Part 14

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tee can't remove Tae's image in his mind, he doesn't know why, it's not like he likes Tae or something. He sighs and continue watching Mika who is playing with Danny. Godt and Bbas leave their son here today.

"Papa, can we go eat ice cream?" ask Mika and Tee nods his head, he needs to buy a few things too, at the same time he can spend time together with the kids.

Three of them get ready to go out, they need to take a bus to go to the mall. Danny is excited because it was the first time for him riding a bus.

Mika and Danny enjoy their ride together, Tee just smiles and answers their questions from time to times. They talk about passing trees and car along the way, kids are really energetic.

"Your sons?" ask one of the older woman on the bus. Tee smiles politely to her before answering the question.

"Yes. Wai at grandma" Tee told the boys to greet the grandma and both of them obey.

"I'm Mika, this Danny!" Mika introduces themselves.

"This is papa. Papa is beautiful!" Tee blush a bit at the praise, Mika really knows how to make people shy. The grandma laugh a bit and pats their head.

"Your son is smart" praise her and Tee can't help but feels proud. Mika is really smart and independent, Tee glads he has Mika as son.

They get down at their station after saying goodbye to the grandma. Mika and Danny's mood are tip top, both of them are happy. They walk inside the mall and find a place they can eat and has ice cream as dessert.

They found a perfect shop and sit there. Tee orders lunch for three of them, while waiting they watch cartoon in Tee's phone.

Tee looks around to let the time pass and his eyes focus on a couple. He frowns and take a better look. That's Tae and with a girl.

"isn't he oversea?" ask Tee to himself. He still remember Tae told him he needs to be oversea for work, why he is still in Thailand then?

"papa?" ask Mika when he heard Tee said something. Tee just smiles and shakes his head.

"Is he lying to me? Wow, leaving his son so he can go out with a girl? Don't have to lie, just tell me the truth because I'm fine with taking care of Mika" Tee mutters while gritting his teeth tight. For him Tae just being a irresponsible father right now.

Their orders come at the right time, Tee needs to distract himself with other things. He makes plates for Mika and Danny before enjoying his lunch.

"Papa, eat chicken" Mika feeds Tee with fried chicken and Tee enjoys it. Then he feeds both of the kids.

"Ajarn, can I call you Papa too?" ask Danny softly, Tee nods his head, of course he can call him that.

"You better call me papa Tee, or else your papa might be jealous" tease Tee and Danny claps his hand happily.

"Ok. Papa Tee" Beams Danny happily. Tee kiss both of the kids head and continue to eat, already forgot about Tae and his girl

After having ice cream they go to the playground in the mall, plays for two hours and get ready to go home. Both are tired already.

Mika and Danny doze off while waiting for their bus, and at the same time Tae's car reach the gate, Tae gets out to pay for parking ticket. When Tae turns around he freeze, Tee is there watching him intensely.

"God!" Tae is surprised, he can't believe he can meet Tee and his son here.

Tae starts to walk to them but the bus reach them. Tee lift both the boys in his arm and enter the bus. He gives last disappointed look to Tae before looking for seats. Tae wants to punch himself right now.


Weekend end, Tae still let Mika stay with Tee because he is afraid to go there and fetch Mika when he was clearly lying to the man about going oversea.

Tae try to do his work but his mind is not on the right track. He sighs and throws his glasses to the table. Earth raise his brows and look at Tae.

"what's wrong?" ask Earth, Tae being sighing all day long today, something must mess his head for him to be this distracted.

"I'm busted" answer Tae with a groans. He leans on his chair hard, he is stress.

"Huh? You got a girl pregnant?" ask Earth, if it's true he will punch Tae this time. Even a son he can't take care of, how dare he makes another girl pregnant again.

"No! Tee" answer Tae fast, without thinking his answer can cause misunderstanding to Earth.

"what?! You make Tee pregnant?!" ask Earth already on his feet, hands on his waist.

"are you crazy?! I mean, Tee saw me at mall yesterday" explain Tae angry with his friend stupidity. No matter how great he is on bed, he can't make a man pregnant, he is not God.

"so what? Just greet him like normal person should" retort Earth back nothing to be so complicated. If you bump into acquaintances you should greet them.

"the problem is, I should be oversea" Tae try again to make his friend understand.

Earth just shrugs, he can't see that was the problem.

"you can say, you just want to let Mika stay with him, without breaking your ego" comments Earth and Tae sighs.

"He saw me with a girl. The way he looked at me like saying, 'You are an irresponsible father'" said Tae, raising his voice a bit.

Earth laughs when he heard that, serve Tae' s right. That's what a playboy like him get.

"That's why you shouldn't lie. So, who is the girl? You never ever date any of them, you just sleep with them. What are you doing with that girl at day, you like her?" ask Earth, Tae commonly find girls when he needs someone to fill his needs. He never date.

"oh, she is the minister's daughter"

"what?! Tae, are you serious with her? Don't play with politician's family!" Earth is scolding his stupid friend.

"I should meet with his father but his father had other thought, he wants me to get to know his daughter. But don't worry, I already reject her gently " Tae smirks knowing he already win this time.

Earth can sit calmly then, he really hopes Tae did not get involve in the politicians matter. It might be bad for their business.

"Don't worry Earth. I'm smarter than you" Tae laughs and take his stuff to leave. He needs to make something clear to someone. He can't live when he thinks Tee is thinking badly about him.

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