Chapter 67- Need You back

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*Nat's point of view*

I woke up with my head on Steve's hand. The sun had lit up the room and had illuminated New York, and Steve. He lay unconscious but he looked a little better than yesterday. I'm not sure how he looked better, I think the black eye has eased off a bit. His face is still covered in scratches but they look scabbed over and much better. I smiled to myself slightly as I heard a knock at the door. I saw Clint standing their smiling.

"Hey." He beamed, walking in and sitting on the window sill. We both glanced at Tony, who was fast asleep on his hand, but his hand seemed to be slipping. I knew what was coming. It slipped further and further, his head fell slowly with his hand as it drifted off the arm rest till-
"OW!" Tony moaned, making me and Clint laugh out heads off. Tony was clutching the side of his face, he face-planted the arm of the chair! "What did you bastards do?!" He moaned.
"Nothing! That's the best bit!" Clint laughed and so did I! Our laughter faded as my eyes drifted back to the unamused and unconscious Steve.

"How's Steve?" Clint asked, turning to me with a serious face.
"We're not sure, the nurse hasn't been round yet so-"
With that, Rebecca the nurse knocked on the door and walked in.

"Good morning, I'm here to check on Steve before we bring him out of his coma later this morning." Rebecca smiled. "Any odd events last night? Was he restless?" She added.
"No, I fell asleep with my head on his hand so I would know if he was restless." I weakly smiled back.
"That's great! That means he is safe to bring out of the coma and he should be on the road to recovery by the end of the day!" She chirped.
"When are you going to bring him out?" I asked.
"I will inform the doctor now that he is safe and he should be down by 11am. He is going to want Steve out of the coma as it's a safer quicker recovery if we get him out sooner than later." Rebecca informed me. She walked out the room to allow us to talk.

"What time is it?" Tony asked, I got my phone out my pocket and turned it on, to see the time and a bunch of missed calls from Wanda, Bucky, Sam, Rhodey, Yelena and Carol. Carol is with Thor at the tower. Yelena left the most calls so I should really call her back first.
"It's 8.45am. I'll be back in a minute." I told them, standing up and walking outside the door of Steve's room.

I dialled Yelena and she immediately answered.

"Oh my god, Nat! Everyone, Nat's on the phone!" Yelena yelled. "What on Earth is going on?! Neither you, Stark or Clint answer their damn phone! Is Steve alive?!" She questioned. Yelena had put the phone on loudspeaker so everyone could hear.
"Wait, Stark didn't tell you?" I asked and I heard a lot of mumbled "No"'s.
"No, he didn't even answer the texts! So, Is he alive?" Bucky asked.
"Yeah-" I started but was interrupted by cheering and the sound of high fives.
"Yes! Steve, you motherfucker!" Sam yelled.
"Language! This is Steve, remember?" Rhodes chipped in.
"Okay, Natasha, tell us everything! And by the way, We all missed you like crazy!" Wanda beamed through the phone.
"I missed you all too! Basically, they found him in the rubble and rushed him here to have 9 hours worth of surgery. We got news he was out and only one of us could see him so I went and..." I started, getting all excited when I remembered the shocking view of him when I first saw him.
"Nat? You still there?" Thor asked.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry, I zoned out. Basically he is in an induced Coma which he will be brought out of later this morning." I finished the story and they all cheered.
"Yay! How are you though? This has to be hard on you!" Yelena asked.
"I'm okay, I've gotta stay strong for him. We've all just got to hope he can recover from this. He maybe alive but he is still on life support and is still in danger." I told them. And all of their cheers drowned out.
"When he wakes up, send him our love. We'll come and see him separately when he hopefully wakes up." Wanda said, clearly throwing all her love at me.
"I will guys, don't worry. I need to go now, I'll talk to you later." I lied, I didn't need to go, but I felt my heart rate increase dramatically and I needed to have a break by myself.
"Bye Nat!" They yelled in unison and I hung up before they could say anything.

I need to be alone, but alone with him. I walked back in the room, covering up the imminent mental breakdown. Both guys looked at me.
"Can I have a few moments with him?" I asked, timidly.
"Of course, we'll go get breakfast and bring you back something." Clint smiled, both guys stood up and left, giving me a hug and shutting the door.

I moved the chair closer to his bed, sitting next to him and clutching his hand, never planning to let go.
"Steve, I need you back, baby. I know things aren't great but I need you and I swear to god I would do anything to have you back. Your the best thing that's ever happened to me and I just need you and your contagious smile back in my life!" I cried, looking at his healing face. "I love you so damn much and I miss you! I need my baby back in my life! I don't know how to move forward if we can't get through this! Everyone needs you back and everyone loves you but not as much as I do. Please, baby..." I cried, not afraid to hold anything back anymore.

End of Need you back

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