Chapter 56- Meeting

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*Steve's point of view*

We gathered in the conference room later that day to hear Yelena's plan to save Nat and destroy the Red Room, once and for all. I was eager to get Nat back home so I arrived early, a little too early. I walked in to here my name leave Clint's mouth while he was talking to Yelena. The pair both turned to look at me like they had just been caught.

"Why did you say my name?" I asked, walking over and sitting down next Clint.
"Oh, it was nothing! Yelena was just telling me what Nat said when she spoke about yo-" Clint smiled and Yelena covered his mouth with her hand.
"Nothing! I said nothing." She quickly added. Oh yeah, like she said nothing. She gave Clint a death glare and then turned to smile at me. You can't get more suspicious.
"Yeah, nothing, right. What were you talking about, really? Unless your planning my death, I suggest that you speak up." I raised my eyebrows at the pair of them, Clint still unable to talk due to the mouthful of Yelena's hand. He mumbled something and Yelena let go of him.
"He dated her for Christ sake! She rubs off on people. He obviously knows we were talking about something!" Clint put his hands up, innocently.
"Yes, I do know you were talking about something so just say what you said." I added and Yelena huffed.
"Fine. We were talking about what Nat used to tell me about you." Yelena admitted. "She's gonna kill me." She added.
"Okay, now I'm worried, what did she say?" My heart skipped a beat, this could either be amazing or heart breaking.
"She used to tell me all about you. How you took care of her, how you always tried to show affection, even when you were in public. She said you were a dream! But she always goes on to tell me that she's not worthy of you because her past, when she would already be crying she would tell me all the things that people have ... have done to her, proving that she's unworthy of anyone. She told me all the things she would do to herself if she makes it out alive to find you dead, you try to talk her out of her thoughts but she always diverted back to how she would- would... punish herself for eventually hurting you. She didn't say a bad word about you, only the fact that you got in an argument before she was taken and you never wanted to leave her, which she said she hated but smiled at the thought. You've done Nat good, Steve, if you two were to marry-" Yelena not only broke my heart but mended it. I had mixed emotions.
"Woah, woah woah, Marriage? We've been together 5 months! I want her home before we discuss that. It would be an honour to marry Natasha but I only want to worry about getting her home at the moment." I interjected, both of them smiled. "What are you smiling at?" I asked, confused.
"We just wanted you to know it would be an honour to have you as our brother-in-law." Clint smiled and I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding.
"Thanks." I smiled back at them.

After half an hour of talking, the rest of the Avengers arrived, all of them turned up but I know a few of them couldn't come. Tony stood up at the end of the oval table we were all sitting at.
"Good Evening everyone. Your all here for one specific reason, or specific person." Tony introduced. It seemed like everyone's eyes fell on me and Tony must've noticed, as he quickly continued to get the attention back on him. "As we all know, Nat has been missing for over two years after a mission went wrong. A few days ago, a few of us ventured out France after there were reports from Fury that two females were protecting the Hydra bases SHIELD were trying to take down. We arrived and the inevitable fight occurs, we capture someone who I'll introduce in a minute, but Steve saw someone. Steve, do want to continue?" Tony gestured for me to continue the story. Okay, keep yourself together Rogers.
"My orders were given to infiltrate the main compound and take any data I could get my hands on. I went in the direction I saw the woman we caught coming from, to enter a dark hallway with someone standing at the end. Green eyes. I knew instantly that it was Natasha, but she went through the door before I could get to her. She mouthed sorry before shutting the door on me, leaving me basically gobsmacked in the hallway." I concluded and everyone looked at me surprised, probably because I didn't cry. For the entire duration of my explanation, I had my head down, looking at my fingers so if I did cry, no one could see.
"Thanks Steve. Then we had reason to believe that Natasha is alive and well, possibly not completely but we will cross that bridge when we get to it." Tony knew that she would be suffering mentally. This whole experience is going to have a toll on her. Everyone knew that.
"So, who is that?" Fury asked, pointing at Yelena.
"Fury, I presume." Yelena smiled, unfazed by Fury's comment.
"I was coming to that, Fury. This is Yelena. She is the person we caught, and she is also one of the two agents that we were sent to stop. The other agent, I'm afraid, is Natasha." Everyone's face looked shocked by Tony's comment. "But, it's all for the right reasons. She had no choice. Yelena, do you want to carry on?" Tony gestured for Yelena to continue.
"Yes, right. I'm Yelena Belova and I grew up with Natasha in the Red Room. We are sisters. Natasha was taken on a mission, as Tony said, and transferred to the main compound in Europe somewhere. I don't know where because they simply wouldn't let us know. Me and Nat were sent on a mission to protect Hydra bases around Europe. Now that I have been taken, they are going to want to get me back. They are going to move to their Red Room New York base, with Nat. We are going to go down there and not only bring Nat home, but destroy the Red Room, once and for all." Yelena announced.
"Okay, yeah, we can do that. But why are you helping us and why should we believe you?!" Bucky asked, raising his voice.
"I'm Nat's sister and I want her home as much as you do. The Red Room is a bane on everyone, and I don't know about Nat, but I want to know that these bastards go to hell, along with their kid torture camp." Yelena defended herself, Bucky sat back in his chair and acted like he said nothing.

"Tomorrow at 10am. Be at the garage by 9.45am. Be ready to fight." Tony announced, everyone nodded.
"Go get some rest, big day tomorrow." With the last word from Tony, everyone headed out of the room and went home.

I, however, knew that sleeping won't be an option tonight so I went up to the surveillance room and started studying the area where Yelena said the base is.

End of Meeting

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