Chapter 30- Morning

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*Natasha's point of view*

I woke up to the smell of a cooked breakfast. A wave of goosebumps rolled over me as my eyes flickered open to the blistering sunlight, piercing through the curtains. The reason for my coldness was revealed when I realised I didn't have two comforting arms wrapped around me. I sat up and stretched, looking around for some form of warmth to put over me, that's when I found Steve's jumper folded on top of my chest of drawers. In my tank top and shorts, I threw my feet to the side of the bed and pulled myself up, throwing my duvet off of my body. Quietly, I shuffled to the jumper and put it on, Steve's scent surrounding me. Due to the fact that I'm wearing shorts and Steve is significantly more muscular than I am, the jumper made me look like I was wearing nothing underneath!

I stretched again and opened my bedroom door quietly, coming up with an idea of how to scare Steve. When I approached the kitchen, the scent of bacon and eggs became clearer and clearer, making me hungrier and hungrier. I turned the corner to find a blonde beauty standing in front of a frying pan, that was sizzling and crackling with bacon. He stood in his tight grey T-shirt and dark blue jogging bottoms. The adrenaline I had to scare him disappeared and I just leaned against the wall, admiring him. Steve has this way of making everything so organised! He was going through a checklist which he made for breakfast! How cute!

"Right. Eggs are done, Bacon is nearly done, sausages are in the oven and toast is in the toaster, now I have to go wake up-" he turned around and I clearly scared him half to death. "Shit!" He screamed  and did a cute little jump before placing his hand over his chest trying to regulate his breathing! He's so damn cute! I've never heard him swear before.
"Language, Cap!" I laughed, I couldn't help BUT laugh! His reaction just raised my mood from its already high place. "Shit, Steve! You are absolutely hilarious!"
"That was not funny!" He exclaimed, jokingly.
"What? Is the old man gonna have a heart attack?" I laughed further and he just smiled and shrugged it off.
"Yes! Your supposed to respect the elderly, Natasha!" He laughed, turning back to the bacon, serving it on two plates.
"I'm sorry, Grandpa, I'll be more careful next time."

I laughed and walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. He put the frying pan down and turned to face me.
"You made breakfast? God, I need to get you to do all my house work!" I laughed and he smiled.
"Only the best for you." He replies, making me blush. He leaned down and kissed me, sending my heart into spirals.
"Come on, let's eat-"


"Natasha? You awake?" Clint's voice echoed through the hall.
"Shit!" I whispered and Steve looked panicked. "Hide in my room, take a plate and hide in my room! Go, go!" I shuffled him into my room with a plate. "I'm sorry, I love you, stay quiet!" I whispered, planting a kiss on his lips leaving him confused and in shock. I closed the door and walked down the hall. I still have Steve's jacket on!
"Just a Second!" I yelled running to the front room to take off the jumper and running back to the door, regulating my breathing before opening the door.

"Natasha!" Clint, Wanda and Sam said in Unison. Crap. There's three. Of course I'm happy to see them but not right now!
"Hey guys, and girl. What brings you here?" I'm clearly being suspicious.
"Just thought we'd stop by and see how your coping!" Sam walked straight in, followed by Clint and Wanda, great, their in the apartment.
"Oh great!" I said, trying to not make it sound sarcastic. "Go in and sit down, I'm going to get changed!" I yelled.
"Okay Nat!" Wanda said.

I opened the bedroom door and walked in, closing it behind me. Steve sat on the bed, holding a plate.
"How many are here?" He whispered.
"Three, Clint, Wanda and Sam." I replied, rushing to get changed.
"This is not good, how do we cover this up if they see me?" Steve whispered.
"They won't see you, I've got this covered, they can't tell you've even been here!"
"Hey Nat! Why is Steve's jumper here?" Sam yelled.
"Fuck!" I whispered, annoyed.
"You left the jumper in view?" Steve asked.
"I didn't realise they'd be coming in!"
"It's okay, don't worry, we can deal with it." Steve said, trying to calm me down.
"No it's not! There going to find you and then we're going to get bombarded with questions and-" he silenced me with a kiss which calmed me instantly.
"We'll be okay, just stay calm. Go out there and act normal, you can do this, baby." I kissed him and then left the room, dressed in a black T-shirt and black jeans. Before I left, I mouthed "love you" to him and he smiled.

I walked in to the front room to find Clint and Wanda sitting down on the sofa while Sam sat at the table, holding up Steve's jumper.
"Anything you want to explain to us, widow?" He smirked. I decided that acting dumb may be my only shot of getting out of this.
"Who's is that?" I asked.
"Steve's! Why is it here? Is HE here? Hiding in your bedroom or something?" Sam asked, he's a good spy. Or he's just speculating.
"Steve, Tony and Clint came round yesterday to drop me home. He left in a rush, he must've just forgotten it. I'll give it back when I next see him." I answered, surprisingly confident.
"Wait, Nat, he was wearing his jumper when he left!" Clint decided to pitch in. Shit, come on, think on your toes Romanoff.
"Well, you and Tony were too busy discussing how my private love life which: number 1, is non existent, and number 2, is non of your damn business." Clint's face dropped in shame, Wanda looked at me and smiled. I smiled back, proud I actually managed to hold it together.
"Sorry Nat." The boys said in Unison.

"So, how are you doing? Better that your home?" Wanda asked, changing the subject.
"Yeah, I'm much better!" I replied.
"I see your finally taking care of yourself, woke up early AND cooked yourself breakfast! I don't think I've ever seen you have breakfast before, or lunch or dinner for that matter!" Wanda's face seemed to be gleaming with joy.
"I want to avoid another situation like that, I've got to try." I answered.
"Well, we're proud of you." Clint added.
"Thank you guys, your all amazing!"
"Right we're going to leave you to have your breakfast. We'll see you at headquarters tomorrow for your little chat with Fury!" Sam said, standing up with the other two and heading for the door.

I walked them to the door and hugged them all goodbye. After they were safely down the stairs and out the building, I knocked on the bedroom door and went to sit in the kitchen with my food, clearing a space for him.

End of Morning

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