Chapter 20- Next Session

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*Natasha's point of view*
**A week later (The Next Sparring Session)**

Steve has been acting weirdly for the last week. He isn't talking as much as before. He isn't flirting as much as before. He just seems quite annoyed, all the time. I asked Tony if he knew why Steve is annoyed and he just told me "He's an old man, Nat! They all have their moments, give him time!" But that's just Tony. Tony just jokes around quite alot while Steve is more mature, probably because of life experience.

We had a mission together, it was a simple hydra base take-down. We've done loads before. Usually, Steve would turn into a teenage boy, smiling his head off, as soon as I started flirting, but instead, he just told me to focus on the mission! He was also much more aggressive with the guards, he seemed to be taking his anger out on them.

Yesterday, I asked directly what was up.
"I'm fine, Nat! I just haven't had a lot of sleep." Now, I know that is Bullshit but I didn't tell him that. I thought it was best to just leave him be so he can calm down in his own time. I think he knew I was sceptical because, well, I'm a spy. He knows I can tell when someone is lying. Although, he does look sleep deprived.

We have gotten so close in the past few months, he has become almost like a best friend! The best partner! Always worrying about me, checking in with me, asking if I'm okay etc. But this week, ever since our last sparring session, he has been pissed off. Is it because of me?

I waited outside the gym for him, I didn't really expect him to come but I had to try. It's one thing I look forward to every week. To my surprise, the blonde haired soldier turned the corner and headed straight for me. He still seemed upset but he was at ease slightly. Its like hes resolved his issue, or is going to resolve it.

"You look happier today, soldier!" I smirked and he just raised his eyebrows.
"Really, Romanoff?" He smiled but soon covered it.
"Yes, really!" He tutted as he opened the gym doors, holding it open for me.  We both walked towards the benches to take off our shoes and socks. "I suppose you've sorted out your issue." He just waved off my comment, visibly shaken by it but was attempting to ignore it. We both made our way over to the mat, and we sparred like we usually do.

*30 minutes later, still at the gym*

"Really, Rogers?" I laughed, the laughter was muffled due to my face being burried in the mat. His entire body weight was on my back. For a guy that  always has a salad at lunch, he weighs a tonne! Although, he has the biggest muscles I have ever seen!
"Yes! You always sneak away when I have you pinned down!" He laughed, first time I've heard him laugh in ages!

He either has a light laugh or a seriously evil cackle! The light laugh is literally laughing through your words. I first heard his cackle when I pranked Tony by replacing the Tomato Ketchup with Red Chilli Sauce. You should've seen the look on Steve's face, he was in on it from the start but he is crap at keeping a secret! He had to hide his face for a while until Tony actually dipped his fries in the sauce! Wanda, Clint, Bucky, Sam and Rhodey were all there as well and they just spoke until Tony eventually put the prank into action. Tony was literally throwing his head in bowls of water and had his mouth under the sink! When he realised that I rubbed chilli on the tap he drank 4 pints of milk straight from the fridge! Steve was literally crying his eyes out, gripping his chest as he had a stitch, coughed god knows how much! He was even snorting! He looked so cute! Wait... what did I just say? Ignore that.

I rolled out from under him and his ass hit the ground quite loud!
"Hey!" He yelled as I tried to get myself up. A hand gripped around my arm and pulled me back down, back first to the ground. I groaned as I hit the ground. His legs wrapped around my waist while his hands took my arms and held them down to the mat. He smiled at his good work and I just rolled my eyes.

But his eyes... oh no. It can't be... I thought I got over that ages ago... my stomach twisted as my eyes sunk into the ocean orbs of his. Both our smiles faded into blank stares. I felt my pulse rise. I just can't take my eyes off him! He is literally my drug! This feeling that I feel every now and again, I need to know what the hell it is!

This isn't good. My vision was fading but was still fully focussed on him. The way he holds me, the way he laughs, the way he smiles, the way he is! I have some form of connection with him! Could it be insane friendship? Toxic friendship? Or could it be... no. It can't be. I was always told Love is for Children! I'm a fully grown adult! I... It can't be! I need space. I can't breathe. I'm suffocating... I'm suffocating in him! Why is it always him that I have issues with?!

It's a stupid little crush! It can't be love! Can it?

"I... er... I gotta go see err... Clint."

End of Next Session

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