Chapter 35- Party Pt.3

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*Clint's point of view*

The amount of people at the party started to decrease rather rapidly at around 11pm. All the guests Tony invited started to leave after he did. Tony was in bed by 9pm because he drank too much!

Laura and the kids went home at 10pm because Nathaniel was asleep and Lila and Cooper seemed to be dozing off, so I gave her my apartment key and sent all of them in a taxi back to my apartment. I miss them when they aren't here. I work in New York and stay in my apartment while they live in the country, around 3 hours from New York City so it's a big drive to get back home. They are all so supportive and they understand Daddy has to work but I know they all miss me when I'm not home. Natasha and Wanda make being away from my family much easier, mainly as they are our surrogate family. They are like my sisters and the kids even calls them their Aunties.

I stayed at the party till the very end, until it was just me, Sam, Bucky, Rhodes, Maria and Wanda. I left them five to talk so I could spend whatever time I can with Laura before they leave tomorrow morning. I got in a cab and let my mind flood with thoughts of the night, and what I witnessed. It still stood out in my mind, like the moon in the sky. The whole idea rushed through my mind. The confusion and shock took over me. I haven't told anyone yet, I've been too shocked to comprehend it. I never thought that it would be true. How didn't I know?! I have to tell someone.

The driver pulled up to my apartment building, I payed him and watched him race through the streets of New York until he turned a corner and was out of sight. Walking up the stairs, I decided that I was going to tell Laura, she's amazing at problem solving and she will probably be as shocked as me. I opened the door, careful not to make a sound, closing it behind me. There was a TV on which was probably Laura. I checked in on the kids, who were sleeping peacefully in my spare room, being much more friendly with each other when their unconscious than conscious! I tiptoed in and kissed them all separately on their heads, all developing a smile as my lips left their foreheads.

I opened my bedroom door and found Laura, sitting up in bed in her pyjamas, reading a book, keeping the TV on in the background. I exhaled as I entered the room.
"Hey hunny, how was the rest of the party?" She asked, looking up at me with that adorable smile I fell in love with.
"It was boring. Nat left and I didn't even see her go!" I expressed walking around to my side of the bed, leaning over giving her a kiss before getting changed into my pyjamas.
"That's a shame, I hope she had a good night." She weakly smiled. I swear she has some form of sixth sense which tells her when something is wrong. "Hey, what's up? You seem like you've got something on your mind." She asked. I exhaled, slumping down into the bed next to her, now in my pyjamas.
"I witnessed something earlier and I'm not sure how to deal with it." I confessed, she furrowed her eyebrows and placed a reassuring hand in my thigh.
"What did you witness?" She asked.
"The hall started to get really hot about a quarter of the way through the party and I decided I would go to the roof and get some air." I started and she hung off every word, fully invested in my trouble. "I headed up the stairs and opened the door to find Nat with someone." I put emphasis on the "with".
"With as in..."
"Making out with them." I confessed and she looked shocked.
"Do you know who she was with?" Laura asked, intrigued.
"Yeah, I do." I said.
"Who?" She inquired.
"Steve Rogers." I answered and she had the same expression I had when I saw them.
"Are they together?"
"I'm not sure, I don't know anything. I know they were kissing on the roof in one of the most romantic sceneries and that's it." I said, throwing my head back against my pillow.
"Well, maybe you should talk to them both. Or just Nat. Obviously don't spread it around the Tower, talk to Nat before telling anyone else." Laura told me and I nodded. She always has a way out of every situation.
"Okay, I'll go round there tomorrow after you guys have started heading back." I said. "Next weekend, I'm coming back home. I'm not missing Lila's dance recital AND Cooper's football league final match!"
"I can't wait." She smiled. "I should really get some sleep, I've got a lot of driving to do tomorrow."
"Okay babe. I miss you so much, you know that right?"
"We miss you too. We love you millions." Laura smiled, I reached over and gave her a kiss.
"And I love you all more." I smiled "good night, babe."
"Goodnight hunny. I love you." Laura repeated.
"I love you too." I turned off my lamp and turned over as did Laura.

I just couldn't sleep. The events of the night were rushing through my mind. So many questions for Nat and Steve. If they are together, I am truly happy for them. Natasha deserves the absolute best and I know Steve can provide that. If Steve hurts her in any way, he will get an arrow fired at his ass just as he is about to sit down, so he can sit of the arrow, you get the idea. Steve will pay if he hurts her. He doesn't seem the type to hurt anyone unless their an enemy. I hope they are together. But how long have they been doing this for?

End of Party Pt.3

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