Chapter 42- Agreement

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*Natasha's point of view*

"Fight Natalia! Fight or you'll end up in the chamber!" Madam yelled at me as I attacked an innocent girl. She was older than me but suffered more than me, all she wanted to do was leave and attempt to live a normal life, only one of us can leave this fight alive.

"Sloppy Natalia! Do not fail. You know the price of failure." I fought on. Those words spinning through my head like a ticking time bomb. Without thinking, I grabbed the girls head and twisted, hearing a deadly crack that echoed around the room and in my head. "That's more like it, my child." Madam said, two burly Russian guys walked in and dragged the soulless body of my friend away. My friend. And I killed her. I am not a friend. I am dangerous. I am deadly.

The two guys walked back in, without the body. Both walked to either side of me and grabbed my weak arms, dragging me towards the chamber.
"No, no, no!" I screamed, I did as they asked! I'm still getting punished.
"Weakness, Natalia. Hide your puny flaws and become the emotionless monster you were born to be." Madam yelled as my feet dragged across the hard wood floor, my efforts at fighting would never work. I was dragged down set of stairs, awaiting the fatal injuries they will place on my body.

I awoke suddenly, my breathing irregular and my head pounding. I expected to be in my own bed, my own home, my life, with the Man I love next to me. But no. I was in a stone box, chained up like an animal against the wall. My feet were tied and so were my hands by chains, that dug into my pale skin. Another chain tied my legs and hands together, like a bridge between hell. I wasn't in my own clothes, not even my own suit! I had a white dirty rag that barely covered my body. The only light that shined in this room was a window. It was small, minute even! Metal bars crossed each area that a body part could squeeze through. Only one door was located opposite the window, a metal guard blocking me from the outside world. A camera was in a corner of the room, flashing a small red light.

Metals bashed together and echoed around the room, catching my immediate attention. An enormously fat man strolled in, wearing a black suit that looks like he had it tailor made (no shop has that size in their clothing!). He had dusky brown hair that thinned at the top of his head, leaving a little bald lake at the peak of his head. He had this smug look on this face that clenched my fists. He was followed by two similar looking guys, on each side of the fat guy, both with a stern look ok their face.

"Ah! Natalia! So glad your finally awake, after an entire week!" He spoke, it's him. The guy who drugged me. His thick Russian accent made my skin crawl.
"Remind me why I'm here?" I questioned, trying to keep up a cocky act in the hope he'll get annoyed and leave with his minions.
"That is not the way to speak to your master now, is it?" He mocked.
"Aw, shame. Answer the question." I smiled, being extremely sarcastic.
"Well, my dear girl, you seem to be living quite the life after your coma. Before that, you were making us the happiest group ever, seeing your depression and PTSD really put a smile on my face. But for some reason, you seemed to overcome your mental illnesses after your coma, so we went ahead and found out why." He announced. Oh.. oh shit! He knows about Steve! Keep calm, keep calm. "You have some explaining to do. It seems as though you have found someone, but not just anyone, Steve Rogers!"
Fuck. "Keeping it under wraps didn't work so well, did it, pumpkin?" Fuck.
"So what? Why do you care about my life? I didn't even know where we were fighting was your precious Red Room. Steve has nothing to do with this." I answered, hastily. I want to protect him as much as possible.
"Why wouldn't we care? Your our child. We raised you. We shaped you into the monster you are today. This man changed you! This Captain America has made you happy. We brought you back to show you the true reason you were out on this earth, with us. This man is disrupting this, he clearly has to go-" I interrupted.
"No! ... I mean, no, don't, I'll stay with you. Keep me for however long you'd like, just leave him alone, and the rest of the team." I agreed. I'm doing this to protect the team, to protect him, from these evil murders. I'd rather suffer from these lunatics then live in a world where I know all my friends, my family, are dead.
"Good. As long as you stay, they won't get hurt. But first, you have plenty of people who require you." He chuckled, I know what's coming but it's best to be sure.
"Require me?" I questioned, knowing the answer.
"You left your family for a bunch of costumed twats, you don't think there won't be consequences?" He laughed, exiting the room.

A few minutes later, a TV was rolled in on a trolley by a guard, who turned it on and left. The image was blurry and grey, gradually developing a picture. There was a man, sitting in front of a screen, furiously typing away. I can't see who it is and it's driving me insane! He typed and typed, and then stopped suddenly. Staring at the screen. He then stood up and punched the desk top in defeat. Another person walked in and saw him defeated, they came over and comforted him, that's when the video feed stopped. The screen zoomed in on the two people. Closer, closer, facial features becoming clearer and clearer, until I saw who it was.

My Steve, being comforted by my surrogate brother, Clint. They know who is special to me. They know what is special to me. They're reminding me that these people, these men, the people most special to me, can be taken away in an instant. I have to brave through this, I need to, for them.

End of Agreement
Hi everyone!

Due to the CoronaVirus outbreak, Schools in my country have closed today and are shut until further notice. I have work to do as my GCSEs are next year and they want us to work extra hard during our time at home. When I'm not doing work, I will be so bored! So if anyone is bored, I'm free to talk if you want to! I will be posting lots of updates, at least one a day.

I've loved reading all your comments and they all are so sweet! I'm so glad you like my fan fiction! I'd love to answer any questions, message me if you to.

Also, a bit of old news, but, Black Widow is postponed! Ngl, I did cry but it's for the best, the movie won't get the recognition it deserves if the film goes ahead for the set date. I'm looking forward to the movie, whenever it comes out!

Thank you all for your amazing support!!💗💗

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