Chapter 52- Prisoner

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*Clint's point of view*

It can't be her. It can't be her. It can't be her. It can't be.

I paced up and down in front of the prisoners cell. She stood watching me go up and down, continuously.

Nat? No. It can't be her. She wouldn't leave us like that. She wouldn't! How can I prove that it's not her?! How?! Hold on a second...

I opened the cell door and walked in, shutting it behind me.
"You finished pacing?" She even sounds like Nat. Please can this not be happening.
"I am going to sit here until you tell me what on EARTH is going on. Tell me who your partner is and rest my conscience." I answered, sternly. She looked at me and smiled.
"Like I am going to do that!" She laughed. Fuck. This isn't working.
"I'm sitting here until you do." I replied and she just shrugged.
"Go for it."

An hour passed and she said nothing. She is as tough as Nat. But she can't know Nat! Nat isn't her partner! Please can she not be.

"Clint?! Clint!" Tony called out, I saw the Blondes ears spike and she straightened her back.
"Tony, I'm in the cell." I stood up and walked over to the metal bars to see Tony looking for me worried.
"Clint, you seem Steve? He's gone and we can't find-" Tony started but he was interrupted.
"Wait... hold on a second. Clint? Tony? Steve?" The blonde interrupted, questioning us.
"That's our names. Congratulations princess. My friend has just had his heart ripped in two because what we think is your partner, is also his girlfriend so-" Tony replied, sarcastically, clearly getting pissed off.
"Your friend being Steve?" She questioned again.
"Yes!" We both yelled in Unison.
"Which one of you is Clint?!" She stood up abruptly and walked Over to us.
"I am." I answered and she looked shocked. She looked puzzled but also like she has just solved a puzzle.
"I need to speak with you and Steve. That's the only way I am talking." She compromised. Wait, why me and Steve?
"Tony, get a hold of Steve. We need him here as soon as possible. Go to his apartment and drag his sorry ass down here." I whispered to Tony.
"You think she knows something about Tasha?" Tony whispered back.
"Why else would she call me and Steve?" I whispered and he nodded.
"Alright, I'm going to his apartment now. Keep trying his mobile." Tony told me, running off and out of the cell chamber of the tower.

*Tony's point of View*

This girl better have a good explanation to why she want Clint and Steve. I had an increased amount of adrenaline so I ran down the stairs and jumped in the nearest vehicle I could find. As soon as the engine roared, I had my foot flat out on the accelerator and was en route to Steve's apartment. He better be here. Multiple horns were blown by other drivers, pissed off that cut them up, I really couldn't give a Shit right now.

I pulled up to Steve's apartment within 5 minutes of leaving the Tower. I leaped out of the car and ran to Steve's apartment. Why does he need an apartment on the top floor?! The adrenaline was wearing off more and more with every step I climbed. I have to keep going. Steve deserves to know.

After what felt like forever, I reached the top and ran around the staircase, straight to Steve's front door. I viciously banged the door, my hand aching as I did.
"STEVE?! STEVE! COME ON, OPEN UP! I yelled. He isn't awake. Fuck. I rammed the door, kicking frantically, cursing under my breath. He's locked the door. I decided the best way to open the door was to break in.

I moved back till I was about 10 metres from the door. Deep Breaths. Deep Breaths. Deep breaths. Jumping on the spot, trying to gather all my strength. I locked eyes with my target and prepared to run.


I ran as fast as I could, cantering to the door. Flinging my arm in front of me, my body collided with the door and I ended up on the floor, gripping hold of my arm.
"Fuck!" I exclaimed, rolling on the floor. My eyes were drawn to the lack of light inside the apartment. He has to be home. If he's not, I'm gonna have to pay for his door!

I gathered myself together and stood up, trying to ignore the dislocation in my elbow.
"Steve?!" I called out, through the apartment. I opened all the doors, all led to nothing but a kitchen, bathroom, lounge and dining room. Wait, where's the bedroom? I rushed back up the corridor and saw a shut door to the right of me. I slowly opened it, allowing light into the room.

Steve was curled up in a ball on his bed, sobbing in his sleep. Jesus, Nat has had a huge impact on Steve. His face was red and had fear and pain showing through any way it could. How do I wake him? I need to wake him now!
"Steve! Come on, buddy! Wake up, we need you!" I yelled and he woke up abruptly, sitting up almost immediately. He looked at me, confused.
"No one needs me, Tony. Leave me alone." He started to lay down but I held him up by the shoulders.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Save me the self-pity. Look and listen to me, right now." I spoke, my voice asserting Steve that I mean business. He looked at me, confused again of why I'm being so weird. "I feel for you, Steve, we all do. But I need you to come in to Avengers Tower, right now, and talk to this agent."
"Interrogating is your job, you deal with it." He yelled.
"Steve, this is so fucking important! The Agent will only speak to you and Barton. She is the one who we think, has information on Nat. So you need to stop wallowing in your own self-pity and get your ass up and find your fucking girlfriend." I snapped.
"No Buts! I broke your door down to get you. You really think I would do that if it's not important! Natasha loves you and I know you love her so you get your fucking ass out of bed, you come with me to the Tower and you find out what this Agent has to say on Nat. My fucking arm is killing me because I broke your door down to get you! Understand the importance and help us find the missing piece to our fucking family!" I added on, interrupting him. I was on the verge of tears but it's all worth it. We can get Nat back. And we will.
"I'm coming. Let me get some clothes," as he said this, he was shuffling through his drawers and throwing clothes on the bed. He picked out a grey T-shirt and a pair of jogging bottoms. "I'll get changed in the car, let's go find her." Steve remarked.

End of Prisoner

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