Chapter 8 - Attempted Recruitment

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*Steve's point of view*
**This takes place after Captain America: The First Avenger but before the Avengers**

The blinding sunlight peered through my beige curtains. Where am I?
A comfortable chunk of material stuffed with springs lay under my muscular body. What's is this?
My blue ocean eyes fluttered open while an object vibrated on the bed side table. What's that?
My head lifted to see an electronically device. Now I remember.

I hate the 21st century. It's not like the 1940's at all, 70 years can really make a difference.  I looked at the weird phone, I think that's what he called it, that Nick Fury gave me when he broke the news in the middle of the digital Times Square.
Nick F.
I'm standing outside your door, let me in.

Such a way with words, Fury. I've been learning how to use the device via the book that his female agent gave me, Marie.... no Maria. That's her name. I swipe the screen across and start typing back.

Steve R.
O.K. just wokening up. Do not no how to wouse the devixe.

Nick F.
You've really got to learn how to type, Rogers. You can't spell.

I swung my legs around to the side of the bed and stood up. I strolled over to the chair in the corner of the room and picked up the T-shirt I wore yesterday, I walked out my bedroom and towards the front door to let Fury into my apartment.
"Took your time, cap. I've got to get Stark to teach you how to use a phone." He said as the door swung open and he invited himself in. Fury is very confident and he doesn't overly care what others think of him, as long as the job gets done.
"Come on in, Fury." I said sarcastically, shutting the door and walking into the living room where Nick was already sitting down and waiting for me. "Why are you here? I've just woken up."  I asked, annoyed by his presence. I'm still adjusting to this way of life. I don't need him interfering with how I get my life back on track when I know no one but him.
"I'm here to see how your getting on. How are you doing?"
"Not great, how would you be doing if you just realised you've had the longest nap in history? I don't know anyone, I don't know how to get my life back on track." I admitted, leaning against the doorframe.
"I think I may be able to help you with that." He pulled out a file from his pocket and put it on the oak coffee table in front of him.
"What's that?" I questioned, stepping forward to examine the file. It was a light brown folder, quite thin.
"That is Agent Romanoff's file. She would be your partner if you joined us at SHIELD. You both have the same skill set, you both perform on the ground." I picked up the file and opened it up, unleashing a face I can never forget. Dark emerald eyes shone out at me before anything else. Red locks framed her fragile, pale face. Her hair only came down to her shoulders but she didn't need long hair to grap my attention. I mean, Peggy never had long hair. She looks... beautiful. Extraordinary. Nothing like I've seen before, and I come from the 40's! But I don't see how she can be an agent of SHIELD? "Natasha is our best agent. You are the worlds best soldier. I believe the both of you can be unstoppable."

I didn't want to look any further, I don't have the right to judge this woman from her past, she is beautiful though. I'm not ready to get back out into the world yet, I need some time to adjust. I would love to work with this woman but just not yet.

I closed the file after realising I had been staring at the Agents photo and placed it on the coffee table. I glanced at Fury who was looking at me confused, almost intrigued.
"What do ya think, Roger's? You can get straight on missions, saving the world. It's everything you did before the ice!" Fury leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees with his hands grasping eachother.
"I... I don't think I'm quite ready yet. I'm sure the agent-"
"Natasha." He interrupted.
"Yes, Natasha, I'm sure she's amazing at her job but I'm not ready to get back to missions quite yet. I'm sorry." I admitted. As much as I'd love to work with this woman, I cannot just jump back into my old life, things are different now. I'm in a new Century! It's very tempting.
"If your sure, Captain. The offer is always there if you want to, Romanoff is very welcoming and I'm sure you'll get on great." He stood up, grunting as he did. When he reached his full height, he slapped his thighs and walked straight passed me and down the corridor. Such a nice man. "Look, Cap. You could help us dramatically, Natasha is great but two of you would be phenomenal. The doors always open my friend."

I followed him to the front door, which he opened, walked through it and turned around. I leaned against the door frame.
"Thank you for the offer, Fury. It's very tempting but I need time to adjust to this new life and new generation. I'll hopefully see you soon." I smiled weakly, staring directly at his blank face.
"We hope so, Cap."

With that, he strolled down the hallway and descended down the stairs.

I shut my front door and went back to my living room to think. A light brown envelope still sat on the coffee table. A part of me wants to pick it up and run after Fury, telling him he forgot it because it's the right thing to do but I have this resistance, holding me back.

This woman, this agent, Natasha... Romanoff, shes messing with my brain. I'm not sure what it is, something is drawing me to her. I want to take the job but the problem is, I only think I want to take the job so I can meet her! I need time to get my head straight. I refuse to read her file. I will not unleash her past without her permission, especially to a stranger like me.

But those eyes...

End of attempted recruitment

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