Chapter 36- Family

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*Nats point of view*

Last night was the best! I had so much fun with my friends/family and of course, my boyfriend. I don't usually like parties for me but when you have so much alcohol that it removes the idea that it's about you, your all good!

My eyes flickered open and I felt the soft steady breaths of Steve against my neck. We didn't come home till about 1 because we walked home, taking in New York and it's fantastic atmosphere at night. I couldn't think of anyone better to spend my after party with. I knew that I wasn't going to get back to sleep anytime soon so I decided to get up and sit on the couch for a bit. Careful not to wake the precious sleeping warthog (he snores! Very loud! He sounds like a warthog!), I replaced my body with a pillow and slid out from the covers. I had shorts and a vest on but it was so cold, too cold for me! I picked up the blanket that I keep on the edge of my bed and tiptoed out the room, carefully closing the door behind me.

The early morning sun was piercing through the curtains, shining rays of light that partially lit up my lounge. I practically jumped on the sofa and put the blanket over me, stretching it from my feet to my shoulders. There was a book on the coffee table in front of me, I'm not sure what it was but I picked it up and started reading it. The golden hour of the morning faded into the general brightness of day.


Who the hell is knocking at my door at this time of morning?! Why? It's not the postman, he doesn't climb the stairs, he just leaves the post in our separate locks.
"Nat? You awake?" Clint's voice bellowed through the hall. That makes more sense. I walked up to the door, still in pyjamas, he's seen me in worse conditions than in the morning.

The door swung open and revealed a very nervous and agitated Clint.
"Hey, come in." I widened the door and he just hugged me. Is he okay? "Hey, are you alright?" I asked.
"I'm okay, I need to talk to you about something." He confessed, pulling out of the hug and fiddling with his fingers.
"Yes, of course, go in and sit down." I told him, shutting the door and following him to the lounge.

Removing the blanket and the book, I sat down next to Clint, who had his head buried in his hands.
"Why are you here? Not that your not welcome, of course, but I thought Laura and the kids were here today." I questioned.
"They left about half an hour ago, Cooper has a doctors appointment to get to because of that bug he had a few weeks back. It's just a check up though, he's okay. They said they wanted to come round and see you but I told them I would drag you up there by your ears in a few weeks." He chuckled, still having that look of regret and anxiousness in his eyes.
"I'll go freely, I love going to see them all!" I smiled. "Clint, something is wrong and I can't tell what and I hate it. Tell me what's wrong before I beat it out of you." I playfully threatened, I'm really worried!
"I know." He blurted our after an exhale.
"Wait, I'm confused. You know what?" I furrowed my eyebrows.
"I don't know if it's a permanent thing or even if it is a thing but I-" he started to ramble and get even more agitated so I stopped him. I
"Clint! What the hell are you talking about?!" I yelled.
"I think you know." He put his head in his hands.

Footsteps began to echo through the apartment, coming from the bedroom, now I understand. Oh shit. He knows. The door of knob of my room squeaked as it turned, opening up for Steve to walk through. He walked out and unknowingly walked straight into the room where it was vital for him NOT to be if we wanted to keep our relationship a secret. With scruffy hair, only in a vest and jogging bottoms, Steve stood at the doorway rubbing his eyes.

"Nat, what are you doing-" he finished rubbing his eyes and looked directly at Clint. Clint smiled weakly while Steve turned into a block of stone, unmovable. I put my head in my hands.
"I hope this is what you know." I spoke, my voice muffled by my hands.
"It is." He confirmed and I sat up, smiling from embarrassment.
"Steve, unfreeze yourself." I yelled and he snapped back into reality.
"Umm... hi Clint." He awkwardly smiled, taking a seat from the dining room table to bring around to the awkward circle.
"Hi Steve." Clint replied, awkwardly.

"I'm guessing this is what you wanted to talk about." I asked.
"Yeah, it is."
"How did you find out? We were so careful. How long have you known? Have you told anyone?!" Steve started to get agitated so I gave him a look which calmed him down instantly.
"I may be bad at keeping little secrets but when it comes to Nat, I'm a lock with no key. No one but me and Laura know. I only found out last night. I went on to the roof to get some fresh air and found you two, making out. So now, my questions! How long have you two been together?" Clint revealed. We were so careful but it's hard to hide things from Clint.
"Just over three months." Steve said.
"Three months?! Ever since Nat got out of hospital?!" Clint gasped.
"Before actually, I was still in hospital. I had just found out I was going to be okay." I admitted.
"Damn, you guys are secretive!" Clint laughed.
"So, are you going to tell anyone else?" Steve asked, scared.
"Steve, I won't if you don't want me to. If you guys want to keep it secret, I'll support you." Clint smiled a genuine smile.
"Wait, so you support this?" I asked, surprised.
"As long as Steve is looking after you, which I'm sure he is, of course I do! I'm happy for you! Nat, you've been so happy the last few months, I don't want to get in the way of your life. I just need Steve to know one thing." He turned to Steve. "If you hurt her in anyway mentally, physically, socially and any other way possible, I will hunt you down and shoot a dozen arrows at your face before shoving when where the sun doesn't shine, okay? She's my sister, blood or not. And your family now, please continue what your doing. Thank you. But still, hurt her and I'll feed you your spleen." He was serious through parts of that but couldn't let a smile slip through some of it as well.
"Clint, I have no intention of hurting Nat. I love her." Steve smiled.
"Thank you." Clint beamed. "I'm going to leave you two be. I'll see you both on the mission tomorrow, it's us three, Bucky, Wanda and Tony. Bye guys!" Clint said as he began heading for the door. I ran up to him in the hall and stopped him.
"Clint! Thank you. I love you." I smiled.
"Come here softy." He gave me a hug.
"I'll see you tomorrow." I said as he left.

End of Family

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