Chapter 64- Waiting Room

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*Nat's point of view*

Clint pulled up to the hospital and told me to go find Tony while he parked the car. Still in shock but with adrenaline running through my veins, I got out and basically ran through the hospital finding the surgery waiting room. I found a reception in front of the surgery.
"Hi, do you know where Steve Rogers is?" I panted.
"Have you got jurisdiction to be here? What's your name?" The receptionist asked, pulling out a notebook.
"Natasha Romanoff, please I need to know he's okay!" I pleaded.
"Top of the list! Go straight through. He's currently in surgery, the doctor will call your name when he is out." The receptionist smiled, gesturing to a door to her right, guarded by SHIELD agents. I smiled back and walked passed the guards, through the door to find Tony pacing in an empty waiting room.

"Nat!" He ran up to me and hugged me, squeezing me tight.
"Tony, what the fuck is going on?!" I pleaded.
"They found him about 5 metres from the pressure plate, unconscious under rubble. They saw he was alive and immediately brought him here. He's been in surgery for an hour." Tony said, after letting me go and we sat down.
"I thought he was dead!" I cried.
"The world did as well!" Tony put his hand on my shoulder.
"If he wakes up, I'm going to lose my shit." I laughed, joking.
"If he wakes up, the world will lose their shit at him!" Tony laughed along. "Where's Clint?"
"Parking the car, he told me to come in and I basically freaked out any patient in the hospital by running through the corridors." I stood up and started pacing.
"Oh okay. Well we have a private waiting room with specialist surgeons. So, anyone who isn't on the list I gave them will not come in unless it's a surgeon." Tony explained. I nodded.

Clint ran in the room and he looked like he had been running as well.
"How is he?" Clint asked, both of us shrugged our shoulders.
"No update." Tony said. Clint huffed and sat down while I continued to pace.
"Nat?" Tony asked. I stopped pacing and looked at him. "Are you okay?"
"Not overly. I haven't seen Steve in two years and I thought about him everyday, same as you guys. And then I was ordered to kill the love of my life and the only family I've ever had. Then, just when things started to look good, I had Steve and we were about to end it all, that fucking Master planted a bomb where he knew one of us would step and ruined me. For 24 hours, I thought Steve was dead and I literally didn't know what to do with myself without him. And then, an hour ago, I was woken up from what was actually a nightmare to find out he's alive but he's in life threatening surgery that even when he gets out, could be fatal!" I was crying as soon as I started and I just started pacing to clear my head. The boys were silent, probably taken aback from my breakdown. The silence became too much to bare. "I'm sorry." I huffed as I sat back down to gather my thoughts. I was sitting opposite them with my head buried in my hands.
"Nat, don't apologise." Tony said, I looked up tear-stained red cheeks. "None of this is your fault."
"But it is. Back at that mission, Fury warned me it was in Russia and I knew I wouldn't be ready, but I went anyway! And that all led here, to Steve lying on a table after a building fell on him!" I admitted, Clint knew but Tony didn't, but he didn't seem fussed. "I'm supposed to protect him, he's my boyfriend, it's not supposed to be like this." I huffed again.
"You can't change the past, but I'm sure Steve would go through it all again to make sure you are safe." Clint added. I weakly smiled.
"I only feel safe with him." I smiled.
"Come over here." Tony said, moving across a chair and gesturing me to sit between him and Clint. I flopped on the chair in between them, throwing my head backwards.

An hour passed, the three of us just sat there staring off into space. I felt myself dozing off, I looked over to see Clint had already fallen asleep. I think he stayed up all night looking after me so I can't disturb him.
"Nat, get some sleep. You like you've been run over with a truck. I'll wake you up as soon as there is news." Tony smiled, catching my attention. I put my feet up on the chair, curling into a ball with my head resting on his shoulder.
"Thanks Tony." I whispered, my eyes began to shut.
"I missed you." He replied, I could feel his smile.
"I missed you too." I smiled. The pure silence sent me to sleep almost immediately.

Beautiful flowers were drenched in the blood of my comrades, who lay next to them, lifeless. My heart raced as I walked through the pile of bodies that had trashed the floor. Bucky and his metal arm detached from his body. Sam was covered by his wings, protecting my eyes from seeing him. Wanda lay still, her eyes were cloudy glass orbs, lifeless. Maria had been shot, she was face down in the mud clasping her wound, but she too was dead. Tony was in his suit, minus his helmet, the arc reactor was darker than the black dilated pupils in his eyes. Clint, struck in the chest by his own arrow, his face subconsciously pleading me to save him, but again, it was too late. And then there was Steve. Broken Shield lay by his tortured body. His helmet was a few meters from his relaxed hand. His face, his pain was shown. But he had been laid to rest, because he too, was dead.
"Their lives were taken by the main burden of the world. The monster from Russia. The Black Widow. You. You killed them." A voice resounded around my head.
"I couldn't have done this! I love them!" I cried, leaning to Steve's side.
"Your love is worth shit. You murdered them in cold blood. You don't deserve the air you breathe." The voice added. My mind raced. I curled into a ball beside Steve, his cold body radiating death as I cried on to the blood covered flowers. They were once beautiful, but they overtaken by guilt, like everything.

"Natasha Romanoff?"

End of Waiting Room

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