Chapter 59- I don't want to hurt you

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*Steve's point of view*

The truck ride to the compound was nerve-racking. Clint and I both looked terrified, thinking the same thing. I was in the truck with Bucky, Clint and Yelena, driving in pure silence until about 5 minutes into the awkwardness when Yelena saw mine and Clint's faces.
"You guys need to chill out." She smiled, both Clint and I looked up surprised.
"I'm chilled out!" Clint lied. He is a really bad liar.
"Oh yeah, sure. She'll be here, okay? And she is coming back with us." Yelena comforted.
"But what if we can't get her out?" I asked.
"What if we can?!" She replied. "But everyone needs to be prepared that if she beats you up, it's because that was an order. Steve, you know that, right?" She asked, knowing who the real target will be.
"I'd rather die from her than die without her." I said and everyone just stared at me. "What did I say?"
"You are the softest guy ever." Bucky smiled, and Yelena nodded. I really don't care for their love of our relationship, if we even have one after this.
"Only soft for one person." I said under my breath and Clint smiled, being next to me, he heard what I said.
"Both of you are the luckiest people ever." Clint smiled, nudging my shoulder.
"Or the most unlucky couple." I chuckled slightly and Clint smiled.
"Yeah, that's true. But you can get through it."
"That's brotherly love right there." Bucky chipped in. We both stared him out and he fell silent.

"Guys, we're coming up on the compound. Gates leading in to a garden with gravel. Quite secluded. Be ready, we're going through the front. How's capsicle?" Tony came through our earpieces.
"Tony, you do realise I can hear you." I said back.
"Oh shit, yeah of course. Anyways, how are you?" He asked.
"We've got this. Go in, get her, destroy the place, her out." I avoided the question.
"Blowing the gates in 3, 2, 1!" Tony counted down to a huge explosion from outside the truck, that shook it and gunfire rained down on us promptly after.

The truck took a hard turn into the compound, breaking hard so we can all get out. I jumped out first and helped the others out before guards aimed most of their bullets to my head, so I used my Shield to protect myself while I ran at each one, knocking them senseless with Vibranium. Tony and Sam were overhead, calling out when another surge of soldiers came from the main entrance. From what I saw, there is only one entrance so Nat has to come out from there. Yelena and Bucky were in the corner, talking and shooting bullets at any guard that came near. Clint was behind the truck, covering Wanda who was on the top of the Truck, shooting her red magic at the automatic guns on the stone fences that blocked our fight from the outside world.

Not knowing what on Earth was going on other than I fight, I used my shield to protect myself while I ran over to Yelena and Bucky.
"Bucky, can you cover us?" Yelena asked when she saw me.
"Yeah, don't take too long." Bucky answered, covering all angles while we stood in the corner.

"Where is she? I thought she would be out!" I asked.
"She'll be here! Steve, you need to keep yourself covered because their aiming for you!" Yelena advised but I was blinded by the fact that Nat might not be here.
"Yes, I know. There's only one entrance so she has to come from there!" I replied.
"No, there's another way out. She'll come from there." Yelena reassured but it didn't really help.
"If she's not here-" I started but I was interrupted by a grenade, so I covered both me and Yelena until the smoke died off.
"She'll be here, Steve. Just keep an eye-" she interrupted herself with a smile, looking straight passed me.
"What are you looking-" I turned around to try and find the cause of her smile. My eyes drifted from the gate, to Wanda, to Clint, to Nat, to Tony and Sam, to Bucky... hold on a second, go back. I started again, from the gates, to Wanda, to Clint, to Nat! She's here!

She stared with a blank face in my direction, her head only peering around the corner of the Alleyway. Her red hair was flowing below her shoulders, contrasting with her beautiful emerald eyes. I knew it was you, Nat. I love you. I smiled brightly in her direction and her facial expression changed, but not to a happy one. She looked down and took a few deep breaths. What is she doing?

"Steve. She has been ordered to kill you." Yelena said from behind. I paused for a second.
"If I'm going to die, I'm glad it will be from her." I smiled weakly to myself.

I turned back to face Nat to see her jogging across the field in my direction.
"Guys! I have a visual on Nat. Steve, she's coming to you." Tony yelled.
"Tony, she's been ordered to kill us so give us a second!" Yelena yelled and a loud pitched "What?!" came through the earpiece.

I shut my eyes, opening them to see Nat only a few meters away from me. I smiled at her and she slowed down. She slid on the ground and took out my legs sending me to the floor, I don't want to fight back so I just laid on the floor. I look above me to see Nat towering over me. Her lips were quivering.
"F... fight back." She pleaded. She soon was on top of me, pinning my hands and legs down. "Please. I don't to hurt you." She looked like she was about to cry. I don't want to hurt her. It felt like the world had stopped. I had her with me but how can I protect her by fighting her back?

End of I don't want to hurt you

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