Chapter 25- Hospital pt.3

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*Steve's point of view*

I sat with her, all that time I sat with her. Occasionally falling asleep but always by her side, unless Tony decides I smell and I need a shave! To be fair, I was starting to look like a gorilla and that would've been a scary sight for Nat to open her eyes to.

After Clint told her what had happened since she fell into that coma 5 and a half months ago, she was stunned. Her eyes showed me that she was terrified, even through her metaphorical walls she put up to hide everyone out, I saw directly through and saw the pain she was feeling.

When the next... section of the talk came, I had to fight back the tears to stay strong for Nat, even if she felt weak. I felt weak. If this X-ray showed that the bleed in her brain was still going strong, then... well we all know what will happen. Her health will deteriorate, her memory will be deteriorating with it, until she... she... I hope this X-ray shows she is okay. I dont know what I'd do with myself if she-

"Steve?! Snap out of it!" Tony yelled in my face, snapping me out of my daydream.
"Err... sorry." I apologise. We were sitting in the waiting room, waiting for Nat to come back from her X-ray. Clint and Wanda went home to sort out a few things and told the two of us to call when we got any news.
"Steve, take a breath, shes going to be okay." Tony said, sitting in the chair opposite me. I lifted my head from my hands and took a breath. I have to think positive, I have to- "Steve, be honest, you like her, don't you?" Shit, is it that obvious?
"Tony, no. Shes just my partner, she has always been such a great friend and she stuck by me when I needed her to, so I have to be here for her." I answered, trying to shut the idea but even she knew I liked her, love her even!
"Whatever you say, Steve." He said under his breath.

We waited in an anxious, awkward silence. The longer she was, the more anxious I got. Tony went to the toilet for about five minutes, I spent those minutes silently sobbing into my hands. What if this was it? Why isn't she out yet? It's only an x-ray! Tony came back and it was back to my phone, scrolling through whatever I could find.

Texts from Wanda and Clint kept popping up.

Wanda M
Any news?!

Steve R
Still nothing

Clint B
Heard anything from Nat?

Steve R
Nothing yet

Every doctor or Nurse that left that room, I would gain hope, too much hope. Only to be left waiting again for her to either be wheeled through or to be called up.

She was awake when she went in, she told me to go with Clint and Wanda back home last night but I made sure I was here this morning. It was just me and her for an hour, we didn't talk about us, we spoke about what might happen. The worst conversation of my life.
"Steve, if anything happens-"
"No, don't do that." I interrupted.
"I can't let you put yourself through that, the worrying about yourself when your thoughts should be on when you are coming out. You will be out and you will be back at your apartment in no time, back to normal." I said, she settled back down and then continued.
"I'm saying if, if something happens unexpectedly or these results arent what we hoped, I need you to promise me something." I nodded and she continued. "Take care of Wanda and Clint, tell the others that I'm sorry and for you-"
"Nat, I'll be by your side." I said but she quickly spoke up again.
"But what if your not-"
"I always will be, I'm not leaving you until you leave this hospital. Yes, if anything happens the avengers are safe but I will not leave your side if things turn ugly." I said, she smiled and settled down again.
"I'm terrified for these results!" She spoke up, laughing through her pain.
"You and me both!" I laughed back and the doctor came through the door. I walked with her as far as I could. I watched her as she was wheeled down the hallways and into a small room.

"Roger!? Steve! Get your head out your ass and stand up!" Tony yelled me back into reality. A doctor was standing in front of him. This could be it.
"I take it you are the family." She spoke.
"Yes, please tell me what's going on." I asked eagerly.
"Well, Ms Romanoff as you know, previously had a bleed on the brain which was the cause of her coma. We just did an X-ray on her brain to determine why she woke up yesterday and not any other day. She seems to still be under some stress which is understandable from the life-threatening situation she could be in." Those words sent shivers down my spine. "We were able to determine from the X-ray that some pressure was released and the bleed has now fully disappeared." YES!!! SHES OKAY! SHE IS GOING TO BE OKAY! Both me and Tony let off a breath we were holding in and laughed, I couldn't stop smiling. "This does mean Ms Romanoff came out of her coma due to her brain being fully ready to face everyday life. She seems to be coping, she does not know the situation, I thought it would be best if one of you told her." The doctor was too smiling.

"Mr Rogers, can I have a word with you?" The doctor asked. Why me?
"Err... yeah sure. Tony tell Wanda and Clint, I'll be right back." I told Tony and he walked off, dialling the number to Clint. "What's up?" I asked the Doctor.
"I suppose you are the boyfriend, yes?" She asked. Why would she ask?
"Err.. no, she is just my partner." I say, forming a weak smile.
"Well, she seems to be very fond of you. Whenever you left, she would say your name in her sleep. The first person she asked for after her X-ray was you." Do I mean that much to her? She means that much to me but... really?
"Yeah, we are just friends. What's up?" I ask.
"I was just going to say that if you too aren't a couple, you bloody well should be sir! She loves you." She said, smirking. She walked towards the doors and turned back to face me.  "Come on, its one at a time at the moment and she's asked for you."
"Oh, yeah, of course." I quickly jogged up behind her and followed her down the corridor, towards Natasha's room.

End of Hospital pt.3

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