Chapter 41- Update

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*Steve's Point of View*

It's been a week since the mission and we're all still confused. Tony asked us to go to the meeting room for an update to see if anyone has found any lead on Nat. I walked in early to find Clint and Wanda sitting at the desks.

"Hey Steve, how you holding up?" Clint asked as I sat next to him, placing a hand over my shoulder.
"Not as good as she would be if it was me." I weakly smiled and looked at my hands. "Does Wanda know?" I looked up to see Wanda looking confused by the friendliness between me and Clint and why I was suffering so much.
"Is there something I should know?" She questioned, furrowing her eyebrows.
"She doesn't." Clint interrupted.
"Hey Steve! How you doing bud?" Tony walked in, practically throwing himself in my direction.
"I'm just about to tell Wanda actually-" I started but was interrupted.
"Tell the whole group, there going to find out when they look through phone records anyway." Tony said, wisely. Everyone is going to find out at some point.
"That's true-"

Just at that moment, the rest of the group walked in and took their places around the table. Tony at the head, then Nick, Maria, Rhodes, Banner, Sam, Bucky, Wanda, Clint, me, Thor and a strange female with Blonde hair.

"Right, first call of business, Thor." Tony started, pointing directly at the blonde. "Who is this?"  Tony kindly said through gritted teeth.
"Guys, this is Carol. She's from Earth but was abducted by Kree and gained the power of some ship or rather. She can be a good asset in finding Nat." Thor introduced. As long as she can help us, she can stay. She seems pretty harmless.
"Okay, Carol, welcome to the team. Does you know the situation?" Tony asked.
"Yeah, Thor told me on the trip down here." Carol spoke, she's clearly American.

"Okay well, I'm going to Refresh everyone's memories anyway, even though it's something we can't forget." Tony began, a picture of Nat appeared on the screen behind him. She looked so innocent. God, I wish she would come home. "Natasha fell into a Coma a few months back and has only just been given the all clear from 1 eye over here on the Saturday before last." Nick looked at Tony, furious. "Natasha went on her first mission back with the team, with me, Clint, Wanda, Steve and Bucky. She went inside to get intel and never came back out, as far as we're aware." The screen changed to a picture of the mansion. "Clint and Steve went up to find Nat when we hadn't heard back from her. They went into the office and found a file that was Natasha's, multiple pictures scattered across the floor," the screen changed to a picture of the room, pictures of her torture scattered across the screen. "and finally a sign saying 'too late, Avengers, she's mine now.'" I gulped at the thought that I was never going to see her again. "Fury, if you would." Tony sat back down while Fury stood up.
"We have had teams sweeping the area in and around the facility where she was taken and we believe this was there plan all along." I leaned forward. Why the hell did I let her go out so soon after getting back?! She would've gone anyway though, she is her own independent woman. "We found a secret tunnel in the walk way both Agent Romanoff and Cap went through to transport Natasha off the premises and out of the fight, along with whoever took her. We now believe that Black van Clint saw had Natasha inside. We're searching through any CCTV but it's highly unlikely we will find anything, these guys are pros. They wanted Natasha back to her past, which could deteriorate her mental state further. We need to find her fast." Fury announced, leaving me gobsmacked. I could've ran past her in that tunnel, walking the opposite direction to where she was kept hostage.

"I believe there is nothing but we should dig deeper into Natasha's life outside the Avengers, we know she's innocent, but we need to double check to see if she got any calls from Russian or European numbers, if you find one, trace it and find the source." Tony stated.
"I've got to tell you all something about Nat." I started, everyone's attention turned to me and I felt an enormous amount of pressure force onto my shoulders. "Your gonna look through her records and see messages and calls from me, there's a valid reason behind that." She's going to kill me if she finds out I told everyone. "Nat and I are..."
"DATING?!" Wanda screamed, sounding way too surprised and excited. I nodded and put my head down on the table and waited for any criticism.
"We've been joking about you two together for months! How long have you been together?!" Sam asked, also really intrigued. I looked up to find multiple stunned faces. Maria and Nick has their jaws hitting the flaw, Bucky as well. Carol and Thor didn't really have an idea what was going on while Wanda, Rhodes and Sam were filled with joy. Banner had a face of anger and annoyance as he realised Nat was taken all this time.
"Three months." I answered and everyone repeated what I said in question form.
"Shit, Cap. That's why you lost your mind when you all got back here." Sam realised what I was going through and the feeling started to spread around the group.
"He lost his shit at the mansion as well." Bucky added, standing up. He walked around to my side and patted my shoulder. "I'm sorry, bud." I weakly smiled at him. Everyone apologised.
"Im going to work my ass off, following any leads till the end. If you could help me, I'd be eternally grateful, she may have a past but we all know she doesn't deserve this. She deserves to be home, enjoying her life. I'm going to go a bit cheesy here but Natasha is my life, she made me the happiest man alive and I'm going to devote my life to finding her because I love her, and I forever will. She needs to be home! I'm gonna find her and bring her home." With that, I stood up and left the room, holding back the tears the best I can. I need to go for a walk.

End of Update

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