Chapter 23- Hospital pt.1

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*Nat's point of view*

Consciousness started to seep into my body, slowly but surely. I still had no feeling and my eye lids were too heavy to lift. I've been in one of these situations before, senses slowly coming back. First is always thought, you can start to understand that you are somehow awake but you have no control over the rest of your body. It's always the same thoughts, "where am I? What happened?" Now that I have my thought, I can start answering my own questions simply by looking back at what the last thing I remember is.

Where am I?
The last thing I remember is my vision blurring. I was... training I think. Training WITH someone. But who? A picture entered my mind, a muscular, blonde building of a man lying on a blue mat, with muffled laughter from his mouth pressed against the mat. My brain immediately clicked. I was sparring with Steven Rogers, like I do every week.

The second sense to come back was smell. I sniffed to try and jog my memory, it smelt... clean. Really clean. I could either be in Fury's office or Rhodeys room. Rhodey has OCD, everything must be in place and it has whole apartment has to smell exactly like a new apartment. Fury's office gets thoroughly cleaned every night after he leaves. There is plenty of places I can be, as long as it's not Tony's room! His stinks!

Now, let's carry on working out what happened.

I was sparring with Steve, like I do every tuesday at 4pm. We were fighting... we got close, very close. I got butterflies and decided that was my queue to leave. I got up, got my shoes, left the gym... no I didn't! Steve pulled me back as I started to hyperventilate! He pushed me against the wall and asked I was going, he was not happy! I said to see Clint and he told me... he knew I was lying. Then he asked why I lied. That's when my vision started to blur. I was asking him to leave me alone but he kept asking what was going on. Why did he care anyways? He was getting angrier by the second and I was starting to lose control of my mouth. He kept pushing and pushing and I just blurted it out... I told him that I liked him! I freaked out and ran away, my head was all over the space and I was using the wall to keep myself up. I fell over my feet and banged my head on the wall. Steve sat by my side and my vision was seriously bad and I eventually slipped out of consciousness.

Okay, I'm not ready to wake up yet. I can't face Steve. I remember something just before I slipped out... Steve said something. I searched desperately trying to work out what he said.
"I" first word found.
"Love" shit.
"You." Oh shit. No. No. No. This can't be happening.

Hearing was third, it came back rather rapidly. It was like BAM and I could hear everything. I heard a male voice and a female voice.
"Wanda, calm down, she will wake up!" Clint said, obviously reassuring Wanda.
"But Clint, she's been out so long!" She replied. How long has it been?
"I know, we've just got to keep holding on to hope, for his sake." Clint said. Wait, for who's sake? Is there someone else in here?
"How long has he been here?" Wanda asked. WHO?
"Since I got here! I was told Tony literally chucks him out of the room to go shower and get changed. He doesn't sleep voluntarily. I think he believes it's his fault." Clint answered. Okay, now we know its not Tony who is in here. How long have I been here? Tony continuously chucks this man out, that must mean I've been here quite a while.

Next was feeling. My head was pounding! I felt an IV in my arm and my body wrapped in a thin sheet of material. I seemed to be laying on a mattress, a seriously fluffy one! Clint and Wanda had gone silent, I think they were flipping through a magazine. Although, the bed I was on seemed to dip down, like someone else was resting on it.

I soon managed to regain control of my body. I first twiched my fingers, to which Wanda noticed and commented on.
"Clint, did you see that?" She asked, a little enthusiastic.
"No, what?"
"She twitched her fingers!" She replied, increasing her enthusiasm.
"I don't think she did somehow." Clint sounded as if he had given up hope. I need to end this.
"But I'm sure she-"
"Its okay, Wands, we have all had them moments." Clint interrupted her, turning a page on his magazine.

I decided I should really open my eyes and see exactly where I am! They fluttered open to reveal a blinding light, shining down on me like I was being interrogated. My eyes adjusted and I then noticed that I was in a hospital bed.
"Natasha!" Wanda shouted, moving to my side. She had a sorry smile plastered on her face but her eyes were gleaming with hope. Clint, who had heard Wanda shout, shot to my side and had the same look at Wanda. Wanda was holding my hand while Clint was rubbing my arm.
"Hey! How are you?" Clint asked.

The last thing to come back is always speech. It's always hard saying your first words after waking up like I have. I formed a weak smile at the two of them quickly before I spoke.
I spotted a head resting on my bed, blonde haired, steadily breathing through his dreams. They were talking about Steve. He has barely even left. God, I feel so bad.

"How long ha- has he been here?" I croaked, I could barely hear myself!
"Basically since you arrived, Tony came in and kicked him out because he hadn't slept, eaten or drank anything. Plus, he had a beard!" Clint laughed, I just weakly smiled and he continued. "How do you feel?" I assessed the overall feeling of my body, I had a massive headache and I was both tired and anxious. I've never been in a hospital before, not for me anyway. I've been to the small unit in the tower but never like this.
"I have a headache!" I croaked, laughing and accidentally jolted the bed, waking Steve up.

End of Hospital Pt.1

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