Chapter 46- Catching up

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*Natasha's point of view*

"So, you came back?" Yelena broke the silence. We had been driving for about 10 minutes before the silence became too much to bare.
"Not by choice. Abducted from my life, as per usual." I replied. "Your still here?" I asked.
"I broke out shortly after you, not knowing where to go, I walked and walked until I reached a city. From there, I created a life. I got a job, I got friends, I got new family. We moved out to America and I was taken from my home as soon as they found out I was alive and happy. Now I'm back here. I tried to leave, and they killed everyone I love. So now I have nothing to live for." Yelena confessed, keeping a straight face. I don't know how she can do that.
"I left and I found Clint. He took me to New York and got me a job. There I made friends who turned into Family, I found the love of my life. They abducted me on a mission with him and told me if I leave, they die." I admitted.
"You found a boyfriend?" She asked, confused.
"Yeah, he is the sweetest guy ever with a heart of gold. He helped me get out of my Depression. I told him my past and all the accompanying junk and he said he'd never leave me. I love him." I smiled, remembering his adorable face.
"I'm surprised. Every guy I have gone out with, doesn't accept my past, so I gave up." She huffed, I feel so bad for her.
"I'm sorry." I apologised.
"For what?" She questioned.
"I left you there. I should've taken you with me. Your my sister. You didn't deserve everything that has happened, you deserve the best life possible. I'm sorry, Yelena, I truly am. I wish I came back for you-" I started but she interrupted me.
"Nat, you couldn't have saved me. We would've got caught. And, yes, as your sister, I'm going to tell you to shut the fuck up and stop apologising. We're getting through this together." She smiled.
"God, I missed you." I laughed.
"Don't go soppy on me. Save that for your boyfriend." She laughed and so did I. I have missed this.

The awkward silence transitioned to a calm Nostalgic silence. Of course, how me and Yelena met is not Nostalgic, it's more torturous. But Yelena is my Sister, not by blood but she was there for me everyday we were in the Red Room. She had a similar backstory to me, we both excelled at all spy techniques and I could not fight her, nor could she fight me. We suffered the same, lots of pain from a lack of family, torture sessions whenever we did anything wrong and PTSD from them, anxiety about the entire situation and Depression from the thought of our past. We were monsters murdering innocent families, destroying lives on the daily so we could survive, but never sure why we wanted to live in the first place. It was just nice to have someone who understands you back in the day.

"So, I know you joined some form of super team or whatever meeting and becoming friends with some famous supers. But, where did you meet your boyfriend and who is he! Tell me about him! Also who did you meet?!" She questioned, leaning forward like a teenage school girl.
"Well, I'll start with the last question." I smirked. "Well, I spoke about Clint, he is basically my big brother, he is Hawkeye. The guy with the arrows? He has three kids and a wife who are all so sweet!" She nodded vigorously and signalled for me to continue. "Wanda, the Scarlett Witch who can literally blow up the world if you gave her reason to. She's so sweet and almost like my little sister, you would love her! Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, Tony is a bit annoying but his hearts in the right place, mainly with Pepper. There so cute together! The Falcon, Sam Wilson, he gets annoying but again, his heart is in the right place. Maria Hill, amazing spy working for the boss, Nick Fury. Wait, do you remember hearing about that Romanian spy who was caught buying Plums in Bucharest?" I asked.
"Yes! The Winter Soldier, I think?" She enquired.
"Yeah, exactly! His name is Bucky Barnes. He argues with Sam a lot but there like brothers. Then we have Bruce Banner, I can tell he likes me but I just don't feel the same way. James Rhodes, a lovely guy, Tony's best friend. And of course, the one and the only Captain America, Steve Rogers. Such a gentlemen! He is a true hero without flaws." I said his name and my heart fluttered and I think I blushed.
"So... Who is your boyfriend? Is it one of them?" Yel asked, I nodded and she freaked out. "Oh my god! In work romance! Right let's work this out, it can't be Tony, he has Pepper, can't be Banner, you don't feel the same way, Clint is like your brother so no. So it can be Bucky, Sam, Rhodes, Nick or Steve? Am I right it's one of them?" She asked.
"Yeah it is, your gonna be surprised. Nick is like my father so I would cross him out." I advised and she went through the list again.
"Bucky, Sam, Rhodes or Steve. Rhodes, you only said he was a nice guy, so it's not him. Err... Sam is annoying and I know that would annoy you like crazy. So, Bucky or Steve." She's good afternoon this. "Nat! Give me a hint!" She pleaded.
"You've got it all right so far, last stretch!" I encouraged and she just death stared me.
"That is not helpful." She spoke. "Right, hold on, you said I'm going to be surprised? That means it has to be the one person who you would think isn't worthy of you! It's Steve, isn't it?!" She smiled brightly, as I began nodding she squealed.
"Oh my god! Tell me about him! What's he like? Captain America and The Black Widow, a match made in heaven! I'm imagining it now! You two are perfect for each other! Come on, Nat, spill! How did you meet?!" She encouraged, smiling like she just won the lottery, but so was I.
"He is so dreamy! I love him so damn much! I met him and I basically disappeared for two days because I had an unfamiliar feeling and freaked out. We became partners and I was falling for him so bad, but I didn't know. So when I accidentally told him I liked him, I had a panic attack and threw myself into a Coma for 5 months. I woke up and he was by my side, and he had been everyday I was there. After a major wake up call, he asked me if I was being honest and I said yes, he said he felt the same and we basically got together from there. I spent 3 months with him with no one knowing, until Clint found out because I kissed him on the roof and he saw. My first mission back and we had just had an argument, then I was abducted. I never got to say goodbye. So I sent them all a letter and watched the reaction through CCTV, he cried his eyes out. And I miss him like crazy." I confessed, she followed along with the same emotions as I was feeling.
"Oh, Nat, I'm sure you'll see him again." She comforted.
"I hope so. I really hope so." I smiled weakly.
"Ladies, we're here." The guards shouted back to us.

End of Catching up

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