Part 10

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Today is the day the test will be out, Tee is nervous, really nervous that he can't even put anything in his mouth, he feels like throwing up every time he try to eat.

He left Mika with his parent because he is afraid, once the result is out, if Mika clearly Tae's son, Tae will take Mika away from him. He can't accept that.

Tee arrives first at the lab, Tae and Earth arrive after 10 minutes. Earth can see how pale Tee is right now.

"let's go" said Tae and Tee follow both of them to the counter.

They wait for a while when a worker get out with a document with him. Tee heart is pounding so hard that he thinks he can't breath anymore. This is the most scaring moment in his life.

"The result is out. It's positive, the DNA match. Michael Kreepolrek is the son of Darvid Kreepolrek. This is the document"
Tae smirks and turn to look at pale Tee. Tee feels like his ears is ringing loudly that he can't hear anything else. His life seems so dark, it's pitch black.

"Tee!" Earth catch Tee's body before he fells to the ground. Both Tae and the worker help Tee.

"we have a rest room, please bring him there to get some rest" the worker shows them to a room. Earth picks up Tee's body and put it on the bed.

"I don't know he can faint easily" mutters Tae.

"He is too surprised. I'm sure he can't sleep at all last night, he don't even eat."


"so, the result is out. Mika is your son. What will you do?" ask Earth to Tae. He really doesn't know whether to be happy or not. Tee will lose Mika if Tae decides to take Mika.

"He is my son, he belongs to me" after saying that Tae left the room.

Earth glance to Tee, he is not surprised that will be Tae's answer because he expect it. Tae doesn't want to get married again, but at the same time he wants a heir. Earth left too after giving a pitiful stare at Tee.

Tee opens his eyes when he heard the door closed. He holds his heart, it's really hurt. He will lose Mika and he can't do anything about it. He is crying silently. Life is never fair to him.

Tee left after he is calm enough to think rationally, he decides to negotiate with Tae. If he can't be Mika's father on the paper, just let him be Mika's another father in that kid life is enough. It's okay even they can't stay together under the same roof as long as they can meet each other times to times.

Tee reached home after a long journey, his parent is waiting for him at the house. When they didn't receive any call from Tee they can guess what happened.

Tee go straight to his parent's arm when he reach the door. Sina already crying her eyes out and Han need to console both of his loved one.

"It's okay. You are always his papa no matter what. Don't be so sad son"

Mika is crying when he saw his family are hugging and crying together, of course he doesn't understand but he also feels sad. Four of them hug each other and become calmer. They enter the house after so much crying.

"Go" orders Tae. He is just outside the gate of the house, he watched everything just now.

"So, Tae. You will take Mika?" ask San carefully, he doesn't want to make Tae angry.

"he is my son" answer Tae, San doesn't ask further because the answer is clear. Tae needs a heir and now he has it, he is not gonna lose it easily.

"Earth, prepare everything. The documents and so on, ask a lawyer too, in case they decide to take this to court" orders Tae some more before leans on his seat and close his eyes.

Earth wants to protest and make Tae discuss about this matter with Tee first. Discuss it properly, it can avoid misunderstanding too but Tae always has his own way in doing something.

Tee take a day leave, he and Mika spends time together doing anything they can as much as they can before their days together end. He still didn't tell Mika anything yet.

"Mika, what if you still has a father?" ask Tee softly. Mika's answer is really important for him

"Mika has papa" answer Mika and Tee smiles widely. Mika is really the best at making him feels better.

"Yes, I'm your papa. If your real father is here, do you want to see him?" ask Tee more.

Mika looks on the ground, thinking.

"But Mom said daddy don't like Mika. Mom hates daddy. But, Mika wants to see daddy too" Tee sighs. He can't separate Mika with his blood, he has no right.

"Mika, Uncle Tae. He is your real father" Tee decides to be honest. Mika's reaction is like a cartoon because he jaws wide open like a fish.

"really? Uncle Tae is my daddy?!" ask Mika excited, Tee's heart hurt seeing that reaction but he can't help be happy too, Mika is happy.

"Yes Mika. He is your daddy" explains Tee short.

"so, Mika will have two daddies like Danny?" ask Mika more excited then before. Having Tae and Tee as his father make his heart blooms.

"eh, uhm, yeah, you can say that."

"Mika can call Uncle Tae, daddy?" ask Mika and Tee nods his head.

"Yay! Mika has two fathers!" yells Mika excitedly. Tee just chuckles and hugs the happy kid. Now Tee needs to think how he can explain to Mika about he living with Tae. Even thinking about Mika going away bring tears to his eyes.

"so, daddy will stay with us papa?" ask Mika more, Tee's smile drop, he doesn't know what to say to the kid to make him understand. They can't be together again.

"Mika, you will stay with your daddy" tells Tee softly.


"I, I will stay here." answer Tee sadly. Mika frowns and starts to sob. Tee pulls Mika into his arms, he never means to hurt Mika's feeling.

"Mika want to stay with papa. Daddy can see Mika here" Tee can't believe Mika is so mature at his age and he can't believe Mika choose him over his real father.

"Mika, you need to be with your daddy. Papa can always see you at kindergarten and you can always sleep here if your daddy let you. Mika, papa loves you so much, papa doesn't want to leave you too but, you want to see your daddy right? Just try living with your daddy first. Okay?" Tee doesn't want to do that, consoles Mika to stay with Tae but he can't deny Tae's right as a father.

"but Mika like papa too. Mika wants to sleep with papa" whines Mika sadly, it makes Tee sad too.

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