Chapter 26- Hospital pt.4

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*Nat's Point of view*

I stared out the window of the hospital room, smiling my head off. My eyes were fixated on the sky, the milky-purple background mixed with patches of yellow, red and orange. The blue had drifted and the sun was lowering towards the warm colours that lined the horizon. The purple slowly followed it around as the sun continued to drift from view.

A few knocks came to my ears and I drew my attention to the door. My doctor, Jen, had her head sticking around the oak door, smiling as she always did. I've only known her since this morning but she really is a pure ray of sunshine.
"Natasha, I have someone here who would like to see you." She said, still smiling. Her head turned and her hands ushered the person in. Non other than my blonde-haired, muscular partner.
"Hey Nat!" He almost jogged up to my side, leaning in and giving me a hug. I smile uncontrollably as I wrapped my hand on his back until he let go and pulled up a chair to my side.
"Hey Soldier." I smile and he smiles as well. God I love his smile. Even when I'm scared, literally for my life, he never fails to keep me smiling.
"How are you feeling?" He asks, still slightly smiling.
"Alright, I just want to know what's going on." I reply, huffing.
"Well... that's what I'm here to tell you-"
"Wait, you know?" I interrupt him, slightly confused.
"Yeah, I just found out." He looks down at his fingers. Oh no. I'm not gonna live. How long? My mood immediately drops as I prepare for the worst news of my life, the short one at that.
"What is it?" I say, my voice breaking as I feel a tear brim at my eyes.
"Its not good..." he says trailing off.
"Steve, tell me, I can handle it." I lie.
"I'm going to be stuck with you." He says, still looking down at his hands. This is not go- wait. What did he just say?
"Huh?" I tilt my head slightly. He looks back up, his smile spread from ear to ear.
"Your going to be okay!" He smiles even wider. I'm going to be okay. I'm going to be okay!

I laugh and wipe the tears brimmed up in my eyes. He laughs, slapping his knee due to his "funny" joke.
"Your a prick, ya know that?" I laughed, he continued laughing.
"Yeah." He laughed.

After he finished laughing, he told me all the things the my doctor said about my condition. I wasn't listening mostly, I was diving into the deep blue pools in his eyes. He told me how the team were so happy I was awake and how anxious they all were for these results. Apparently, Tony isn't here because he is telling them all!

"Its not just because he's telling everyone! I was told it was one person visiting at a time and well, I was told you wanted to see me." He raised his eyebrow and I just smiled, I'm pretty sure I blushed but I'm hoping he can't see that. "Your doctor... she told me something. She literally pulled me aside to tell me something before bringing me through to you." He said. What has she told him?
"What did she say?" I asked, seriously confused.
"Well, just be prepared, I don't want to say it if you aren't comfortable with-"
"Steve, just say it before I force myself up so you be the first guy I beat up for 5 and a half months!" I threatened, half laughing, half telling the truth.
"Okay, okay, don't get up, if you want to beat me up, I'll come to you." Damn he's so righteous. "She asked if I was your boyfriend." Damn she's observant.
"What did you say?" I ask, kind of hoping he said yes.
"I said no and she went off basically on a rant! Apparently someone likes me?" He joked. I laughed basically because I couldn't help myself.
"Oh yes, I wonder who that could be!" I laughed and he just grinned. "What else did she say?"
"She told me that you say my name in your sleep, and apparently its obvious that you like this mysterious man, although Tony is awful at guessing." He laughed and so did I.
"Anything else she said about us?"
"Yeah, apparently that if we weren't a couple, we 'bloody well should be'!" He said and smiled weakly. I can read him like a book.

"Well, what do you think about that?" I asked, almost stuttering as I did. God I hope he feels the same way. My heart raced. My anxiety was creeping up on me, causing me to look no where other than Steve's eyes. I'm so scared my Anxiety is going to take over.
"Well, I thought she was seriously perceptive! I mean-" he wasn't look in my eyes until I interrupted him.
"No, no, that's not what I meant." When he looked deeper, he must've seen what I saw. His eyes widened slightly as he realised what I was asking. My heart raced. My mind was muddled, but somehow still focussed on what I want, what I need...Him.
"You know how I feel." Steve replied, his eyes were burried deep within my soul.
"You know how I feel." I hesitantly repeated. "Could err..."
"Hey, what's up?" He leaned in on his chair, his head inches from mine. "Just say it, I'll do anything." He added. Damn he's perfect.
"Could you..err... could you say it?" I finally say. I close my eyes waiting for the rejection.
"How I feel?" He asked, I could feel him get closer. I opened my eyes and he was only a few inches away now. I nodded.

"I love you-" That was it. I grabbed his tshirt and pulled him up to my lips. He kissed me passionately, with so much love, yet he was so gentle. It felt... right. Much more right then any of the other guys I have kissed. Only he has some how made me want to live. Want to continue living, as long as he is by my side, I'll be okay. I felt safe, protected.

We pulled apart to catch our breath, our heads and noses touching, both of us panting like dogs who had just ran around a park. I smiled and he copied.
"I love you too." I said. He smiled and pecked me on the lips. I've never felt this feeling towards anyone but Steve. He has shown me love. I can love. I will love. And I will love him.
"You can move now, your breath stinks!" And he laughs but he doesn't move, I laugh with him.
"You kinda have a hold of my tshirt." He says and I look down to see my hand still gripped on to his grey tshirt. I quickly let go and he sat back down.
"Sorry." I laughed.
"No worries, your the only one who can do that that wont get beaten up." He raises his eyebrow and laughs. His laugh is so contagious.
"So... what are we now?" I ask, smiling. My lips were permanently fixed in this position.
"Who do you want me to be?" He asks.
"How about... mine?" I say with my permanent smile.
"Done." He smiles back. "I'll tell you what, let's make it official." He announces and he stands up, then he rests on one knee. "Natasha Romanoff, will you do me the ultimate honor in being my girlfriend?" He smiles. God, he is just so perfect.
"Always." I reply and he stands up again and kisses me again. I love him. I love him so damn much.

"Do we tell the others?" I asked.
"I don't mind. Whatever you want to do, I'll back you up." He says smiling.
"Let's keep it between us for as long as we can. The last thing I need is questions asking when and how!" I laughs and he nods, laughing as well.
"We could go on secret dates, and as no one really comes over to mine, you could come and I'll cook or if you want to cook, you can. I'm rushing ahead a bit, aren't I? I'm just a bit excited." He looks like a kid in a candy store. Hes so cute when he gets all excited.
"Hey, don't stop. I'd happily go on secret dates with you." I smile and he just smiles back.
"God, I love you."
"I love you too." I smile.

"Natasha, are you ready to go back to your room?" My doctor, Jen walks in.
"Yeah, sure." I reply and Steve walks with me as I'm wheeled through the hospital back to my room, only go find basically all of the avengers standing outside.

End of Hospital Pt.4

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