Part 5

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

A man walking confidently into his new place, this is his new house in Bangkok, he doesn't care much about his new house as long as he is comfortable and everything he needs already prepared.

"Earth, I need my schedule for tomorrow" ask the man after he sits on the sofa.

"You are free tomorrow" answer Earth makes the boss looks up. He never know what is free means.

"nonsense. Time is ticking and my company not gonna work alone" answer the man strictly.

"Tae, you just return from America, take a rest for two days. I handled everything already. Just try to adjust with the surrounding first" advice his PA. Tae turns his head and frown, he needs to work because every second is money.

"I'm fine. I need to know what happened before I introduce myself to the staff. I'm not gonna rest till I die" Tae is always strict and workaholic. Earth sighs and leaves, he will make Tae take a rest, at least today.

"Earth!" calls Tae stern but Earth keep walking, Tae gets up and follow Earth but he stops when he saw Earth is hugging a man, San, his husband.

"babe, he doesn't want to take a rest" whines Earth and San chuckles. He is a good friend of Tae and he understands why his husband is stress.

"I will talk to him, wait here. We are going home after this" San kissed Earth's temple and walk to Tae. He knows Tae is here.

"let my husband rest for two days. Explore Thailand for a while. Everything change after 10 years." San pats Tae's shoulder and left.

Tae sighs and give up, maybe he will sleep for two days and skip sleep to work for two or days. He is okay a day or two without sleep.

Tae enters his room, close all the curtains, take off his clothes and jumps into the bed. He lower the room temperature, cover himself with the thick blanket and go to sleep.

He sleep for a few hours and lost, he really don't know what to do that he decided to take a tour around Bangkok, maybe he can get a girl or two. It's not like he craves for something, he just think sex is a stress reliever.

He hits the bar around and he can't deny that the bar in Bangkok is amazing, a bit different from his place before. It's calmer and fresher.

Tae sits on the booth and orders a glass of beer, he is not a heavy drinker because he can get drunk easily, he prefer beer or maybe just coke. Wine? When the special occasions.

"Hi sexy, never see you here before" a girl rubs his body on Tae's. Tae smirks and take a look, the girl can pass as his accompany tonight.

"Hi" greets Tae back, his hand moves to the girl's waist.

"what's your name sexy?" the girl plays with Tae's button, she is seducing Tae to the fullest. Tae appreciates what present for him, he likes it.

"Just call me sexy. I like it" Tae whispers and bites her ears make her squirms and moans a bit.

"Let's go" whisper Tae and pulls the girl after leaving a money on the table.

After three hours, the girl surrender and lays tiredly on the bed. Tae smirks satisfied, Thailand's girls are awesome too. Tae left a few notes and left.

Once he arrived at his house, he takes a shower, a really long and hot shower. He knows a random sex is not good but he is content with that, he doesn't need a partner in his life. He can find anyone to fill his need when he has too and continue his life like usual after that.

He shut off the shower and dry himself. He feels better now, maybe after some food in his stomach he can go back to sleep. When he wakes up, he is ready to work.

Two days passed really fast, now Tae is sitting on his chair as the CEO of Darvid Holding. He introduced himself to the workers and get inside his office to start working.

Earth just can shake his head when Tae is so eager to start his work. No one loves working as much as Tae.

"what you do for two days?" ask Earth. Tae smirks and shows two fingers.

"two girls?" ask Earth surprised.


"mai god! Don't ruin girls here" warns Earth and Tae chuckles.

"They throw themselves on me. Now, go and call San, I need to be somewhere today" said Tae, San is Tae's bodyguard and driver. San and Earth know each other through Tae.

Earth leaves to make a call to San.

Tae checks a few documents he needs to, he just change his main company to Thailand, a lot of things need to be settled and he also still needs to observe and supervise his company at America.

After he signs a few documents, he calls his secretary, not Earth but a beautiful girl name Sara. He can say Sara is beautiful and smart, just like his type but his policy is, no sleeping around his worker. It will be nasty later on.

"Sara, I need you to check these documents. After you done, give back to me, today" Tae gives two documents, Sara nods her head and take it.

Tae smiles when he can clearly see how sexy his secretary is, the tight blazers show all shapes. But Tae is strict to his principle,but nothing is wrong to watch.

"That's all sir?" ask Sara and Tae nods.

Sara is beautiful, sexy and most importantly, qualified. That's why he chose Sara among thousands of applicants.

"ready to go?" Earth enter and ask Tae. Tae nods and both of them leaves the office.

San opens the door to Tae and kiss Earth's cheek for a moment. Tae sighs and rolls his eyes, these two flirt whenever they can.

"Please be professional at work" mutters Tae but Earth completely ignores Tae and kiss San on the lips.

Tae grunts disgusting but the husbands just laugh at Tae. They love to tease the single man.

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