Chapter 28: Home

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*Natasha's point of view*

I haven't been in a car in forever! It's so nice to feel the mild New York breeze against my skin again! Inhaling in the fresh air, Clint, Tony and Steve accompanied me to Tony's car which was parked just a block away from the hospital. Steve, who seemed to be happier than I was that I was out of that damned hospital room, stood next to me for the walk to the car and we had a chat while Clint and Tony scampered ahead.
"How's it feel to be out?" He asked, smiling like a dork. Me, being the stupid dork I am, beamed back up at him.
"Amazing! The simplest things that you don't even consider to be things become the one of the main things you look forward to, especially after being locked up in that room!" I emphasised with hand gestures, he couldn't keep from beaming down at me.
"I'm not surprised, I looked forward to seeing you leave." His smile dimmed as we approached the car, as did mine. I just wanted to hold him, give him the biggest hug I can using all my strength to make sure he knew this isn't his fault. None of my mental health issues are his fault, it's mine.

Clint opened the door for me when we got close to the car, I playfully slapped him and he pretended to be hurt. Steve sat in the back with Clint while Tony sat up front with his eyes fixed on the steering wheel. Throughout the journey, I couldn't help but keep looking back to see Steve, but each time I looked in the mirror, he was either daydreaming out the window or playing with his fingers nervously. Tony asked him a question and it was so clear he was lost in his thoughts, he looked up from his nails and had these puppy dog eyes that made me want to kiss his adorable face.

It was mainly Clint and Tony who spoke during that car journey, Steve was fixated on his thoughts and my thoughts were fixated on Steve. He scares me when he is so quiet.

After what felt like an eternity, the car pulled up outside my flat and we all got out of the car, me taking longer than the other three to get out. Steve got out the car and helped me stand while Clint and Tony absentmindedly walked into the building.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, pulling his head down to face me. His eyes stared directly into mine until he lost confidence and directed his attention to his feet. "Talk to me once the pair of dumbasses have gone, okay?" He nodded and walked with me to the doors of the building.
"How am I going to fake leaving?" He asked quietly.
"Pretend you get a text and leave. I'll text you when they have gone. I'll fake being tired or something." I smiled and so did he. "Come on, Soldier." I laughed, pulling him into the building.

After about 20 minutes climbing stairs, we made it to my apartment. I jammed the key into the door and twisted it, throwing it open and hobbling in, followed by three men. The entire apartment hasn't changed at all, apart from the gathering of dust which I'll clean off while I'm alone and have got nothing better to do. My lounge was as bright as ever, my black couch reflecting the sunlight that the windows were allowing in. I quickly flopped on the couch, Clint sat next to me and Tony and Steve sat at the table in the corner.
"I'm so glad to be home." I mumbled, my hands over my face and my back nestled into the sofa.
"Trust me, we all are!" Tony laughed.
"Yeah, it's a pain in the ass going back and forward to that hospital!" Clint said.
"Steve never had that issue, he basically never left!" Clint smirked and I hit him.
"At least he stayed while you went to... where was it? Costa Rica?" I joked. Clint looked hurt so I laughed. Damn that was close.
"Oh sorry, you were unconscious!" He laughed. I made eye contact to Steve and indicated for him to leave before they said someone else. Steve picked up his phone and pretended to look interested at a non-existent text.
"I've gotta go. I'll see you all later!" Steve said, swiftly standing up and headed over to me.
"Why you going now? Can't you wait?" I asked, holding back a smile.
"Personal emergency, Ms Romanoff. I'm glad your okay." He leaned in and hugged me, I returned the hug and so wanted to kiss him but there were two pairs of wondering eyes.
"Okay, thanks for staying with me." I said as I let him go and he headed for the door.
"No problem, bye guys." He yelled as the door slammed behind him.

"I could've sworn you two were a thing." Tony said, too loud.
"TONY! YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO SAY THAT IN FRONT OF HER!" Clint yelled, throwing his head in his hands. Well, he's not wrong, but I've got to keep up this act.
"Guys, what the hell!? Don't guess my life! Steve is just my partner! He knows no more about me than what I do about him, and as proven by just then, I know basically nothing about him!" I yelled, confronting the boys. They both looked guilty.
"Sorry Nat." They said like teenage boys apologising to their teacher.
"It's fine, sorry I'm just tired." I said, faking a massive yawn.
"We'll leave you be, get some rest." Clint said, standing up, indicating for Tony to get up as well.
"Thanks, I'll see you guys soon. Thank you for taking me home." I smiled and they smiled back.
"Bye Romanoff! Hope you get back to work soon!" Tony said, giving me a hug.
"So do I!" I laughed. Clint walked over and gave me a hug.
"Get some rest, I'll come round and see you after I get back from my mission tomorrow." He said as we parted.
"I'll see you guys soon!" I said, walking them to the door.
"Bye, Nat!" They both said and they headed down the stairs.

I shut the door and walked back to the couch and sat down, pulling my phone out from my back pocket.

Natasha R.
Disposed of the Dumbasses. Come back up x ;)

Steve R.
Coming up now x

About a minute later, my door opened and shut. Steve waltzed into the room and sat on the couch next to me, putting my hand in his and squeezing it tightly.

End of Home


Hi! Sorry I haven't updated much recently, I've had my mid-year tests and I've been revising. I've also had some family issues and my own personal mental health issues so it's been a hard start to the decade! I only have 2 more exams so I'm going to have some time after that to update! I'm going away with my school in February half-term so I may not be able to update often until March!

I hope you like my story! Feel free to comment your thoughts or opinions, I'll try my best to reply!

Thanks for reading! I'm eternally grateful!! 💗

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