Chapter 60- Lets spar

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*Nat's point of view*

I jogged towards him, knowing I have to knock him down. I tried to cover my black eye with my hair but I know it wasn't doing a good job, especially as I had the wind flowing through each strand, moving them backwards. How can I hurt him?! I love Steve to pieces! He turned to Yelena, whose smile had dropped. He faced back forward with a sad look on his face, but he still managed to smile at me. That smile... I realised I was slowing down to I sped back up and slid under his legs, seeing him on the floor. My heart ached.

"F... fight back." I pleaded. His face was calm, surprisingly calm. I was worrying like hell that I hit him! I'm surprised I haven't had a mental breakdown yet. I pinned him down, arms under my arms and legs under my legs. "Please. I don't to hurt you." I added, trying to stop the tears. I don't want to hurt him. I love him so much. He weakly smiled.
"I don't want to hurt you!" He chuckled and I chuckled as well. I got lost in those eyes, those eyes. Blue orbs that I dream about every night, until the nightmare comes and snatched them into hell.

IDEA. I flipped him over off of his back so he was on top and I was on the floor.
"We're gonna Spar, okay? Just... a bit differently!" I smiled.
"Your gonna need to figure out a way to get up then." He smirked. I rolled from under him, taking his arm out as I went. He dropped on the floor laughing as I stood up. He promptly stood up and we began hand to hand combat, careful not to hurt each other. I've missed him so much.
"Don't freak out." I said as I threw a punch at him.
"If I haven't... freaked out already... I'm not going to freak out now." He said, in between breaths while he threw punches at me to dodge.
"I've been ordered to kill you." I huffed out all in one.
"Oh, I know." He said calmly.
"Wait, you do?" I questioned, kicking him in the shin but he dodged it.
"Yelena told me." He admitted.
"Oh okay. Did she ... tell you about... the blind spot?" I said, in between punches.
"Not that I can remember. I keep... losing focus... on everything." He admitted, not showing an expression. I broke him. Not the time, Natasha.
"We need to get to where... I came out from." I told him. "There's no cameras and I need to talk to you." I added, as I knocked his knees down, so he lost balance and fell to the floor.
"How do we get over there?" He asked.
"Run and I'll chase after you." I told him. I pinned him down and he rolled out from underneath me just like I did to him. He got up and ran towards the corridor, turning the corner. I ran after him, trying to avoid any cameras.

I turned the corner after him and he was up against the wall, so I stood next to him and caught my breath like he was.
"I don't know how much more of this I can handle!" I chuckled and he just smiled to himself.
"Neither can I." His smiled faded. "I need to get you out of here, I need you safe." He covered his face with his hands.
"Good." I said under my breath but he heard me and turned towards me, confused. "I need to get out of here." I weakly smiled, remembering the pain I was put through with the Master about 10 minutes ago.
"How can I get you out of here?" We we're facing each other now, inches away.
"We have to get in and tear the place apart from the inside. Find the Master and kill him. Kill everyone here and destroy the Red Room." I told him. He edged closer. He brushed the hair that covered my eye wound and put it behind my ear, before caressing it with his hand. I reached my hand up to his on my face and held it. As soon as his hand touched my face, I had that same warmth back in my body and my heart was full, I've missed him.
"With what I know they have done to you just from seeing you," Steve bit the bottom of his lip, he's so adorable "killing these assholes will not be a problem." He replied sternly. I smirked.
"Language." I smiled and so did he.

"Where did Steve and Nat go?!" Clint yelled through the earpiece Steve was wearing. Steve reached into his pocket and pulled out another earpiece. He raised his eyebrows while smiling and held his hand out, I took the earpiece and put it in my ear.
"Guys, we're in the Alleyway." I said and I swear all I of the teams mind's exploded!
"Natasha?!" Everyone yelled in Unison. I looked at Steve who had his eyebrows raised.
"Everyone has missed you!" Steve smiled and I was stood shocked, they've all missed me.
"Nat, is that you?!" Clint smiled, looking in the direction of the alleyway, linking eyes with me.
"No, it's fucking Peter Pan." I said sarcastically.
"I've missed you, you sarcastic bitch!" He laughed.
"We can do reunions later. We've got to push forward and get inside. As soon as they've realised I've turned against them, they will go for all of you." I stated.
"Okay, you heard the Lady. Get in the building. Sam and I will stay out making sure no one escapes. Good to have you back, Nat." Tony said and I smiled. I looked up at Steve, who had this dorky grin on his face.
"Good to be back." I replied, staring at the man I love. "Me and Steve are going through the side entrance." I announced.

"Come on you. Let's go end this." Steve said, smiling.

End of Let's spar

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