Part 25

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tee is finishing his paper work to ask for some sponsor for their trip at Chiang Mai, 3 days 2 night trip. This trip will involve parent so he will need to have some fund to support their stay, food and transport.

"Papa" Mika calls sadly, he has been waiting for Tee to finish his work for a few hours. He is getting hungry.

"Yes baby? Hungry?" ask Tee feeling guilty for making his son wait for him to finish his job. He promised Tae to try avoid working so late and make Mika wait.

"Yup. Tummy growl" Mika pouts cutely makes Tee chuckles at that.

Tee takes Mika into his laps and listen to Mika's tummy making Mika laugh happily, he has his papa attention after all.

"Okay. Let's go home" Tee decides to let his work incomplete for now. He can continue it tomorrow, he just needs to bring home his laptop to work.

"Yay! Can we order pizza?" Tee looks at his son disagree with that suggestions, they can't eat fast food all the time.

When they are ready to go home, while putting Mika's helmet a car stop at the Kindergarten. Tee sighs because he knows that car very much.

"Daddy!" Mika runs to Tae while Tee take his bike out and lock the gate.

"we will stay at your house tonight" state Tae and without further words he put Mika in his car and enter the car.

Tee sighs, he can't reject that anymore because he has nothing to do with it when Tae already make the decision.

Tee starts his bike and move to his house, Tae follows from behind. After a few minutes both of them arrived there. They Park their rides and enter the house.

"You are serious when you said about bringing your stuff here?" ask Tee to Tae because he can see a luggage together with Tae.

"Yeah. I'm serious. I will put it in other room" said Tae but Tee stops him.

"Just put it in my room. That was a guest room" said Tee.

Tae smirks widely while walking to Tee to enter the room together, he is not a guest? He can use the same room with Tee? What is this?

"I'm not your guest anymore?" ask Tae with teasing tone.

Tee glances to Tae while taking Mika's clothes off, he and Mika will take bath together like usual.

"Never once" answer Tee to Tae when Tae keep waiting for his response.

"Never once? Wow, I don't know that I'm more than a guest. I feel honoured"

Tee shakes his head, Tae can be so full of himself in time like this.

"You never a guest, you are just a nuisance" with that Tee and Mika left to the bathroom.

Tae tsk loudly, Tee really give an answer that will spoil his mood, never once two of them can be normal like other human being.

Tae takes his clothes and arrange it in Tee's wardrobe, he wants to take shower and change into more comfortable clothes, he left to take one in the guest room.

Tee and Mika finished first, Tee bring Mika to the kitchen so that he can cook for three of them, he bought some groceries a few days ago for him to use during times like this.

Tae come out later and sit beside Mika to wait for Tee. Both of them are hungry.

"What papa will cook?" ask Tae to Mika, the boy put his toys down on the table to look at Tae.

"fried noodles"

"pasta?" ask Tae more.

"no. Noodles." Mika still insist his answer even though Tae clearly can see what Tee is making.

"Papa told you that?" ask Tae.

"No. Papa use long thing like noodle" answer Mika back, still with his answer. Tae chuckles and ruffles Mika's hair softly.

Tee serves three of them the spaghetti, he can hear their talk and can't believe Tae trying to argue with a kid, his own son tho.

"Papa, this is fried noodles right?" ask Mika wanting answer because he realise Tae is not trusting his answer. Tae focus on his food and start to stuff his mouth.

"Daddy say pasta" Mika shows his smug face, so sure that Tae is wrong.

"It's spaghetti baby, but fried noodles is close to it. Pasta too" Tee doesn't know how to answer it so that Mika will not get hurt, seems like Mika can accept it because Tae is wrong too from his view.

"Daddy, this is spaghetti, not pasta" Mika looks smug that make Tee laugh with his son's antic.

Tae laughs too and he just admit defeat, Mika will not let it pass if he keep insisting his answer.

Tae take care of dirty dishes while Tee put Mika to sleep.

Tee leaves the room when Mika is sleeping, he needs to finish his paper work because he needs to submit it tomorrow.

"What are you doing?" ask Tee when he saw Tae is looking at his documents on the working table.

Tae looks at Tee and put his coffee in his hand on the table.

"Are you making a paper work for some fund?" ask Tae looking serious like he is in his office.

"Yeah, for the trip for students and parents" answer Tee and Tae nods his head.

"sorry for looking at it without permission" Tee can't tell wether Tae is sincere or not but he just let it slide, not like it is a secret or privacy.

"Send it to me and I will help if I can. When is the trip?"

"next month. 3 days and 2 nights trip" answer Tee, if Tae want to help he is glad because he can use it for the trip. Not like Tae will follow him to the trip. Right?

"Where to?" ask Tae while reading what on the laptop's screen.

"Chiang Mai" answer Tee short, he feels a bit uncomfortable with Tae standing behind him so close like that, Tae don't have to lean that much but Tae is near sighted and he didn't wear his glasses.

"give me one of this, I can read it and I will help if I can" said Tae, he walks to the sofa and sit there, playing with his phone.

Tee follows Tae's steps with a wide smile, Tee knows he will get the help from Tae, he will has one more sponsor and he is glad to has it.

"want coffee?" offers Tee politely, never once he is polite except tonight.

Tae smirks and shakes his head, Tee is too easy to read.

"No. I just want to rest a bit before go to bed"

"Okay. You can use anything you want in the guest room. Good night" Tee cleans up his work and get ready to go when Tae stop him.

"wait, I'm not sleeping with you?" Tee shocks, that question sounds so wrong!

"No way and Never! Go to sleep in that room alone!" Tee points to the guest room, he rushes to his room. Tae is super weird for him.

"I thought I'm not a guest?" Tae ask himself before change his focus to his phone back.

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