Part 31

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

When they reach their new house, Tee seems a bit confused because the house is not really big like the one before. The house only have two bedrooms with bathrooms. A kitchen and a small living room.

It's not he is not grateful or something, he is just feels weird Tae choose this house for himself.

"Papa! Papa! Papa!" Tee turns when he heard the voice, his face brighten when he see Mika is running to him.

Mika jumps on Tee making Tee stumbles and almost fall but Tae support both of them in his embrace. Mika and Tee already forget him, they keep kissing each other and talking about something Tae can't understand.

"Papa miss you a lot baby" mutters Tee for millionth times. Mika also say the same thing to Tee.

Tee keep being like that for 20 minutes more and Tae maintains as their guardian.

"Papa, don't leave Mika and daddy" begs the boy with face full of tears.

"okay. Papa will never leave Mika again, no matter what happened" answer Tee happily, this time nothing can make him leave.

Even Tae can't make he leaves Mika. Tae can get a new mom to Mika but that will not make him leave his son. He doesn't care about that! All he knows Mika is his too.

"Now,let's get into our room and pack our things" Tee puts Mika down and looks at Tae, which one is his room?

"That one" Tae shows a room on the right.

Tee takes Mika's hand and walk to the room happily.

Tae looks at Sun and Earth, both of them looks like they are having fun watching everything.

"That's your room" Tae shows the room on the left.

Both of them grin sheepishly before leave to their room. Tae takes his phone to go outside to make a call to his ally. He needs someone to take his parent down.

While in the room, Tee already done with packing his stuff together with Mika's. He still can't let go of Mika's body, he wants to keep hugging that kid forever.

"Papa, let's shower" ask Mika, he is a bit uncomfortable now after sweating packing all stuff, he just keep running around the room actually.

The room has a king bed, a small bed for a kid, a big wardrobe, a bathroom, a sofa and a tv. It seems like a hotel room. It's really big for a room.

"Okay. Take off your shirt! " both of them excited to have shower together after a long time.

After 20 minutes in the shower, both of them have towels covering their body get out from the bathroom.

"daddy!!"  Mika shouts excitedly and run to Tae's laps that sitting on the sofa.

Tee stunned at the door, looking at Tae shocked. What is Tae doing in that room?!

Tae looks at Tee, he can't believe his eyes roams around Tee's body and he feels so hot inside. Never he knows that a man's body can be this alluring. He saw Sun and Earth shirtless all the time but he never feel it like this.

"daddy, close you mouth" Mika covers Tae's mouth makes Tae realise he is staring and almost drooling. He change his sight of direction to Mika's face.

Tee on the other side runs off to enter the bathroom back. He really want to yell on Tae's face but he can't, he needs to wear something first. He never proud of his skinny and whitish body! He looks like a girl, for his thought only.

Tae prepares Mika and leave the room to let Tee get himself ready. He is sure Tee wants to punch his face right now.

Tae smirks knowing how Tee can be so shy about that, both of them are men.

"I'm so done!" Tae shakes his head and go to the kitchen to get something to drink.

He forgot to tell Tee that they will be sharing the room because Sun and Earth will stay with them too, for their safety.

Tee is fuming with anger when he saw Tae in the kitchen, he hopes he can strangle Tae's head right now.

"what are you doing in that room?"

"that's my room too" answer Tae simply.


"Sun and Earth use the other room. We need to stay together for safety. Sleeping in the same room with Mika is the best option for me, us. I can take care of him and you all the times" explains Tae to Tee, Tee wants to retorts back but all Tae said is true.

Tee frowns hard, he is thinking a way to not be in the same room with Tae but nothing.

"You need to be in front of my sight too. I don't want anything bad happen to you and Mika" 

Tee glances to look at Tae, what makes Tae care about him now?

"Fine! I'm not sleeping on the same bed with you" states Tee clearly, Tae laughs at that. Tee can sleep anywhere in that room.

"as you wish" Tae smirks evilly.

Tae approach Tee slowly like a predator and Tee is a prey. Tee steps back avoiding Tae approaches.

"Just to let you know, I'm not going to sleep on the sofa or floor. I will use the bed" whispers Tae to Tee's ears.

Tee feels goosebumps runs along his body, it is really a scary feeling to feel that when a man is cornering you.

"We need to order another single bed" mutters Tee without looking at Tae, he can't! His heart wants to jumps out from his chest right now.

Tae just chuckles and leave Tee alone, Tee can't do anything right now because even Tee don't know where are this place. He can't buy something online to be sent here.

Tae happily whistle to the living room, Sun looks at the rare happy Tae.

"You look happier" comments Sun while leaning on the wall to talk with Tae.

Tae take a water bottle and drink it fast before turn to Sun with a smirk.

"don't tease him so much Tae if you mean nothing" advices Sun, Sun never care if Tae want to play around with other people but not Tee. He will never ever let Tae hurt Tee anymore.

"I know you want some confirmation from me. For now, I'm serious with him, I want him to be around my family" states Tae and leave the smiling Sun.

"seems like Tae's heart is opened" mutters Sun and left to tell the good news to his husband. He knows Earth will be so excited about this news.

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