Chapter 73- Prying eyes and ears

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*Steve's point of View*
*3 weeks later*

It's three weeks on and today is the day I'm allowed to leave the hospital! Nat has been with me all the way through, from the MRI scan (which showed exactly what the doctor said, Temporary Memory Loss) to the Physio. The physio was difficult but I refused to stop until I could walk. By the end of the first week, I was walking around and sitting on the chairs to get away from laying down! My arms and legs are still a bit Stiff but I've been told experiment will help that. My voice came back after 4 days of torture. I managed to speak but I couldn't stop the slowness in my voice until a few days ago. I just woke up and I could talk normally, taking Nat and Tony by surprise.

Everyone has come in and visited me at least twice, they've all been so comforting and ALL of them have commented on mine and Nat's relationship! They all accept and support it, thank god, but it gets a little creepy when you can't have private moments as you have prying eyes on you, squealing. Bucky and Sam couldn't stop bickering, so I basically told them to come close, so they did, Sam went to Nat while Bucky came to me. Closer and closer and closer, until at the exact same time, we slapped them both across the face. They haven't fought in front of either of us since.

Yelena got the job! She was thrilled! She came as soon as we were awake the day after the interview and told us in person. Natasha is such a supportive big sister to her, it's so nice that she has family she can lean on. What really took me back was the fact that when I was able to have someone touch me other than the hands, Yelena gave me a hug saying "Come here bro!" I didn't oppose to it, I was just taken aback. I couldn't believe that she excepted me as a brother! Clint and Wanda have been acting like my brother and sister in-law for two years now!

Natasha. My angel. My goddess. She hasn't left my side and refuses to. As soon as I was able to hug her, she was in my embrace quicker than I could ask her to. It felt right. I haven't hugged her since the night before that Russia mission and it's so rewarding that I get my Nat back in my arms. Thankfully, no one was there at the time so we could just embrace in piece. She couldn't stop saying "I've missed this" and "I love you so much", which I could only really answer with a nod. No words could describe how much I've wanted this.

My voice came back and my first word was indeed "Natasha?" and she was thrilled to have my voice back. I couldn't stop telling her how much I love her and how I missed her and how stunning she is and she just sat there blushing. She sat there, letting me talk while she stared at me, I asked her why she was staring and she simply replied with "I missed your voice." I couldn't help but blush and she just laughed even more.

The first kiss. It came out of nowhere. I wasn't actually allowed to kiss her but I couldn't fight the urge for much longer and it didn't hurt anyway! She was sitting on the side of the bed next to me, I was sitting up, staring at her luscious red hair and her beautiful eyes and her perfectly sculpted face and I just couldn't fight the urge. I leaned in and kissed her, she was surprised at first but soon realised and kissed back. After a few seconds, we parted and she smiled like a giddy school girl.
"Wasn't expecting that!" She exclaimed, catching her breath.
"I couldn't resist it." I laughed and she continued to smile at me.
"Errr... what just happened?" Clint said, taking me and Nat by surprise. I looked to see Clint, Wanda, Sam and Tony, all with their mouths wide open.
"Oh. My. God." Wanda cheered. Me and Nat sat still, embarrassed.
"That's what I call Action!" Tony yelled and Clint hit the both of them.
"Let's not talk about it." Nat said, immediately getting off the bed. Whilst they were there, Nat kept glancing and Winking at me. I just smirked back.

"Hey, Steve. Snap out your daydream." Tony snapped me back into the hospital room. Clint, Tony, Nat and I were sitting, waiting for confirmation so I can go home. I told the boys to go but they refused to leave until I had been discharged. Nat was sitting beside me on the bed while the boys lounged on the chairs.
"Sorry, kind of lost my train of thought there." I replied.
"I can't believe your going home." Nat smiled, laying her head on my shoulder.
"I don't know about me, in over two years, you've been home for 24 hours! You get to go home!" I said and Nat just nodded.
"Yeah, but I didn't have surgery after nearly being exploded, but instead jumping off the pressure plate at the last moment." She defended me and I just smirked and shook my head.
"Yeah, but still. Two years is a long time." I defended and she just huffed.
"Somehow, three weeks has felt like forever." She said. She's not lying, it feels like we have been here for years.
"True, but we're going home now, baby. We can actually have some time on our own without PRYING EYES AND EARS!" I yelled the last bit to make sure that I knew Tony was listening in, especially when he smiles way too much when we show any form of emotion. Nat immediately stood up and whacked Tony in the back of the head.
"Ow! Nat! I can't help it! Your adorable! Clint's probably doing it as well!" Tony moaned. Everyone looked at Clint who was buried in his phone.
"Clint?" Nat asked and he looked up, completely unaware of the situation.
"Oh sorry, Laura sent me a video of Cooper at his Baseball game. What's wrong?" Clint queried. Nat hit Tony again.
"Ow! Again? I'm sorry. I didn't see him on his phone!" He defended.

"Mr Rogers? We have the papers ready now so we can discharge you, when you are ready." A nurse smiled, leaning into the room.
"Yes, thank you, we'll be right out." I smiled back, standing up, next to Nat.
"You ready time go home?" Nat asked, holding my hand.
"Never been more ready." I smiled back. Let's go home.

End of Prying eyes and Ears

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