Chapter 2 - Found

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*Natasha's point of view*

My head was pounding as I regained my consciousness. What happened? I felt a thin piece of cloth laying over my petite body. What's going on? My eyebrows furrow as a yawn progresses within me, eventually releasing silently from my cracked lips. My arm... doesn't hurt. That's odd. I thought I broke it? I even heard the snap! I fell on it twice! Why doesn't it hurt?!

I opened my eyes to see a blinding sunlight partially covered by towering leaves and winding branches. My eyes adjust to the dark-ish lighting and the crowds of trees become more visible until it all blends into an abyss of darkness, the autumnal leaves mix into the darkness, no end in sight. My eyes fall down to the black jacket that is covering me, acting as a blanket to block my body from the cold. All I can think about is who's jacket it is. I don't know anyone outside of the Red Room and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't cover me over and leave me in the woods, I wouldnt be waking up if they found me. I ran away, there is no going back. Ever.

From the corner of my eye, I notice a face, one belonging to either a very pale man or a dead man. Interested, I look up. A line of eight bodies lay at me feet, all dead. Did I do that? They look like they've been stabbed but I can't be sure. From what I see of their identical wounds, is that its triangular. It looks like a triangular crater lying in a bed of pale, slightly yellow skin. What sort of knife has a triangular blade?! I can't have done it.

But who did?

A white bandage was wrapped around my left elbow, whoever this person is they are caring for me. Why? A bow lay at the top of the bandage. Why tie it up with a bow? I've never really been outside on my own, only for small missions. This is terrifying. Someone must have found me! But who?!

The sound of metal bashing together made my whole body on edge. I jolted upright and I immediately went into attack mode, someone is here. I scrambled for my bag, to retrieve my gun but I couldn't find it. It's not here!

"Oh my god! Your awake! I thought you were dead! You gave me a heartache, I never usually find girls asleep in the woods when I'm training!" A deep voice sounds from the tree opposite me, where the source of the noise sits with his legs crossed.

His brunette short hair framed his brown eyes and his shocked, and kind of friendly expression. He looks to be around 20? He was wearing some form of leather jacket that covered what looks to be a skin-tight, training t-shirt. I scanned for some form of weapon that the man could retrieve when and if I attack him so I can prepare myself for what he has to offer. I spot a quiver full of arrows sitting by his side with a bow lying against the tree. He is an archer. They shoot better from a distance. I can use that to my advantage.

Paralysed with hesitation and fear, I say nothing. Words refuse to form in my mouth.

"Do you just not talk?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing. "Do you speak English?"
"Among other things." I coughed. My eyes stared at him, I don't know what to think. Anyone can be an enemy. Everyone is an enemy.
"So, you do talk. That's good. Could you maybe tell me who you are or why there were eight men chasing you in a forest?" He attempted to communicate. I need a few questions of my own answered before I answer any if his. I put my hand on my forearm to notice I still have my hidden dagger in there! I pull it out and point it directly at him, taking him back.
"Who are you?" I spit, venom highlighting the green in my eyes.
"Woah, Woah, Woah. Take it easy, I'm not going to hurt you. Okay? I just want to help." He raises his arm in defence. He stands up. I'm not having that. I follow his actions and stand up to my fu height, backing away from him as he walks forward towards me.
"Answer the question." I say, feeling my bottom lip quivering with fear.
"Okay, okay, I'll tell you because I believe I can help you. If I tell you and you run away then I am going to need to hunt you down." He says, looking almost lost within his thoughts.
"What do you mean?" I ask, curious to know why something as little as a name can cause a loss of life, although, I've killed for much less.
"I work for a secret service. Well, actually no. There is a division of the government that I work for, I work in that section but I work doing the undercover missions and so on. So if i told you my name and you told other people, you'll get hunted down by me." I was not expecting that. He doesn't look like a government agent? "My name is Clint. Clint Barton. I've already told you my profession so now you can answer my questions. Who are you? What do you do?" He asks and the heat is back on me. I hate this.
"I'm... why should I tell you?!" I snap, pulling the knife up in front of me even more clearer.
"Because all I want to do is help you! You look like you have a specific skill set. Your not a normal teenager, you can't be with that many men chasing after you. I tell you what," What can he possibly offer me!? "You just tell me your name and what you do, and I can help you. I'll take you home with me, not in a creepy way. I'll help you. That's all I want to do. I promise you, I just want to help you." I don't know what to do. What more could I lose anyway?
"I'm... I'm Natalia, Natalia Romanova. I prefer Natasha, I like Natasha Romanoff." I have nothing else to lose. He says he wants to help me, if he ends up wanting to kill me then I'll just kill him.
"Okay Natasha, could you put the knife down?" He says, edging towards my shaking hand. I close my eyes, a cold hand touches my hand and my grip loosens. The knife falls to the floor. "That's great. Okay, we are getting somewhere!"
"Do you have a badge?" I ask, wanting proof that he is who he says he is.
"Err... yeah I do, hold on." He goes back to where his bow and arrows lay and starts rummaging through a small bag. "Ah Ha! Here it is!" He runs back over and hands me a laminated piece of paper that has his face on with a logo of what looks like a silver bird. 'Clinton Barton, SHIELD secret service' is in clear letters across the badge. I hand it back to him and he just shoves it in his pocket.
"So, do you believe me?" He asks, looking up at me, he is seriously close but I don't even feel the need to push him away, this is weird. Do I believe him? I feel like he is a good person. He seems to be seriously friendly and genuinely concerned but I have been fooled before. But what more could i lose if i go with him other than my life? He doesn't seem to be like that.
"Yes." I say under my breath. He smiles, a really big smile.
"I'm privileged!" He laughs, I force a weak smile. "Come on, let's get you to somewhere warm. Russia is freezing!"
"Wheres my backpack?" I ask, worried about my possessions.
"Oh, it's over here. Come on, let's get our stuff and head off."

End of Found

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