Tony | That Party

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You'd never been the type to go to parties, but when the invite to this one came, how could you refuse?

As you got out of the car with your best friend, you found yourself biting on your lower lip in anticipation of the party people were calling 'the event of the year'. Tony Stark had gone all out on this party.

You hooked arms with your bestie and followed her in, glad for her connections. "Go mingle. I'll be back," she said, leaving you no choice other than to go and make friends.

The atmosphere was electric.

The first three people you met weren't very interesting, just a couple of business people with their minds on the money. You wanted to meet someone that you could have fun with. After all, that's what you'd expect from a party.

You quickly smoothed back the flyaway that had began to come loose from the wind outside. As you did, you walked to the bar to put down your clutch. You searched the place. Where was the concierge?

You shrugged out of the thin cardigan you'd had on top to keep you from getting cold outside. The air in here was pre-heated to suit the needs of the guests.

From across the room you spotted a man making his way through the crowds, his eye pinpointed on you. Or was it the girl beside you in the red bodycon dress with the hint of alpha female in her eyes?

You turned your attention to the bartender and decided to order a drink for you and your best friend who still hadn't made her appearance from wherever she went. You sat down and drank as you waited.

You felt a tap on the shoulder and a sigh of relief overtook you. "Finally," you said. "I thought you'd never come back and I'd have to go and find you." But when you turned, it wasn't your best friend. Standing right there, looking very fine indeed, was the man of the hour. "Tony Stark..." You hadn't noticed the words leave your lips until they did.

He gave you his signature smirk and a waggle of his eyebrows. "Hello to you too," he said, making you go red. Turns out the girl in red didn't get him after all. His eyes had been on you.

He took your hand and you stood up, enchanted by him. He could be very persuasive with his good looks and charming, yet very childish, ego.

You followed him onto the dance floor where there were dozens of pretty girls, yet he chose you. You felt a sense of satisfaction in that. You'd beat every single other girl in the complex and had done it without batting a single eyelash or lifting a finger.

To say he was a good dancer was an understatement. He twirled you and dipped you in ways you'd never had the pleasure of experiencing. Then he did the unexpected.

He leaned in and whispered in your ear. "You. Look. Beautiful."

Your face flushed red. You didn't know how to react other than embarrassment. He kissed your cheek and you went even more red. You were grateful for the darkness.

After he finished making you blush like a school girl, he decided to take it a step further. He wrapped his arm around your waist, pulled you in, cupped your face with his other hand, and kissed you.

You knew he'd kissed countless other girls and that you'd probably just be a number in his eyes, but you didn't care. In this moment, nothing else mattered aside from the taste of his mouth, which you had to admit was rather nice.
This was, by far, the best kiss you'd ever experienced.

You broke apart, breathing slightly heavily.

He took your hand, and led you away.
Hellloooooo ok. This is my first ever imagine so be nice please ^^ any suggestions are welcome!!
P.s. Sorry if it's oddly spaced. It won't me just use a single enter...?

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