coincidently make him and Tee always together as a couple too. Some people are curious about their relationship because Tae is not just a normal man, he is a capable businessman.

"Tee, can I talk to you for a while?" ask Tae whispering to Tee. Tee looks at Tae and nods his head.

"tomorrow is Mika's birthday right?"

"Yes! You remember?!" ask Tee excited, he thought Tae doesn't even know Mika's birthday.

Tae chuckles watching how excited Tee is to know about this.

"So, I prepare a small party tonight, for him. Please invite others too"

"Sure phi, where?"

"At the main hall" answer Tae, Tee feels giddy and excited about the party, he can't wait to see how happy Mika will be.

"thanks phi" Tee hugs Tae for a moment before rush out to tell everyone about the party. He is too happy for his son.


Mika knows nothing about the party, he even forgot his own birthday because he never celebrate it before. He never knows what it means.

Tee brings Mika in his arms,excitedly walking into the dark hall. Mika looks scared because it is really dark and he never likes dark area before.

"Papa, Mika scared" the boy hugs Tee tightly, he is really scared because in the past, his mother always leave him alone in a dark room, forcing him to sleep.

"Don't worry baby, papa is here" Tee consoles his son by patting Mika's back softly.

They keep walking until the lights turn on one by one following their steps. Mika is confuses and curious at the same time.

The light change to colourful colours before a man sing a birthday song.

Tae stands at the end of the carpet, singing the song for his son. For the first time in his life.

"happy birthday baby" Tee kiss Mika's cheek and put Mika on the floor.

Mika seems confused but he has tears in his eyes, he looks at Tae's opens arms. Mika runs as fast as he can to Tae and hugs Tae tightly.

Mika cries, wails loudly. He is so happy, he always being in other people's birthday parties before, never once he celebrate his own.

Mika cries heard loudly making people sad, Tee even sheds his tears for Mika.

"Thank you daddy. Mika no know Mika has birthday like friends" Mika talks badly because he is crying.

Tae gulps the lumps in his heart, he feels terrible as a father because he never knows his son existence before.

Tae hugs Mika tightly, feeling guilty and sinful for letting his son face hardship alone before.

Tee wipes his tears and go to them, he hugs both of them together, he thought Mika will be really happy and laugh merrily like other kids, Mika's reaction make him sad.

"Thank you papa" Said Mika.

Tee nods his head, he wipes both of theirs tears. Some people sheds their tears too. This is really sad.

"Okay, no crying anymore baby. Let's sing and cut cake together"

"Okay!" Mika wipes his own tears and become cheerful again.

Mika asks Tae to put him down and go to the largest cake he ever seen. The cake is the shape of his favourite Teddy bear.

Tae wants to go to Mika's side but Tee stops him by holding Tae's arms.

"Thank you phi" said Tee sincere. Tae smiles and nods his head.

Tae takes Tee's hand in his and both of them walk together to Mika.

Mika is waiting excitedly to cut his cake, he even brags about the size to Danny. Kids are always be kids.

"Here I have another announcement to make. Before that, thank you so much for being here and celebrating my son's birthday with us" Tae looks at everyone before his eyes drops on Tee at the last.

Tee can feel something will happen from this, and he is nervous.

Tae stands on one knees in front of him, everyone.

"marry me" a box of ring presented to Tee.

People gasps, some even excited about it.

Mika, without understand much about it stands on his knees too. Holding the ring in Tae's hands.

"Please papa" pleads Mika hopeful.

Tee looks at both of them, everyone. His mind is blank and he doesn't know what to do.

He needs to say yes?

He wants to say yes?

Even he doesn't has the answer.

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