Chapter 15- Partners

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*Natasha's point of view*

Fury called me to his office. I'm not sure why because he told all of us who fought that we had 2 weeks off! So, why is he calling me in? But I guess it helps me get out the apartment. All I was going to do these next few weeks was spar with Clint and maybe head back to Russia to find some answers but I guess I'm going on a mission.

I strolled up to Fury's huge office space. Although he is on a higher floor, it is basically the same layout as it was 11 years ago! He doesn't change much. I knocked on the glass door covered with blinds. I waited for the loud bellow to come so I could walk in.
"Come in!" Fury shouted. I opened the door and saw Fury sitting in his seated area of his office with Maria. Both of them stood up and greeted me, Maria in her tight pencil dress and Fury in his usual black attire.

"Hey, Nat. You okay?" Maria said as she embraced me. She always smells of Candy Floss.
"Yeah, I'm okay." I replied, lying. I'm still suffering from my major Panic Attack but I'll be okay. Hopefully, it was a one off.
"Agent Romanoff. Nice to see you." Fury greeted me, shaking my hand and then pulling me in for a hug. He only does this with us girls because we are like the daughters he never had. I quite like it, to be honest.
"Good to see you, Fury." I replied when he let me go.
"Right, take a seat." Fury said, indicating me towards the seat. "I know this is going to be hard to talk about but I have to speak to you about what happened." My stomach churned.
"That's fine, sir." I lied, Maria's eyes showed me surprise, probably from how well I took it.
"Nat, I need you to tell me what happened. We only heard what happened from Agent Barton." Fury began, clearly feeling sympathetic towards my situation. Everyone knows about my anxiety. I took a deep breath and began.
"I had a Panic Attack, one bigger then I have ever had. I'm not sure why," Lie. "but I will try and overcome what happened with any missions that you wish to assign me." Always look professional. I know exactly why I had that attack, that man. Captain America. Steve Rogers. He triggered some unknown feeling and I can't pinpoint what it is because I've never had it before. Not like that.
"Nat, I think you should see a therapist." Maria stated, oh hell no!
"I don't-"
"Agent, your suffering-" Fury started, hell no.
"But sir-"
"Natasha." Fury caught my attention. "You are the best agent in SHIELD, but your also the one who suffers the most. Now, I'm not going to send you to some shrink to work out what is going on and you are staying on the team, but you need to get your head straight because if this happens again, your going to be signed off duty and sent in handcuffs to a therapist. Understand?"
"Yes sir, I understand." Shit. I don't know whether it's going to happen again but I need to work out what this feeling is! Wait- did he say team? "Sir, did you say team?"
"Yes. That's the second thing I wanted to tell you. Stark and I are forming the Avengers, after the battle, we decided we need a team who can fight those battles and we are calling in everyone who fought to join the Avengers. Although, your not some Demi-God or you haven't been injected with some form of serum, we decided that you and Clint are going to be in that group of elite beings." Fury spoke, damn, Earth has a protection squad!
"I am honoured, thank you sir." I said, grateful to even be considered!
"Don't thank me, you earned your spot." Fury smiled.

The door swung open and revealed Mr. Tony Stark's head. Why is he here?
"Nick, are we ready?" He said, his brown goatee wrapped around his mouth. Ready for what?
"Oh, Shit! I forgot about that!" Fury swore, turning back towards me. "Nat, I think we've found you a partner. Your both great agents and I believe with putting you two together, we can help a lot of people."
"Let me introduce to you..." My stomach dissolved into butterflies. "Mr..." Oh no. I bet its- "Steve Rogers!" The tall, blonde-haired man nervously strolled into the room after Tony. His blue eyes shone out towards me, as our eyes locked. Oh no. Not again. My heart quickened but not as much as before.
"Hi, Agent Romanoff." Steve approached me, his hand stretched out in front of him. A smile reached from one ear to the other. He's just so... perfect. Too perfect to work with a Killer.
"Hi... Agent Rogers." I spoke, somehow. I've got to compose myself. I reached out and shook his hands, they were soft, almost like a cloud. Focus, Natasha. Ignore the soft hands!
"Captain Rogers has been a part of the service since the forties. He's good but he needs to be updated on our way of life. Natasha, I reckon you can get him up to your level." Maria added, clearly seeing the awkward emotion splattered across my face. I just nodded, how else do you react when your forced to be partners with someone who triggers panic attacks?
"Right then. Capsicle and Spider? You two better go get used to each other, you got a mission on Friday. You have 4 days to get to know each other well enough to cover each others asses." Stark exclaimed.

Stark took my hand and forced me out my seat, pushing both me and Steve out the glass door.
"Bye!" The door slammed. You could hear Tony's cackle from behind the door.

Steve stood awkwardly in a skin-tight grey Tshirt, covered by a brown leather jacket, he had skinny Jeans, showing off all of his muscles. Damn.
"I er.... was wondering... if maybe you..." oh my. Steve was hesitating like crazy, each phrase was a stutter. "...would like to... I doubt it but... I'd your busy, that's cool-"
"Spit it out, Rogers!" Damn this guy takes his time! I'm absolutely terrified but I'm terrified to be terrified around him! I'm gaining confidence by hiding my true thoughts! It's working.
"Do you wanna go somewhere and... I don't know... get to know each other better? I don't know." Oh no. I'm going to freak! What is he asking?! A date?! A friendly chat?! I'm so confused! I can't run. I can't run. I'll have to face him at some point, I cannot run!
"Yeah, sure." I manage to blurt out, was I too eager? A dorky contagious grin was formed out of his cherry lips. I bet he puts on Lip Balm.
"Where do ya wanna go?" He has to look away before the smile spreads all the way around his perfect head and breaks off!
"Gym? Four PM tomorrow?" I suggest, I mask my smile to try and avoid the awkwardness. Plus, Tony'll walk out the office and see two dorky grins! He will spread this everywhere if you gave him a chance!
"Yeah! I've gotta run, Bucky planned a lads night out..." He replied, a little too quickly.
"Yeah, sure. I'll see you tomorrow." This stupid grin is getting harder and harder to conceal!
"See you tomorrow!" He smiled the biggest smile I have EVER seen. His blue eyes shone directly into my green ones, every second is getting harder to hide this emotion, not that I know exactly what it is. He is quite cute... No. Natasha, no.

You know that love is for children. You know a monster can not love.
Why fight it?

End of Partners

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