Chapter 10- Reunited

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*Natasha's point of view*

The car turned the corner and I was back in the SHIELD New York Headquarters. I must say, the builders who were renovating and expanding this place have done an amazing job. Eleven years and they have created 45 floors, this place was now a skyscraper. The builders are now just polishing off the top floor and then the building is complete.

I was asleep the whole Plane Journey as I haven't slept in at least 48 hours, I still haven't seen the New York skyline which just infuriates me more and more, everytime I arrive at JFK. I had Greg as a pilot as he mainly works flying to and from Russia to JFK. I've learned that he is actually a really nice guy! I think he fancies me as he keeps asking me out for a drink and everytime I lie and say I've got to get back to base.

Clint and Sam were waiting outside the Elevator when me and the driver pulled up. Clint ran over and opened the door while Sam loosely followed.
"Nat! I'm so glad your here!" Clint beams, helping me out of the car and hugging me.
"Why? I've only been away for two weeks?" I laughed.
"I've had to put up with Sam for three weeks! Three fucking weeks!" He exclaimed. Sam rolled his eyes and walked over to me and Clint, who was standing directly in front of me.
"Jesus Clint! I'm not that bad!" Sam said, embracing me and putting his middle finger up to Clint.
"Okay, Okay boys! Jeez! What a welcome. Right... where's Bucky?" I asked, looking around for his shiny metal arm.
"Oh, he's catching up with some Army friend he used to work with." Sam said, pulling me and Clint towards the now open Elevator. Sam pressed the third floor button and the doors swiftly shut.
"Oh okay. Fill me in, what's happened?" I asked both boys looked at eachother and then back at me.
"Okay, so, there's this guy called Loki who arrived through a Portal that the Tesseract created." Sam started.
"He came in and basically blew up our Tennessee base, taking the Tesseract and a few other guards who he managed to mind control to follow his lead." Clint carried on.

The door opened and the training room looked horrendous. Everyone was rushing around, high level members were telling guards to be on high alert and crates full of Ammunition and Weapons were placed in the middle of the room. The light from the glass wall shone through, almost blinding everyone who was walking in its direction. The room was so big that you couldn't see anyone that you knew. So many new faces. So overwhelming.

"People say it is his Sceptor that mind controlled those guards." Sam continued.
"No way! It can't have been his sceptor! He's from Space!" Clint argued
"Yes it was!"
"No it wasn't!"
"Actually, gentlemen. It was his sceptor." Nick Fury walked towards us all and thankfully put their squabbling to an end. "Agent Romanoff, nice to see you!"
"Sir." I bowed my head in respect, this man gave my life purpose.
"Okay, you three?" He gestured to all three of us. "I need you to go find the others, they are in here somewhere. Stark us already upstairs."
"Yes, sir." We said in unison, all waiting for dismissal.
"Your dismissed, I'll meet all of you in the briefing room." With that, Fury walked away, heading towards Maria who smiled gleefully when she saw me, I smiled back and led the boys to find the others.

"Dr. Banner!" Sam yelled, directing our attention to the man looking very lost and overwhelmed by all these people. Sam caught his attention and we all walk towards him.
"Oh, hi." He said, a very shy man.
"This is Agent Barton and Agent Romanoff. I'm Agent Wilson but you can call us by our first names. Sam, Clint and Natasha." Sam pointed at each of us as he introduced himself and us.
"Nice to meet you! I'm Bruce." He smiled, shaking each of our hands.
"Could you come with us? We're trying to find everyone so we can begin our missions." Banner nodded to Sam's question and we all headed off in a pack.

I spotted Rhodey - James Rhodes - who was talking to one of his Army pals.
"Hey, Rhodes!" I shouted, catching his attention. I ran over to him and the other boys followed me. He opened his arms and I ran into them, hugging him.
"Hey Nat! Good to see you!" He said after we parted.
"You too! I'm sorry I left you with the boys!" I smiled, I saw Clint and Sam pout and I giggled.
"Nah, I wasnt with them! I worked with Wanda! Hey, Wanda!" He yelled across the room, spotting her brown-ginger-ish hair. She turned around and noticed us all and jogged over.
"Nat! Oh my god, it's so good to see you!" She said as she hugged me as well.
"You too! It's so good to have a female presence!" I said as we parted. I saw all four boys pout and we both laughed.
"Wassup boys!" She said, hugging each one of them. "We're missing people, where's Stark and Bucky?"
"Stark's upstairs, and I think I've just found Bucky." Sam said, walking away from the group, we all followed.

Bucky was talking to what looked like a crate of Ammunition! He was laughing and placing his hand on it! It's only til we turned a corner and saw a hand coming from behind the crate. We walked forward a little more and for some reason, I started to feel sick. I kept walking, thinking nothing of it. Although the crate was not in my way, I couldn't see because Sam and Bucky were in the way of this persons face! My gut ache only got worse. Sam moved out of the way and so did Bucky. He was in plain view.

I stopped dead.

What's going on? The mans Blonde hair was slicked back at the top of his head but some dangled down. His ocean eyes caught my attention, they were absolutely.... memorizing. His stature was firm, he had muscular arms and legs that were covered by a blue skin-tight suit. My eyes were directed to his chest where a white star was placed. Hold on. Blue eyes, blonde hair, white star... this the Captain America that I read about! He... he... he is making me feel. Why? What is this? I feel like I'm about to throw up. I can feel the colour draining from my face.

Bruce and Rhodes are still standing behind me while Clint and Wanda walked ahead.
"Nat? Woo hoo? Nat?" Rhodes said, both him and Bruce were waving their hands in front of my face. Clint and Wanda turned around and the Captain, Steve I believe, smiled at me. Damn I'm out of breath.
"Natasha?" Clint ran back to me and stood in front of me but my eyes were fixed. A flush of heat rushed through me. "Natasha! Snap out of it!" Clint put both of his hands on my face.

That smile. Why did he smile? Who is this guy? This captain? Clint moved and I saw this man again. He smiled weakly and then it dimmed when he saw me. I can't handle this.

So I ran.

End of Reunited

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