Part 28

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

"Let me go!"  Yells Tee to his kidnapper, he is missing for three days now. He contact his parent that he will have a short vacation without telling them the real reason and location. He thought he is alone but he is not.

His kidnapper put him in a suite, force feed him and make him sleep at 10 p.m every night. He doesn't want to admit it but he is better than before, physically not mentally.

"stupid fat bear! Let me go!!!" yells Tee more. His kidnapper is a big and a buff man. Even his flick can make Tee fly to the roof. He is that strong.

"I want to go home!!!!" yells Tee again, he throws pillows to the door, the room has nothing in it, just his clothes, tv and bed. He can't run away and do anything else except screaming like a mad man.

"my throat hurt" complaints Tee

Tee opens a water bottle and gulp it down fast. He turn on tv and watch whatever is playing. He needs some noise to make him sane.

"why kidnap me? I have nothing!" Tee kicks the blankets off the bed again and again. He throws pillows, he takes it back. His actions are like boomerang.

He glances to the clock, at 1 the kidnapper will open the door and force him to eat, at least half of the portion of the meals.

Today, his lunch is late, it's already 1.20 p.m. but he still can't get his lunch. He is waiting to yell at the kidnapper. Maybe the kidnapper will let him go because he can't stand the yelling anymore.

Tee is dozing off to sleep when the door opens.

"You can go. Lock the door until I call you"

"Yes sir!" the kidnapper left and the real kidnapper appears?.

"Phi Tae?!" ask Tee surprised. What is Tae doing here? Both of them get kidnapped? But the kidnapper call Tae sir.

"You look like someone I hate but you look uglier than him" comments Tee already forgotten how scared and irritated he is before.

The person in front of him right now is not the proud Tae he knows but a haggard man that is homeless and jobless.

"May I know the name that you hate?" ask the man, he sounds unhappy too for being called ugly in front of his face

"Tae Kreepolrek" answer Tee without batting an eye. The man chuckles coldly.

"I'm a Kreepolrek too" Tee stunned. Really?!

"and I hate Tae Kreepolrek too because he hurts someone he loves. He said something hurtful that make the important person in his life run away from him"

Tee looks at the man, super confused right now. The man might be the twin of Tae but he can't say that.

Tee thinks hard, who Tae hurts so much that making this man hate Tae too. Then Tee realise something. He sprint to the door rushing to get out.

"Let me go now! He might hurt Mika. Let me go!!! Open the door!!!" screams Tee so hard, he keep slamming the door till his hand is red.

"open this door! My baby needs me, please" begs Tee already crying when he imagine something bad happened to his son.

The man hugs him from behind to make Tee calm and Tee let it because he has no strength anymore. He lose it for millionth times now.

"I'm sorry Tee" Tee stops sobbing once he heard that tender voice that he had heard it before. He knows that voice and realities hit him hard.

This is Tae, the real Tae. What makes him so slow to recognise this? He is so stupid.

Tee grabs Tae's collar tight, he can forgive anyone who hurt him but if anyone hurt his son, he will make that person pay!

"what have you done to Mika?!" Tee demands an answer, his eyes are bloodshot with anger and hatred. Tae flinch a bit, he can't lie he feels scared a bit. Tee never look this furious before.

"No. I've done nothing to Mika, but I've done a bad thing to you" Tae takes Tee's hand from his collar and looks at Tee direct into the angry eyes.

"Mika is okay?" ask Tee, his eyes softer when he said that name.

Tae feels guilty and stupid again for saying bad things to Tee. Tee loves Mika so much, maybe much more than he loves Mika now.

"I'm not sure. He needs you" said Tae, he can't say Mika is okay if Mika is warded in hospital right this moment.

Tee stands up and get away from Tae, he really can't stand to be in the same room with Tae, breath the same air with Tae. He feels suffocated.

"You insult me, throw me away and now you kidnap me. Why?!" ask Tee still angry.

"I insult you, yes. I kidnapped you, yes. I never throw you away..." Tee scoffs loudly, making Tae stop talking a moment before he continue.

"The day I told you to leave, I make my man follow you, make sure you stay home and safe" said Tae and he shows his man outside the room.

Tee frowns hard. He is angry again because he's been stalked for a long time.

"I make him follow you here, when he informed me that you are not eating well, I've to kidnap you, to make you eat and get proper sleep and rest"

"You think I can rest?! You think I'm okay?!" yells Tee irritated, Tae just do whatever he wants.

"I know I'm wrong and I'm sorry! I'm really sorry for saying stuff like that to you, for insulting your job"

Tee rolls his eyes, like he can believe Tae's words right now. Everything Tae said might be a lie.

"You think you can make it right just like that? You think everything will be just like before after this? You are totally wrong!" Tee push Tae's chest hard.

"If you think you can change everything that happened you are wrong!"

"You are a snobbish jerk! You think with money you can do everything!" yells Tee while pushing Tae every times. Tae just accept it and stay still, he is wrong and he admits it all his heart.

"I know I can't do everything with money, I can't make you forgive me." said Tae desperate for forgiveness. Tee stops at that, Tae seems sincere.

"I will forgive you if you make an agreement that will allow Mika to see me unless I'm a criminal. Can you do that?" demands Tee, he needs to make sure he can see Mika. He will forgive Tae but he will hate Tae for another level now.

Tae smiles a bit at that, Tee loves Mika and he is willing to do anything to make Tee stay.

"Okay. I can give you more than that"

"huh?" ask Tee confused.

"Oh! You will give Mika to me?!" ask Tee excited making Tae sighs. All Tee is thinking is about Mika now.

Tae calls his man to open the door and leave. He still need to lock Tee in there for one more day.

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