Chapter 27- Hospital pt.5

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*Steve's point of view*
**Two weeks later**

Every time I see Nat, she seems to be getting stronger. She started physio therapy as soon as she could, she started two days after she was told she was going to be okay. Both me and the doctor helped Nat stand, I held her by her waist and we slowly made our way up the hallway and back to her room. She stumbled a few times and gripped hold of my tshirt for support, I helped her stand once again and she carried on walking. Now, she can walk on her own but I refuse to leave her side as I know she can get complacent and she stumbles.

Yesterday, the doctor said she can go home tomorrow and she got so excited, she nearly kissed me in front of Clint! I had to block her from kissing me so I hugged her instead, she soon realised and hugged me back.

Ever since that day where we actually got together, she has been so happy! Whenever we are alone, shes basically always hugging and kissing me. I always blush and smile like a giddy child, I can't help it, she makes me smile! She has made me a better person, even if we have only been together two weeks and in those weeks, we have only seen eachother in a hospital.

Keeping our relationship a secret has been seriously hard but I'm willing to do it, the pressures of an open relationship would not only force a load of questions on me, but mainly on Nat. That's not fair. So far, I dont think anyone knows. They have all suspected something but they haven't commented on it. Nat seems to forget that we're secret sometimes and hugs me and attempts to kiss me but I try and remind her very calmly that there are other people in the room. Other than that, Nat doesn't seem to give off any indication that we are together or that we are lying about something. It's quite fun! I love her so much and I'm willing to lie to anyone as long as she is okay and happy.

"Steve! Come on! I wanna get out of this hospital! Stop daydreaming!" Nat yelled, basically in my face. Clint and Tony were here to help get Nat home. I didn't mind but Natasha was pissed, for some reason.
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" I smiled and she just sat on the bed in her own clothes and shoes, ready to leave.
"Nat, before you decide to go skipping down the halls, me and Tony are going to find the doctor to make sure you can leave." Clint said, dragging tony from the room.

I looked down at Nat, who was basically pouting with her arms crossed.
"What's wrong? Your going home! You should be happy!" I said, smiling. She looked up and smiled as well. I sat beside her and she rested her head on my shoulder.
"Now I have to find a reason to get Tony and Clint out of my apartment and to make it less obvious that we're together! I wanted to talk to you at my apartment but I can't when Dumb and Dumber are snooping around!" She stropped. Gosh, she's adorable.
"I could just pretend I'm going home and then I come back to you, or..." I trailed off, searching my brain for excuses.
"Or I could just say "get out my apartment so I can speak to my boyfriend!"" We both laughed.
"You know their going to suspect something if you say that!" I laughed.
"Well, yeah true." She smirked, I couldn't see her face but I could tell.
"I'll pretend to go home, but I'll hide around the block. Text me when their gone and I'll come back up, okay?" I suggested.
"Okay." She said, quietly. I kissed her head and I saw Tony and Clint head back from the doctors station. "They're coming." I said and she immediately lifted her head while I shifted to the chair.

"Your all clear, Nat. Only a few papers to sign and you can leave." Tony said, beaming at they're good work.
"I have told you this!" She said, clearly annoyed by the wasting of time.
"Come on, Nat." I said, standing in front of her with my hand outstretched. She smiled slightly and took my hand, I steadied her until she seemed balanced enough to stand in her own. "Let's go get those papers signed." I smiled down at her and she did back up at me

She started to make her way towards the door, Clint was in front with Tony while I stood beside/behind her, keeping her supported while we went out to the nurses office in the ward. We made it quite quickly to her delight and she leaned on the counter, waiting to be handed her papers she needed to sign.
"Hi, Miss, sorry for making you wait, what's wrong?" The young blonde nurse asked from her computer chair.
"Hi, I'm being discharged today and I was told there are some medical papers I need to sign?" She said, a smile beaming from her face when she said 'discharged'.
"What's your name?" The nurse started looking through a filing cabinet underneath the desk.
"Romanoff, Natasha Romanoff." Nat said back. The nurse searched for a few seconds before pulling out an unusually small file.
"Ah! Yes, Miss Romanoff, could you please sign here and here?" She said, pointing out a few places on the only piece of paper in her file. Nat picked up a pen and printed her name on to the paper. "There we go, Miss, I'm glad you get to get out of this hospital after being in here for so long!" The nurse said.
"Thank you!" I said and so did the others. Nat gave her Doctor, Jen, a hug before we started making our way towards the elevator.

She couldn't stop smiling! Neither could I! I'm so happy she finally gets to go home and chill out in her own apartment, in her own space. She's probably so sick of me after having to put up with me for the last few weeks.

After all, it is really my fault she was in the Hospital in the first place.

End of Hospital pt.5

Hi! Thank you all so much for your continued support! You guys are all amazing!! If you do want to comment, I will try my best to reply!!

I'd just like to say that the Black Widow Exclusive Look came out today and I am so excited! I can't wait to see more of Natasha's past and to see her relationships with Yelena, Alexei and Melina. Taskmaster looks like they are going to be an amazing villain! This movie is going to be awesome!!

What is the thing your most excited for?
I have to say mine is to see a different side of Natasha, to see who she is in a different light! Also I am excited for the fact that she is getting a whole movie about Her!

Thank you all again!! 💗💗

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