Chapter 37- Text me

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*Steves point of view*

Even though we've been hiding our relationship for months, it feels good to let someone know. I've never really seen the brotherly side of Clint which is so refreshing to see. It's so nice so see how much Nat means to him and I'm sure he knows how much she means to me. If anyone is going to know, I'm glad it's Clint, he is such an amazing funny person and it's a privilege to work with him, let alone have him call you part of his family!

Me and Nat spent the rest of the day just chilling out in preparation for our mission tomorrow. We have to act normal so I'm going back home tonight and I'm staying there. Of course I want to stay with Nat but Wanda said she wants to pick her up so I can't be there when she does.

I decided that after the mission, I was going to ask her on a date. We haven't been on a date due to the nature of our relationship but I think we can disguise enough to be able to go out in public. I'm going to ask her at training on Tuesday. Our routine of training at least once a week is restarting this week. I'm looking forward to it, more time I can spend with Nat.

"You know I have to go Nat! It's half past 8! I want to stay as well!" I stated. She had her hands wrapped around my neck, not letting me go, cheekily smiling as she held on tighter.
"I don't want you to go! What if I get Wanda to cancel so I can stay with you?!" She pleaded, knowing it won't work.
"You know just as well as I do that Wanda is coming round, if you like it or not! You'll be okay, I'll text you when I get home. I love you loads." I smiled, giving her a kiss.
"Okay. Fine. You better text me. I love you more! Go before I change my mind and lock you in my room. Go!" She chuckled. Her arms fell away from my neck and she walked me to the door.
"I love you." I smiled, walking out of the front door.
"I love you more!" She smiled. "Text me!" She chipped in as I reached the bottom of the stairs.
"I will!" I shouted back, exiting the building.

I drove the half an hour back to my apartment and had a boring night in, on my own. I basically got inside and went to bed, leaving my bedroom window open so I can listen to the vehicles howl as they got caught in the usual New York traffic. I soon drifted off to sleep.

I awoke abruptly to multiple texts, sending my phone crazy on my bedside table. Oh crap! I was supposed to text Nat! Panicking, I attempted to grab my phone from the bedside table but instead, it dropped on the floor. Shit. I leaned over the bed and picked up my phone, only a simple crack lay solitary on my phone. I turned it on and wasn't completely surprised by the amount of texts I had received.

Natasha R.
(8.40pm) Hey Steve, you home yet? Xx
(8.50pm) Are you seriously this slow a driver! 😂 Xx
(9.00pm) Okay, you have to be home now, it doesn't take you that long to get home xx
(9.05pm) Answer your phoneeee! Xx
(9.34pm) Okay, it's been an hour. Either your home and cba to text me or you've been kidnapped.
(10.30pm) Considering to file a police report! Or I'll just come out looking for you!
(11.23pm) Please just let me know your okay
(12.43am) I got Clint to check as he only lives around the block, your car is outside.
(1.24am) I won't be able to sleep unless I know your safe.
(2.31am) I swear if your asleep, I'm not talking to you tomorrow
(3.48am) We have to be up at 6am so I'm getting no sleep tonight.
(4.58am) I'm going to the gym.
(5.55am) Come on.
(5.59am) please be okay
(6.00am) GET UP!!! Please
(6.01am) I'll come round there if your not careful

Steve R.
I'm okay! I'm sorry, I did fall asleep. I'll see you at the tower xxxxxx

Natasha R.

I have a funny feeling Nat is pissed at me, by funny feeling I mean she's totally going to freak out at me if we're alone today. I really didn't mean to fall asleep but I was so tired! That's not a good enough excuse and I know! I don't know how to make it up to her, maybe just give her some space. I know it's a pretty petty thing to fall out over but we are a new couple and this is one of our first arguments.

I had to be at the tower at 7am and I live only 10 minutes away so I could walk. The trouble with walking is that everyone recognises me, especially when I'm wearing the full red, white and blue. So I think driving is the best way to go. I got out of bed and had a nice warm shower, to get me through the day. I can't get Natasha out of my head! It's amazing to have her in my head but at the moment, it's for the wrong reasons. She's mad at me and I know why, but I can't fix it because I can't time travel. I just have to hope.

After throwing on my Stealth suit, my favourite suit, I realised the time and decided to head to the tower a little early. Walking to the door, I picked up my shield and my keys before opening it and locking it behind me. As soon as I left the apartment building, the air shot freezing bullets at my bare face. I nearly galloped to my car, turned the ignition and set off for the tower, Natasha on my mind, as per usual. I regret forgetting to text her. I hate myself for it, I hope she can forgive me.

End of Text me

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