Chapter 50- Back home

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*Natasha's point of view*

They asked me to stand guard outside the boss's room so he can escape from the back. This fight has a weird Aura to it, it's tense. It's like I'm going to get confronted with something.

I stood out front the door, looking down a dark hallway. Yelena was standing with me, waiting for orders.
"Talia, you okay? You look rattled." She asked, concerned.
"This mission doesn't feel right." I answered, looking at what I could see of my Sister.
"How so?" She questioned.
"I'm not sure, it feels like something big is going to happen that we won't expect. It's like-" I was interrupted by a voice booming into our ears through our earpiece.
"YELENA! Take care of the guys outside! The master is nearly in the clear!" The French accent boomed through our ears. Yelena leaned over and gave me a hug.
"We'll continue this when I get back." She said.
"Stay safe." I replied and she laughed.
"I'm always safe!" She yelled back at me, jogging down the corridor. She turned the corner and I could hear her footsteps as she left. They echoed out.

Another set of footsteps ran towards me. The step is heavy, clearly a male. Big build. He seemed to be only jogging. I got into a fighting stance as I prepared for the worst. A blonde in a blue suit appeared from ten corner, stopping to catch his breath. He looked my way briefly with the bluest eyes and realised he was at a dead end. Wait... blue eyes? Blonde hair? Blue suit? I took another closer look and I was gobsmacked. It can't be?! How is he here?! He locked eyes with me and I realised he knew who I was.

My face turned red.
Tears escaped my eyes.
I rubbed them away but they reappeared.
It can't be him.
No. No. No. I'm protecting him.
I'm here to protect him,
Not fight him.
The love of my life.

My heart turned savage, caged in my ribs. My eyes were a waterfall. My heart rate was higher than ever. He can't be here! No! I'm here to protect him! I don't care about this master or organisation, he is my main priority! Why did he have to come here?! He edged closer, clearly as shocked as me. His hands trembled as did mine. My legs were jelly. Wait, no! I can't be with him! I can't be seen with him! He will take me home! I can't go home! If I go home, he will never be safe again! I need him to be safe.

"Talia! Go! Run! The car is out back!" Yelena yelled through my ear. I edged backward and pressed my hand on the door knob. The door opened and I slipped out, turning back to see Steves illuminated face. A solitary tear left his eye. I couldn't leave him there saying nothing. I mouthed "I'm sorry" in hope to bandage some of the pain I have caused by leaving him. I love him. I'm doing this for him. He might not understand that. I shut the door, shutting out Steve.

I shut that door and I shut the hope of our relationship. I shut out my old life, for my old life. I'm doing this for him.

I calmed myself down, trying to avoid the fact that the love of my life that I haven't seen in two years is behind the door. I composed myself, avoiding all human emotion or feeling.

"Yel, where are you?" I yelled, heading to the back window to get out the house.
"Get in the car!" A guard yelled from the drivers seat, seeing me by the window.
"But where is-"
"Natalia! Get in the fucking car!" The guard repeated. I climbed out the window and jumped in an open window. The car sped away.
"Yelena?! Where the fuck is Yelena?!" I yelled. Where is she?! She's not here!
"She's gone." He whispered.
"No. No. No. Where is she?" I answered, keeping my cool.
"The Avengers got her and their already on the jet." He whispered again.
"FUCK!" I yelled. Yelena is the only person I had left. Now she's with the people who I just shut down all hope to. "Shit." I cursed to myself.
"Natalia, calm down. We're safe and we're heading for sunny Barcelona!" The guard attempted to lift my spirits. I stared at him blankly and he turned back to driving. A call came through on the stereo



Oh, she's going to lose her mind. The guard took a deep breathe and answered.
"WHAT DO I PAY YOU FOR?!" She yelled down the speakers.
"Madam, we did the best we could-"
"Your best wasn't good enough! Now your all heading to our New York headquarters! Do you not understand?! The entire mission has been jeopardised!!" She screeched.
"I'm sorry, Madam. I-"
"YOU have done enough! Your all to fly to JFK by jet from Charles De Gaulle airport. From there, you'll be taken to our New York base and we will meet you there. The red room is moving. We are all going to destroy EVERYONE in SHIELD and the avengers for ruining my mission and taking my second best agent! That Captain and that Hawk will be the first to go. Natalia is going to try and find a way out of our grasp so we have to act fast! Get your ass to New York, NOW!!" Madam yelled down the phone before hanging up. The Red Room is coming to New York?! Yelena knows the New York base, I have to pray they can infiltrate and take me, or at least kill me where I stand.

My brain froze and my mind rattled. I'm going back to America. To kill my Boyfriend and my Brother. I can't do it. Can they kill me instead?! Please! I can't stand by knowing they're going to try and kill all the people I love. I have to send a message to them. But how?! They won't let me out of their grasp! Wait... Hold on. I know the New York streets. I know where their cameras cover. Can I do it like that?

End of Back home

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