Chapter 66- Hospital Move

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*Tony's point of view*

Clint got a text from Nat saying Steve would be down in a ward instead of intensive care. He'll be going to a Surgery Recovery ward so we're basically waiting to find out what ward that is.

"Apparently, she's with a nurse who is keeping her company until they move him. At least she's not alone." Clint huffed, looking at his phone.
"She's going to be traumatised by the way he looks. He is going to look bad so we need to prepare ourselves for the worst, especially with Nat because she's going to be in a state." I warned. Clint just huffed again.
"I know she is, she's not gonna wanna leave him to talk to me tho." Clint yawned. I saw in his eyes that he was shattered and needed sleep to even wake up tomorrow.
"Clint, I think you need to go home, your exhausted!" I told him.
"I can't go home, I have to make sure she is-" Clint started but I interrupted.
"Clint, I've got her. I'll stay with them, even if I'm in the waiting room so she can talk to him on his own." I weakly smiled. We both stood up.
"Text me any updates, on him or her. Just give her my love." Clint smiled.
"I will, don't worry." I smiled back. I gave him a bro hug and he walked out of the waiting room.

I decided to Text Nat to make sure she knows I'm staying with her instead of Clint.

Tony S.
Clint has gone home because he is shattered, I'll be with you if you need anything. Any updates on when or where he's moving? X

Natasha R.
Okay, good. I know he stayed up all night last night so he needs rest. The nurse is saying at about 11.15pm he will be moved. It's a late move but he has to be moved as there is a patient who needs to be in here tomorrow after surgery. We'll be coming out your way so we'll go down together. I'm not sure where we're going x

Tony S.
Okay, that's in about 15 minutes so I'll sit and wait. Do you want a drink or something to eat? You haven't eaten since last night according to Clint x

Natasha R.
Could do with a drink? Food I'll sort out tomorrow. I'll see you in 15 x

I can't tell if Nat is suffering from seeing Steve or her mental state is improving, mainly because it's over text. I'll have a talk with her when we reach wherever it is we are going. I'm not sure I'm ready to see Steve in a state like that. He's going to look bad! He's been exposed to dust as well, and I googled the likelihood of talking after 24 hour exposure to dust and rubble and the chances are, that it's going to take at least 3 days for him to talk. He isn't going to like that. Neither is she. But I suppose, as long as they have each other, it will be okay.

I noticed a vending machine in the corner of the waiting room, so I got some cash out and bought 2 bottles of water and two chocolate bars so Nat can actually have something to get her through till the morning.
"Mr Stark?" A voice came from behind me. I turned around to see a nurse.
"Yes, that's me. How can I help you?" I smiled.
"We are just about to move Mr Rogers down to a ward so if you would like to come through." The lady smiled, gesturing for me to walk through the door.
"Yes, of course." I walked through the doors and walked down the hallway, there is barely anyone here, mainly as most surgeries here are planned for the daytime. The lady stopped in front of a door and opened it, before mouthing to me to brace myself.

I walked in and saw him lying their, defenceless and unconscious. My best friend was stuck in that bed, unable to move, unable to speak, unable to hear or smell. Nat walked over to me and gave me a hug, I hugged her back but my eyes were fixed on Steve. Two men knocked on the door.
"Hi, we're here to move Mr Rogers?" They smiled brightly. Me and Nat moved out the way so they could move the bed. We stepped outside the door to give them space. We watched him be wheeled passed us towards the patient elevator and followed them inside. Nat was speechless of his state. The nurse was still with us and I still had my arm around Nat to make sure she knew I was here for her.

We followed them down the hallway as soon as the elevator stopped at the floor below. Nat didn't talk for the entire time Steve was being moved. We got to a ward and Steve was brought into a room that had a window that overlooked New York. I got two chairs from the corner and set them out next to Steve's bed, where both me and Nat sat down and watched him in his new room, but he was unaware he even moved.

Two nurses came in to check on Steve so I saw this as my perfect opportunity to talk to Nat. I stood up which caught Nat's attention, I signalled first her to come with me and she followed me just outside the room.
"Are you okay?" I asked, seriously.
"I'm not sure." She huffed, moving her head to look inside the room. We were both leaning against the wall.
"Talk to me." I weakly smiled, her eyes didn't move from the room.
"I don't know what I'm supposed to be feeling! Am I supposed to be relieved he's alive? He could still be in danger. He's connected to so many tubes and he is connected to an IV and he just won't be able to even talk to me if he wakes up." She turned her face to see me, her eyes were brimming with tears. "He looks awful, Tony." The tears escaped her eyes and opened my arms and she gladly embraced me, crying into my shirt.
"Don't worry, I'm here, let it all out." I tried to reassure rubbing her back.
"I just want my Steve back." She cried. I had to take a deep breath to make sure I didn't cry. How does Clint do it?
"I know, Nat, you'll get him back. He's going to come back to us."

Nat cried for a good ten minutes before we went back in to see Steve with a fresh IV. Nat held his hand and fell asleep on it, while I think I fell asleep about 5 minutes after she did.

End of Hospital Move

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