Chapter 63- Repeat that

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*Clint's point of view*

Yesterday was the worst day of Nat's life. As soon as the media heard that Steve had died, everywhere went into Either mourning or Chaos. Capital Cities across the globe were standing on the streets, holding candles out, New York in particular. Other places were prepared to trash everywhere because the Great Captain America can't stop them anymore. Ungrateful jerks. If it wasn't for Steve, the war would've never been won and we could even still be fighting it.

The Avengers were built because of Steve, he brought us all together. The whole team is suffering. I've got to know Steve really well in the last two years and he has had a big impact on me. I couldn't cry because I had Nat, but deep down, I was. As I took Nat straight home and the rest of the team went back to the Tower, I didn't see the rest of the teams reactions, but their all worried about Nat. I had texts from literally everyone asking about her. I called Wanda when Nat finally passed out and she told me that Tony and Bucky cried on the way back to the tower, she and Sam cried when they got back and the team had a few minutes silence in the memory of him.

I stayed with Nat last night, I've never seen her in this bad of a state. She barely spoke and she's not with it. She didn't even look outside to see the candles but I know she had one next to her while she watched the news, watching it burn in front of her eyes. The funeral is next week and she has said she is going to read a speech but I'm not sure she'll even be up to going!

It's 1 o'clock in the afternoon and Nat is still asleep. I was just sitting on the sofa, watching the news with the main headline being:


The media do not know what happened exactly, they don't even know that Nat and Steve were a thing but they know there was an explosion and that's how he died.


My phone buzzed on the coffee table. I looked at it to see Tony calling me. So I answered.

"Hey Tony, how you doing?" I asked. He seemed out of breath.
"Err.. I'm not sure anymore, is Nat awake?" He panted through the phone.
"No? Why, what's going on?" I sat up.
"SHIELD are clearing the remainder of rubble at the site and made a discovery. I'm not sure what to do."
"Did they find his body?!" I asked, frantic to know.
"Yes!" Tony screamed through the phone.
"That's good, isn't it? Take it him to the tower, there is a coffin waiting for him." I told him.
"No, no, no. Clint, bit early for a coffin!" Tony squealed.
"Not really, he needs to be put to rest-" I started but Tony interrupted.
"I agree with you! But not yet! He's... He's..." Tony stuttered.
"Spit it out Tony!" I yelled down the phone, what the hell is his problem?!
"CLINT!! He's breathing!" Tony exclaimed, wait what?
"...repeat that." I stuttered.
"Clint, Steve's alive!" Tony exclaimed.
"Holy..." I trailed off. Steve is alive. Captain America is alive. The news headline suddenly changed.


"Clint, he's on his way to the hospital. I'm on my way now. Maybe don't tell Nat yet because he's going straight into Surgery and then back to intensive care so-" Tony started but I interrupted him.
"The media knows, Tony, she'll find out." I warned Tony and he huffed through the phone.
"Okay, fine. You might want to tell her then before the media does." Tony advised.
"Okay, I will now. Text me any updates, we'll meet you there." I told him.
"See you there." Tony said and hung up the phone.

I walked in to Nat's room, she was curled up in a ball, sleeping peacefully. I don't want to disturb her. But I have to.
"Nat! Natasha!" I exclaimed, trying to wake her up. She sat up alert. Her eyes dreary.
"What is it, Clint?" She huffed, realising it's was only me.
"We need to go out, like right now." I told her, chucking a jacket at her. She caught it and furrowed her eyebrows.
"I'm not ready to go out-" she started but I interrupted her.
"You fucking will be, trust me. Don't freak out when I tell you." I interrupted, she just looked pissed off.
"Clint, what the fuck is going on?!" She yelled.
"Steve is alive." I yelled back. She looked taken aback. Her eyes were immediately leaking tears and she just sat shocked. "Exactly, now we need to go." I added and she immediately got up, shoved some shoes and a jacket on and headed out the room.

We locked the door and headed downstairs to my car.
"Clint, how is he alive?!" Nat pleaded, putting her hair up into a ponytail.
"I'm not sure! They found him and he was breathing so they rushed him into the hospital!" I answered while we both got in the car. I turned the car on and began racing through downtown Manhattan.
"Did they say anything else?!" Nat begged for information which I wish I knew.
"Tony knows more than I do, he just told me to get you up and go down to the hospital immediately." I said, then suddenly remembering he's going straight to surgery. "I do knows he is going straight up to surgery and then back down to intensive care." I added.
"So, he isn't in a good way." She said to herself, fiddling with her fingers.
"He was squashed by a building, Nat. He's lucky to even be alive. But the surgeons are going to do all they can to keep him alive. You need to have faith, but brave for the worst." I told her.
"I've already had the worst, I thought he was dead." She stared out the window aimlessly for the rest of the journey.

End of Repeat that

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