Chapter 3 - Abilities

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*Natasha's point of view*

We walked in silence through the forest for what felt like forever until we reached his car. It was a Toyota, I think. It was jet black with tinted windows, blocking anyone from peering inside. Clint pulled out a key from his black trousers and made the lights on the car flash a bright orange.

The car ride was silent. He just sat in his own world as we drove through the arched green trees. The lack of noise made the noise of the engine beam through my delicate ears, the feeling of unfamiliar heat flushed me into tomorrow. The seats were comfy, I always wondered what car seats felt like, I've only ever sat in the back of a black van.

After a while of driving on the dark grey tar that disturbed the natural scenery, we turned down a dirt driveway. The suspension of the car was put to the test while driving over rocks and twigs from the surrounding wood. The trees eventually gave in and opened up to show a beautiful log cabin with an oak porch. The car was suddenly silent and stationery. Clint removed his hands from the glossy black steering wheel and slapped them against his thighs.
"Well, here we are! Cabin Sweet Cabin! It's not home but it's a safe house we use when any of the agents are in danger and need a place to lay low while on a mission in Moscow." He explained, his eyes fixed on the inconspicuous safe house. "Come on, I'll show you around." He pulled the leaver on the side of his door and the door swung open, not knowing how to control a car door, I copied him and the door left my grasp, flying open.

I picked my backpack up from under my seat and slid it on my shoulder while stepping out of the vehicle. The cold air slapped my face back into reality. The towering trees blocked the two of us from the world, I was thankful of this, I don't want anybody to see me like I am but, on the other hand, I'm alone with this man who I don't even know.

"You coming?" Clint raised one eyebrow at me, gesturing towards the isolated cabin.
"Yeah." I briskly snapped out of my daze and caught up to Clint, who was unlocking the wooden door.

The door flew open to see one of the most welcoming sights. A fire flickered among the fireplace, bringing warmth to the entire cabin. Small frames hung randomly around the walls, all stating different things, one was a picture of some bald guy and some brunette girl standing in front of that same bird symbol I saw on Clints badge. That bird must be the logo. A small kitchen lay in the far corner of the room in front of the couch covered in so many throws.

The door shut behind me while I was still in a daydream about the serenity of the safe house. What happened to Clint to make him even come to this safe house? Is he on a mission? What's his mission? Me?

"Why are you here?" I asked, standing in the corner of the room whilst he placed himself on the couch.
"What do you mean?" He furrowed his eyebrows at my question.
"You said it's a safe house, right? Safe houses are only really used when your on a mission of some sort. Are you on a mission?" My head slightly tilted to push for an answer. I want to know why he is here, is it to do with the Red Room? KGB? Does whoever he works for even know they exist?
"Well, I have three weeks off as I just come back off a six month mission in Australia. These Safehouses are only for emergencies and as there are not many emergencies going around, they are often left to the agents to use for a holiday. And I'm in Russia because its HOT in Australia and I needed some cold. I have two my holiday, really don't want to go back." Hold on, what's a holiday? Clint spoke so quickly and freely, he seems so confident.
"What's a Holiday?" I asked, stepping out of the shadows. He looked shocked.
"Your kidding me! It's like a break from your life! It's amazing! You can go wherever you want or wherever your budget will take you and you can do what you want, when you want!" He exclaimed, his hands flying all over the place. "Have you not had a Holiday?"
"No, I didn't even know they existed."
"Come sit down." I took his advice and sat next to him on the couch, it's so comfortable. Everything in this mans life is soft and comfortable, such a contrast from my life. "Where are you from?"
"I've been told I'm from Stalingrad but I don't really know."
"Your Russian?!" He was taken by surprise.
"Yeah, I learnt to speak nearly every European and Asian Language and I can switch on accents like a lightbulb but American seemed to stick." I confessed. I hate my past, why can't I just be normal?
"That's good, I guess. Where are your parents?" Not good.
"My parents? There six feet underground. Have been for sixteen years." I said and Clints jaw just kept dropping.
"Okay, where did you grow up?" How do I tell him by not telling him?
"Let's say it's an evil girls orphanage." My eyes glared at my fingers, I feel so vulnerable and he doesn't even know anything properly.
"An evil orphanage? I'm sure theres more to it than that but I'm not going to push you, if you want to tell me then I'll listen but as to you I probably seem like a creepy man who you met like 2 hours ago, i understand why you don't want to tell me." He... understands that I don't want to tell him? Im normally forced to tell everyone, none of my life was a secret before he turned up.
"Okay, well, I'm sure your starving. Let's go get you a sandwich or something. So, what abilities do you have? I know you have something because you don't usually carry a knife and a gun without knowing how to use either of them to hurt someone with them." He got up from the sofa and started making his way towards the little kitchen. Why tell him about my abilities when I can show him?

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