Chapter 7 - 10 years later

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*Natasha's point of view*
** TIME SKIP!! 10 years later!**

It's been 10 years since I had that Interview with Nick. A lot has happened. I met all the boys that worked as spy's and soldiers: Sam, Bucky, Rhodes. They're all seriously friendly and they accepted me as soon as I met them. Maria has been so friendly as well but she doesn't do the spy work with the rest of us, she works with Nick,  sorting out different missions that we need to do.

I caught up quickly with everything that has happened In the past. I learnt about the famous Captain America, he seemed like a good man but it's hardly believable that he was that kind and good natured. I'd love to meet him but, he's dead. I was told he went into some ice back the 40's after the Second World War but his plane was never found.

I brought an apartment with the money I earned from working with SHIELD. I stayed with Clint for a year before buying my own apartment downtown. I never went to that place that Clint told me about, the look out point over New York, I still haven't seen it fully. I want to go so bad but we're so busy.

Sam and Bucky are very outgoing. They're constantly trying to beat each other at everything, it's quite funny. They argued once about who can eat the most hotdogs, Sam one, somehow. Bucky is more muscular than Sam and he has this huge metal that he flashes around everywhere, he broke Sams hand once when they were doing a thumb war. Sam isn't small but he isn't massive. He's muscular and dark - skinned, he isn't as big as Bucky.

Rhodes is pretty laid back and is almost like the parent of them two. He is very authoritative as he is a Colonel. He acts like the voice of reason to everyone, especially the boys. He used to be so wary of what he said around me, that's until I was put on a mission with him and he watched me kick a group of 20 men up so they were drinking on the concrete floor, now he's just scared I'll do the same to him. I spoke with him and he just said he was taken aback by my abilities because it's not everyday you find a girl with a skill set like mine. That was an awkward conversation.

On a mission with Clint, we rescued a woman about my age called Wanda Maximoff from Sokovia. She's very outgoing and fun and she fits right in with me and Clint. She's like me, tortured and beaten until she did what they wanted, apart from the people who held her captive are not only dead but are buried deep underground. Wanda was experimented on by Sokovian Scientists and she gained the ability of move things with her mind and she can generate a powerful energy surge whenever she wants, often to knock down Bucky and Sam because it's so funny watching them argue about whether it was the other one who knocked them down. Wanda was able to talk about what happened to her but I haven't been able to. I wish I could but I can't.

Me and Clint were partners for two years until Fury sent us out on our own missions. He was sent to guard bases while I was sent as an undercover operative to get information about the enemy before we sent in the strike team - the set of agents who are less skilled than we are but somehow believe they have power over us. I've been told I'm one of the best Agents in SHIELD by many people, mainly Fury, but I can't class myself as that knowing what I have done.

Three years ago, Tony Stark, the billionaire who sold weapons, became the Iron Man. He is so arrogant and rude but he is likeable in some weird way. 6 months later, I was sent to evaluate him for some team that Fury was putting together but the team crumbled and failed. Stark was so arrogant but Iron Man was vital for the threats that may come. I formed a bond with him but it was temporary as now he refuses to talk to me because I wasn't who I said I was. Natalie Rushman was a good cover. That covers blown.

I want to get rid of the Red Room, I have searched whenever I have time for a small compound with a flowery garden in the area Clint said he found me in, but nothing. Absolutely nothing. I thought there would be something but there's nothing, then I realised that ran for ages. So long I passed out from exhaustion. I'm going to need some significant evidence to even prove it's in Russia. If the Russian government realise there is American spies wondering around their country looking for answers, they're going to go nuts. My past is hidden. I can't even find the name of my parents.

Although I've had so much time to repair, I feel the scars still haunt me and I know the memories will always be with me. I've noticed a significant difference in how long I've slept over the past few years, I can only sleep for four hours now, it went from 10 to 4. Insomnia has crept back and I only sleep all night when I haven't slept in days. I've been getting lots of nightmares, not nightmares, flashbacks. While I'm asleep, memories of the Red Room creep back into my head and cause me to wake up with tear-stained cheeks and wet pillows, often out of breath.

I feel like my mental health is deteriorating but I don't know why. Nothing has changed.

Is this all leading up to something?
To someone?

End of 10 years later

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