Chapter 65- Hand in Mine

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*Nat's point of view*

"Natasha Romanoff?" From hearing my name, I was immediately slapped out of my nightmare to see a surgeon standing in front of the door that leads to the surgical suites. I stood up immediately and woke up the boys while doing so.
"Yes. That's me. Have you got any news?!" I pleaded. The boys stood up by my side.
"Yes, we do. After 8 hours in surgery, Captain Rogers is now stable but he is in an induced coma. We will bring him out of the coma in the morning but for now, he is currently in our intense recovery rooms. As soon as he is moved to a ward, you can all see him. We can take only one of you through to see him now but you need to commit on staying with him. He needs someone looking over him." The surgeon explained. He's stable! I let out a sigh of relief when I heard that.
"I'll stay with him." I announced and I knew the boys were glancing at each other behind me.
"Natasha, he is going to look awful and I know you will never get that image out of your head-" Clint started but I interrupted.
"I don't care about that, I need to make sure he is okay!" I explained and Clint stayed quiet, only giving me a weak smile which Tony did as well.
"We can only technically allow spouses or blood relatives through. What is your relationship to the Captain?" The surgeon said, questioning me.
"He is my boyfriend." I announced. The surgeon raised his eyebrows.
"Come right this way, we'll take you through to him now." The surgeon smiled, opening the door.
"I'll see you boys when we move him to a ward." I weakly smiled, giving them both a hug.
"Text me if you need me." Clint yelled before the doors closed.

"I wasn't aware the Captain had a girlfriend." The surgeon started making small talk.
"We kept it on the down-low, those boys out there only found out because they caught us and then I got kidnapped." I replied.
"So, your the Black Widow? Captain America and the Black Widow, how adorable!" He chuckled like a school girl. "He's right through this door, there is a red button above him if something goes wrong. Just keep an eye on him, we'll let you know when we are going to move him." The surgeon smiled, leaving me outside the door.

Deep breaths. I carefully opened the door, revealing a sight I will never forget. Steve lay on the bed unconscious. He was connected to an IV and he had a heart monitor about a metre from him, connected from underneath his hospital gown. He was covered in cuts, only the major cuts had been treated with iodine patches and they're were a few stitches. He had a black circle surrounding his eye, just like I have. I held back the tears and smiled at him, knowing he didn't know I was. I shuffled around to his side, moving a chair next to the bed. I sat down and stared at him, smiling.
"I thought you were dead!" I chuckled, looking at his closed eyes, that housed the most beautiful blue orbs ever. "It's just me and you, and I'll be here for you when you wake up. I'm not leaving your side again, not after I let you be in this situation. It's my fault your here, so I'm going to do my best to make sure you are safe, and not in danger. I'll protect you with my life." I lifted his heavy hand and put it in mine, clutching it. "I love you Steven, you complete dork!" I smiled to myself. The door opened and a nurse walked in smiling.

"You must be Mrs Rogers." She beamed.
"Oh no, we're not married." I smiled back.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Rebecca and I'm going to be looking after Mr Rogers. If you need anything for either you or him, just ask for Rebecca and I'll bring it." She smiled.
"Thank you. Do you know what has happened? I only know that he needed surgery, but why?" I asked.
"Steve was found under a huge boulder that could've dropped on him, and killed him. As it is, he was under a smaller boulder that dropped on his head with force, making him unconscious. He was exposed to explosives, rubble and dust for 24 hours so his lungs were coated in that dust. The surgical team had check for any internal bleeds which they found one on the brain and one in his right lung. Thankfully, those have been patched up and that might have some lasting damage, so be prepared if he isn't the same man. He won't be able to talk for a while either due to a lack of moisture in his system." Rebecca explained, nearly making me cry. "But I believe he will be taken out of his coma tomorrow and we are moving him in about an hour to a Ward. He will have his own room, by Mr Stark's wishes." She added, smiling.
"Thank you." I smiled.
"I have nothing to do until we move Steve so I thought I would check up on you, considering the conditions." She smiled. "How are you?"
"I don't know, to be honest. I thought he was dead, I've been in captivity for two years and I brutally beaten up yesterday morning, so it could be better." I weakly smiled.
"I take it that's the Black eye." She queried.
"Yeah, stings like a bitch when I touch it but it's not the first time." I smiled.
"So, what's the relationship between you? I'd love to know how you two met!" She sat down on a chair the other side of Steve. I still clutched his hand in mine.
"Well, I first saw him about... 4 years ago? It's been a while!" I smiled. "I first saw him before the battle of New York, I ran away for two years because I felt something unfamiliar. I used to have Severe depression and Anxiety that stopped me talking to anyone knew or feeling anything different so when I saw him, I didn't know what was going on. After the battle, Steve and I were announced as partners and we sparred every Tuesday at 4pm. I lied to get away from him whenever something happened and he got real close, I said I was going to meet Clint, my brother. Steve must've seen Clint once and realised I had been lying. So he confronted me, and I told him I liked him and I basically ran down the corridor and knocked myself into a 5 and a half month coma. Steve told me he loved me before I dozed off. I woke up and I was told I could be in a life threatening condition due to the brain damage and when they did a brain x-ray, it turned out I was okay. Steve came in to tell me and I was on so much pain medication or adrenaline that I told him I love him and we got together, but no one knew. Steve stayed at my apartment for 3 months while I recuperated, hiding when we someone came round. I was given the all clear to go back to work and Tony threw a party. At the party, I took Steve on to the roof and kissed him, Clint saw and came to tell me he knew the next day. Then we had a mission, but me and Steve had a little argument before because he didn't text me he was home and I didn't talk to him for the mission. On said mission, I was kidnapped and I only managed to send one letter to the team. Kidnapped for two years and then I saw Steve while in Paris. The team took my sister, Yelena, and questioned her. The Red Room moved to New York and we're planning to attack the Avengers but they attacked us first. The Master beat me up and ordered me to kill the team. I changed sides and went to find him, that's when Steve stepped on a Pressure plate and I thought he was dead!" I explained. Rebecca sat with eyes and mouth wide open.
"Damn." She smiled. "You've gone through a lot!"
"Yeah, well, it's all hopefully going to be worth it as soon as I get my man back." I weakly smiled, turning to look at Steve, gripping his hand in mine.

End of Hand In Mine

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