Chapter 70- Mr Caffeine

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*Steve's point of view*

Tony, Clint, The Doctor and the nurse walked in, all smiling. Tony was almost in tears. I just attempted to smile back as they all crowded around me, Clint placing a hand on Nat's shoulder.
"Hello Mr Rogers, you gave us all a bit of a scare there! We thought we lost you for a moment, we did actually! I'm sure your aware you can't talk properly or at all." The doctor smiled.
"I can whisper?" I answered slowly and I felt Nat squeeze my hand.
"And that will do just fine at the moment. I'm afraid you won't be able to talk due to the dust you were exposed to. As I'm also sure your aware, you had surgery yesterday. We operated for 9 hours and found a number of difficulties. You hit your head pretty hard during your fall and I'm afraid you may have a little brain damage, this will mainly affect your speech and maybe a few memories but it seems the key ones are with you, which is always a great outcome, especially in something as severe as this. You have a few major cuts but they have been treated. We are now focussed on your brain damage and why it was nearly fatal waking you up. You will need Physio but as long as you attempt to move each day, we will be okay, but please, do not rush anything. We'll be back in a few hours for a brain evaluation and you'll have a brain X-ray tomorrow. Glad your okay." He smiled. Okay, I'm not surprised I am this badly hurt, I was crushed under a building for 24 hours. As long as I remember the key parts of my old life, it'll all be okay.
"Thank you, Doctor." I said, slowly again. He smiled again and walked out the room, followed by the nurse who smiled as well, taking two trolleys with her.

"Steven, I am so glad your okay. I'm not sure what I would've done. Me and Clint were pacing outside hating Nat scream basically tore us apart but your alive! God, I'm not sure how we would move on without Captain America!" Tony smiled, moving around the other side of the bed to Nat.
"I'm glad I am alive as well." I smiled, Tony automatically looked confused.
"Tony, give him a chance, of course he's not gonna be able to talk quickly or normally immediately, you knew this." Clint scowled Tony down before turning to me. "Honestly, if you were dead, I'm not sure how I would've handled Nat. I had her for 24 hours, man! You can keep her!" Clint joked, earning himself a punch from Nat. "Ow!"
"I'm just glad your alive and next to me! It hasn't been both of us together like this since the night before that mission!" She smiled, staring me in the eyes.
"Oh. My. God." Tony had his jaw wide open. I looked at him, then to Nat, who looked embarrassed, and then back to Tony.
"What?" I questioned.
"This is the first time seeing you two together! This is the most adorable thing ever!" Tony squealed.
"Okay, Mr Caffeine, I think it's time I take you home so you can get some actual sleep rather than fantasising about these two." Clint said, walking around the bed putting a hand on Tony's shoulder. It gained a small giggle from Nat which was adorable but that's just her.
"Fine, Mr Boring. Everyone is so excited to see you two together, we've been rooting for you two for years! I'm glad your with us, Cap. Be warned, you may get visitors later because Yelena and Wanda want to come. Bye, love birds!" Tony exclaimed, walking out the room so Clint could say goodbye.
"You two stay out of trouble. I'll be back with Yelena and Wanda at about 2pm so you guys have about 3 hours to yourself. I'm glad your with us, Steve, honestly don't know what we would do without you." Clint smiled before following Tony out the Room.

"Tony may have slept last night but he was asleep on a chair and he has had a lot of coffee this morning!" Nat laughed.
"Eh, it's Tony." I smiled. I couldn't stop smiling, looking into her emerald eyes was a gift from heaven.
"If you keep smiling, their going to need to stitch your mouth shut." She raised an eyebrow.
"I can't help it, I have the perfect view." I smiled even more, if that was possible. She blushed and tried to hide it. "Your shit at hiding that." I added. She looked shocked, but smiling still as well.
"Did the famous Captain Steven Rogers just swear?!" She joked.
"Did the famous black widow blush?!" I repeated and she just looked jokily annoyed.
"Touché." She smiled. "You know, everyone came up with a nickname for us?" She asked, catching my attention. "Well, they've had it since they first started saying we should get together, before we were even together!"
"They do not know how to keep out of other people's business! What is it?" I asked, the usual speed that I'm now talking in. I hate whispering at this speed but it's the best I can do.
"Romanogers! I mean it's not bad." She furrowed her eyebrows.
"It's perfect, it has your name in it." I smiled and she continued to blush.
"I've given up hiding it now, I don't need to, everyone knows and you know you can get me to blush easily so whats the point!" She laughed and I started laughing but it turned into a cough. And another. And another. Till I was basically having a coughing fit. I managed to calm myself down, with the worried face of Natasha standing over me, doing all she can. "No more laughing for you." She smiled.
"Good idea." This times, whispering burnt but I can't let Nat know that. I have to keep up communication.

We spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon with Nat talking about what happened in the Red Room. She went through hell. I should've tried to ... r... re... what's the word? What could I have tried? It's normal to forget things, everyone does! But... what was I thinking about?

End of Mr Caffeine

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